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TOLD YA, Getting closer

4 days off ???........

Saturday, October 1, 2016

A Miracle ...

If Donald " Babyfart " Trump.
Survives October.
It'll be a Bloody Miracle.
Going to be SPOOKY......


Anonymous said…
Hi, CD. This is irrelevant to the post but I hope it's alright. I'm not sure if you have heard of the political situation going on in Indonesia right now. Long story short there was a demonstration last Friday against Jakarta's governor after he allegedly insulted Islam, which seems to be a misunderstanding. Many people believe that this whole thing has a political agenda attached to it. For now, some parties are taking this as an opportunity to attack the minorities. In May 1998, there was a massive riot that occurred throughout Indonesia which also targeted the minorities and people are currently scared and worried that something similar to the '98 riot might happen again. Do you have anything you can say about this? Thank you so much! x
CyndiTx123 said…
oh gosh, this man….. please be gone! like quietly and out of the country….. I wonder if the women said he raped her when she was 13 will be able to prosecute him and all of the OTHE ladies….:)
Anonymous said…
So far nothing has stopped Trump! In one way or another he has survived it.
He remains competitive in the polls! I am still waiting to see what he does in the next TWO days before we vote!!!
Anonymous said…
Looks like what I saw will come to pass, woman wearing orange will do this. for all you nutters out there the outcome will be worse. Get used to "Buyers Remorse.
Anonymous said…
What will the woman n orange do and to who? trump?!!
Anonymous said…
That woman has Droped her case which made Ttump look good!
Anonymous said…
There was no gun present. A Republican who held up a Republicans against Trump sign was being beaten by the crowd-literally. In the melee someone yelled gun. Probably saved the man being beaten from greater harm as it got the SS & cops running.

My fear is that this election won't be a landslide. I don't doubt that HC will win, but I'd prefer we show the rest of the world that we overwhelmingly don't think like that horse's Rump.
Anonymous said…
FBI will not charge Hillary after the second review of her emails!! Yeah!!!

Trump is livid! Lol
Maria said…
I saw his frightened - his terrified, submissive - posture when they escorted him off the stage. So yeah, your description up above is spot on. lol What a utter and complete pathetic fraud. An orange disgrace of a man.
Anonymous said…
Trump is pulling close, just like President Mitt Romney did in 2012! Oh yeah, didn't happen....just like its not happening now.

As for buyers remorse, that is nothing new. In EVERY election, half the people are unhappy their candidate lost, and they mouth off about it at each and every opportunity. Nothing new there, nothing to brag about.

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