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nico123 said…
You made a wise choice. Unfortunately some of the comments made on your blog posts were beyond terrible. Happy Holidays & a restful New Year!
kiminicki said…
Please do 2017 predictions don't make us loyal fans suffer
Unknown said…
Is everyone too scared to predict?
Unknown said…
Are you missing a few told ya's? Like Abbey Miller from dance mom's, her sentencing.
Psychic Gossip said…
NO, ot scared ,,Cd Just not worth the effort it takes to get all the crap that gets thrown. Even though I no longer allow those comments to be posted. They still come in, CD
T. W. said…
Is the future that bleak?
Unknown said…
Damn Trump
Wish we could go back on time...
Jessica said…

If World World 3 does happen, can you see where much of the fighting or violence will be taking place?

If Trump is assassinated, will we luck out of a catastrophic world war?
Braveheart said…
People are always going to have opinions Christian. Don't let your 'gift' be lost on them... take the high road and keep doing what you're best at. You have more of us who genuinely care about you and are open to the predictions you 'see'... much love from one of your biggest supporters ❤️
Braveheart said…
Sorry to hear that CD. With all the terrible things you predicted last year that came true - I'm sure it must have taken a lot out of you mentally, physically & spiritually. Thank you for sharing your 'gift' with us. Don't let the haters stop you from doing what you were born to do. Keep your light shining brightly and continue to lead the way... Thank you for all you do and all you have done. Merry Christmas to you & Gaga 💕
Johanna said…
I don't know about the cost for your blog, CD. But I noticed a few yucky posts with names attached came on, would it be possible to 'join' your site? Perhaps a few of us could also help moderate it, if you'd like. There are posters here that offer supportive comments...and then there are the haters. With what you must navigate to offer your gift, it's just such a horrible energy drain, I'd imagine. Especially with what you see coming up...heavy times with which you must cope. I hope you are able to meditate or pray or have some ritual to renew your spirit. (I am not good at brother has found important comfort with it...I seem to default to lots of prayers instead.) I think a lot of us care enough to be a welcome group for offer you a soft place to land here, so to speak.

So...more hugs being sent your way...
Tony said…
Morning CD. I can fully understand your reasons. Are you still doing personal readings? If so I will definitely be in contact after the Christmas break. And I would like to wish you a very merry Christmas and peace and blessings to you
Psychic Gossip said…
Yes still doing the personal stuff and the daily blog stuff CD
Psychic Gossip said…
Thanks for the moderator offer someone does do that to be honest what is about to come is so dark I would be accused of stirring things up if I were to post it. So I have for the time to stick with the fluff. CD
Tony said…
Well it's that time of year again. Here I am sorting all the post and cards and parcels to deliver this morning. It's certainly a very busy time for a postman this time of year!!
Johanna said…
OK CD, I sort of thought that might be your reasoning for avoiding your predictions this time around. It's clear you are trying to help wake folks up, in your own style. While I imagine the fluff helps keep the traffic going for your site, and can offer relief from all the shadow behavior that has been unleashed, I trust you will share, as you are able, content that can we can use to help grow spiritually, and be a catalyst for the power of love and light. With such a light energy, may you be sustained as you wrestle with dark entities discomforted by your being.

I read this somewhere..."Most of the time, beings of darkness (or what the mystics call “dwellers on the threshold”, such as evil spirits and demons) spread negative energy around, to stop people from becoming spiritually enlightened." Thus, I send you this blessing:

Deep peace of the running weave to you;
Deep peace of the flowing air to you;
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you;
Deep peace of the shinning stars to you;
Deep peace of the infinite peace to you.

~ Gaelic Blessing ~
June said…
It saddens me that you've been discouraged by rude comments, but on the other hand, as what is about to come is so dark and negative, maybe it's better to not know it and live life as well as we can. Thanks for everything Christian!
Lorraine parson said…
I will miss your yearly predictions Christian. But you have to go with what you feel is the right thing to do. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and New Year. Xx
Hannibal Haze said…
Christian and everyone here; how great it is that we have found this site; can take part in it ; we're privileged and really enjoy all the humour and points of view! Merry Christmas one and all. And kind positive thoughts are never wasted however grim things may seem.
jele6 said…
I'm sorry that you that you aren't posting predictions for 2017 but I understand. I like comparing predictions from different psychics. There's one psychic that has predicted "bullets and impeachment in Washington DC". She also predicted that Trump is in grave danger.
Susan Miller said…
No worries! I wish you a safe and happy new year.
Quinhas said…
I am convinced that now Trump is in power, what Cayce predicted will definitely happen now. In fact, it is accelerated. Him and his billionaire buddies don't care.
cristaluv said…
Dear Christian,

I am gratefeful for your gifts and contributions to the world.
You cannot let the Darkness win.
Don't let negative energy dictate your life.

Sending you Love and Light,


T. W. said…
Thank you for your honesty.
would the celeb predictions for 2017 be considered fluff? and just not do any world ones?

merry christmas to you and yours! :-)
Unknown said…
From fluff... Most people are doing predictions they all seem dismal. But CD whatever it is I hope things workout. Keep on trucking, I think trump is exposing them all but his greed us going to be his biggest problem.

Happy holidays everyone! Let us all enjoy the New Year each and everyday.
Anonymous said…
Christian I'm sorry. I was sooo bummmed, but I feel inside that this year was so bleak and scary that maybe it was for the best that you didn't post them. You have been such a blessing to everyone here who reads and has come across your blog, and me as well. You're the best, funniest, warm, amazingly gifted psychic I know, and one I'm so happy and proud to call my friend :) Merry Christmas to you and Lady Gaga and everyone here <3
Hannibal Haze said…
Oh thanks so much T.W. Let's clear the fear and have total trust ;-)
Talkgirl12 said…
Hi Everyone

I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas plus don't forget to be safe and take care of yourselves in 2017.
Talkgirl12 said…
Hi Everyone

I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and don't forget
please be safe and take care in 2017
Unknown said…
Ok, well I am not a deeply religious person, but I know from studying both Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce, that the future is not etched in stone and that WE can change it. So, I have been praying, because meditation doesn't come naturally.....for the U.S. to be protected from Putin and other threats w/in espec. for NY and CA. The two cities are bastions of democracy and could be considered targets for that reason....along w/Chicago. I am hoping that many, who know the danger, are also praying and meditating to prevent oppression, extreme poverty, attacks, and basically screwing over of the people by those of power & those on the destructive trump train. I hope we can merge our good vibrations, energy, or whatever....and move through these dark days quicker and w/less carnage.

LL said…
Such a shame ; regarding the 2017 predictions. I understand, I hope that you realise , how much we enjoy your gift. Good thoughts sent.

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