Funny all throughout the elections.
Babyfart & his band of "Trumpettes".
Were saying, how Julian Assange.
Would bring down Hilary Clinton.
With all the info he had stolen.
Before he fled to London.
Now, that BabyFart appears to have won.
He seems to have gone silent on the matter.
Even as JA, appears to have done an Houdini.
Other than, Trump suggesting, that Hilary.
Has had him done in.....
Far too oblivious for her to do, plus why?
But another train of thought.
Maybe Trump and his boyfriend Putin.
Really did "FIX" the election.
So, "They" would have a reason to get rid of JA.
Remember "They" have done it before.
With a "Brolly" in London.
Last time I heard JA is still hold up in London.
A prediction, or merely a thought.
You World it out.
Quite disturbing, yet I have not heard one thing from JA since this prediction. It seems like it might be true.
I'm not a psychic, but I think they "rigged" the election. The only time someone wins the pop vote, while another "wins" the EC is a result of stealing, rigging, lying, cheating. This is the case in this election. I knew it as soon as I saw the numbers for PA, FL & NC. Today they said FL is recounting the whole state and they've found signs of rigging in WI with Chump getting 5000 padded votes in a district that doesn't have enough voters to cover that amount. MI has been "rigged" also and prior to that they have aggressively gone after people with voter suppression. I don't understand why Obama didn't make it a bigger priority to deal with the voter suppression, but maybe there wasn't anything he could do, since it is controlled by individual states.
What do you think?
Here's proof she is wrong, from the New York Times: "Six years after the Swedish authorities opened an investigation into a rape accusation made against Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, he was questioned about the matter on Monday." [November 14, 2016]
"The questions were prepared by prosecutors in Sweden, where an arrest warrant for Mr. Assange was issued in 2010, but were posed by a prosecutor from Ecuador under an agreement the two countries made in August."
You can read the rest of the article with more details:
12:04 is totally right.