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So Bright

Babyfart has decided that he's too "SMART",
to need daily briefings.
Yet, he accused Pres Obama, 
of being too busy to attend his.
One went bankrupt more than once.
One didn't.
I know who's the smarter.
Not the Orange one.........


Christy M said…
If Obama is smart, why doesn't he know that Sandy Hook was fake? Or does he know?
June said…
I am not american, yet I will terribly miss President Obama and his wife. Trump is a showman, not a president for USA. How did the americans fail to realize it? I can't understand it.
Anonymous said…
Dumpster can't handle the briefings because he doesn't understand what's being said. If it was anyone else I'd feel sorry for them.

Matilda x
Letty said…
Trump FINALLY found someone to sing st his Ignaguration. ANDREA BOCELLI
T. W. said…
Andrea is blind, so I will cut him some slack.
T. W. said…
A lot of fake press about Hillary was put out. Her emails allegedly show she does not like Catholics, Southerners, and "needy Latinos". People judged her based on her husband Bill. People judged her by the company she kept. Hillary, like other Democrats, is for abortion. The Christians do not like this and most of them vote Republican anyway. I guess they forgot the part in the very first boom of the Bible where God gave mankind freedom of choice.
Christy M said…
If you studied Sandy Hook, you know it was staged. If you believe Sandy Hook was real, you haven't studied it. It's that simple. It was an intelligence community psyop and there is ample proof in the MSM video archives. Why doesn't MSM tell you then? Because they are government-controlled. The CIA/shadow government took over our government years ago. Anyone who is truly educated in America politics knows this. Most Americans just watch mainstream news and read government-endorsed/sponsored Snopes, etc. Which is just the way they want it. You have to branch out into independent news to know what's really going on in the world. Yes, many are loony tunes, but many are not. Keep in mind that the CIA, etc. plants many of the "truther" videos to make the entire community look crazy. You have to put the time into it to find out what's really going on in the world; that is, if you have the guts for it. It's very, very scary when you learn the truth. At first your mind will not want to believe what you'll find out because it requires a huge psychological shift, and it will hurt your brain to realize you've been brainwashed all these years. Once you see the truth about 9/11, Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon bombing, the Pulse nightclub shooting, and so on, you will be depressed for a long time. Believe me, I know. It takes guts to go there. But our country and the world needs you to wake up. BTW, I'm not a Christian or other religious fanatic, so don't put that label on me when you attempt to dismiss what I'm saying here.
T. W. said…
I bet you believe Trump allowed a homeless woman to stay in Trump Tower. That story has been debunked.

If no shooting took place at Sandy Hook, where did all the people go?

I agree that 9/11 is an inside job, but not for the reasons the conspiracy theorists put forth.

Just because you believe something doesn't make it true.
Unknown said…
Christy, I agree that we all shouldn't take what the media says as truth and run with it. This is why I am always open to hearing another perspective, and everyone should be as well. We should do our own research. Why do you believe Sandy Hook, Boston...etc were fakes?

I do think some are scapegoats...especially with the Somali that stabbed people. Com'on, there were talks of we shouldn't accept them in the country and then all of a sudden one stabs people. That one is a bit much for me to believe it wasn't a setup.

And yes T.W. God gives free will. He's the only one that can take it.

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