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The Exodus, begins.......

As "Babyfart" & his gang of "Trumpettes".
Continue to reek havoc on,
America & the rest of The "World".
Let me tell you a little secret, 
that normally I won't tell.
Someone I know who is a bigwig on Wall St.
Is ready to leave not just Wall St.
But the USA.
Well, they won't be able to make money with "Babyfart" in charge....
So I bet they're the buying the "BULLETS"
Silver, no doubt ?......


Anonymous said…
Do you have a time frame when the bullet will reach Ttump?
Anonymous said…
Something good has to happen to wake us up from all of this.
The Original Sarah said…
Yes darling, a timeframe for the silver earrings?
Anonymous said…
The bullet may be a whole lot of Richie Riches leaving the US, pulling their money out of the stock market, and depressing the US economy.

You can bet the Chinese will be cashing in their stock. This could also be a lot more countries, Saudi Arabia, etc. Any country who has rulers who have dealt personally with The Donald, and despise him, will order their upper class to pull out of the US market.

Maybe hard assets leaving too, like gold and silver. As CD keeps hinting, "Silver". He is making all of this clearer and clearer!
No gun needed to kill the economy.
Anonymous said…
your loosing half your audience....don't you have anything else to bitch about!
Anonymous said…
Wondering if the bullets could be the recounts going on, when they reveal that the election was rigged?
Psychic Gossip said…
Re Loosing audience.due to me bitching. Not true, in fact the numbers are going up. But regardless of that FACT.
Anonymous said…
Right on CD, don't worry about the trolls , who are just rude bullies. You are kindly sharing ur gifts and insights. Those that appreciate far out way those who troll you eg ann. 4.07 am. Go away you annoying mosquito . Cheers Ozgirl
Anonymous said…
Cd can you please predict a time for the magic bullets!

It looks like he will make it to the White House! He is now legally trying to block the vote recount in the three states!
GreatBuysForYou said…
I like what he writes and enjoy this blog very much. By the way, predictions isn't someone "bitching". If you don't like a prediction or comment - move on.
Anonymous said…
We love you, Christian. Hope you have a good day!

Anonymous said…
Ignore the hater CD and let your skill do the work.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 4:07 -- can we please lose you???? We are all inviting you to go away. CD -- please keep talking on Trump and ignore this a-hole.
Anonymous said…
It's the time of year I visit a whole lot of websites for astrology and predictions for the coming year. Noticed that anytime there is criticism of Trump in the comment sections, one of his trogs hit the site with a "you're going to lose your readers" comment. Must be the latest tactic from the dead-red zombies. And there are a zillion complaints about Trump.

I checked it out, and CD's site stats are steady as she goes. No drop-off.
Hugs to all the bright shining stars who come here!

Anonymous said…
Sarah Palin is pissed off about Trump's botching of the Carrier deal. Ford now wants a deal like Carrier got, too.

If the mother grizzly bear is already fed up, this does not bode well for him.

T. W. said…
Christian, I hope you and all who come here are well because this year has sucked for me and my family.
Anonymous said…
Sending you hugs, CD...and prayers that things are easing for your family too.

The troll assumes that 1/2 of the US favored Trump. Not so, as the popular vote continues to roll in.

~ Johanna ~
not to change the subject, but has CD said whether he has decided to do 2017 predictions or not? I know we all hope he does and voted for him to! :-)
Anonymous said…
Trump opened up a can of worms giving out deals to companies! Now they will all want one.
Anonymous said…
An assassination is NEVER "something good." Hard to believe people are rooting for this.
Anonymous said…
By the way, it is "wreak havoc", not "reek" havoc.
Psychic Gossip said…
Re "REEK" clearly your not from Yorkshire CD
Common Sense said…
In full agreement with Anon @ 10:39 PM, I don't get that either. I think the individuals that are making these comments are not really evil to wish someone to be assassinated, I think it is more about their ignorance.

Go back in the history books and read about when Martin Luther King or John F. Kennedy was assassinated. It's not pretty, it's horrific, and the families and the people of the country were in deep grief.

Assassination is not something to make jokes about or wish upon someone. Revenge is one of the deadly sins. Have we become so desensitised to wish an individual to be killed? Violence begets violence.

Martin Luther King was a truly a leader among men and women of all religions, beliefs, and colour. Please take a moment to read some of his famous quotes:

It's hard to believe that in 2016, we still haven't got it right.

Like I said, history repeats itself...
T. W. said…
Revenge is not one of the seven deadly sins. Murder is not on that list either.
Anonymous said…
I'm unsure if a bigwig leaving Wall Street is a sign of bad things....hear me out. I got myself professionally accountacy qualified. The difference in my fulfilment working in finance for companies providing services e.g.making products that everyday person buys or eg healthcare vs my experience working in finance buying/selling paperless trades of stocks & shares in forwards/futures/hedges & ....basically selling on loans & promises me, the lattter is fake/false &a I do believe those finance systems have led to too powerful money men & shadow governance. Ok I know philanthropists reinvest their wealth back but .... for me, one less Wall Street trader may not be a bad thing, not any particular individual, just the money printing profit chasing ethos of what Wall St represents.Finally, when markets go down that's when the rich buy. It's not linear that markets go down & whichever rich investor pull out. They may do opposite, buy more & own MORE of your country's "family silver"/ financial "assets". Just think long & hard about what YOU truly value in a free & fair society.. Guard your values, no longer look for someone else to give you the answers. Especially the sh**media shaping their chosen agendas (truths/facts not a necessity for them)we seem to have in U.K. & USA. CD has very truly/wisely said it is going to be very rocky. But I've learnt to trust me 1st for my own morale compass cos I checked in with myself. That's what I've learnt in the last few months of presidential elections. Kind regards to all.
Anonymous said…
True NicQuerica. I don't wish him death, I just think he is not doing what he is told to keep safe. He's angering more and more people with each passing day, and this stupid "thank you" tour is really about stoking his own ego. He is addicted to crowds now and his "team" and the GOP just let him do it and don't try to reason with him, which proves they are as irresponsible as he is and also unfit to lead. By not pressuring him a little bit more about what is proper and what he should do, they are, in effect putting a target on his back as their inaction.

I just think that what is surrounding him right now, is a recipe for disaster and it gets worse everyday. He is literally putting himself right in the line of fire.

Anonymous said…
People hate the poor more!! Why don't you talk about them? As there is more of them, they have it alot worse then being gay.
Psychic Gossip said…
Do you read this blog?. I ALWAYS TALK HOW BADLY THE POOR ARE TREATED........ as for the GAY thing, the Anti Agy being written into law... and people agree that's the sick part.
If you wish to keep posting your comments on MY BLOG, an apology for the POOR Slur would be nice CD
Anonymous said…
CD sorry didn't know anything about Anti Arg stuff, sorry about geting your back up.
Anonymous said…
TW, when I prayed that you be given a wonderful blessing, I heard a little voice say "OK". The prayers from your many friends here have been heard! Hugs, HRH
Anonymous said…
We love CDs distinctive syntax and spelling, but 2:12, I haven't heard about any new anti pirate laws coming round the bend.
Arggg, HRH
T. W. said…
Thank you HRH. I receive this. I thank you for caring, that blesses me.
Anonymous said…
TW, it was the first time I ever "heard" a reply to a prayer. Didn't know if I should include the odd detail of hearing "OK", but it was a definite message. I'm already happy for you!
T. W. said…
Thank you for letting me know. You have no idea how much this means to me.
Common Sense said…
Well, I stand corrected T.W., however, Revenge should be 8th deadly sin. It's self-destructing, bad mojo (as NicQuerica said), and adds to karmic debts.

That's why we shouldn't worry too much about getting "even" with bad people, they always get their due.

What goes around, comes around!

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