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Pussies, galore ..........

 So as Babyfart, tries to distract us yet again.
 Today, by deciding to visit the C.I.A.
 The very people he keeps telling off.
 He's done this to get the "Media" to focus on him.
 Not the marches, around the World.
Well, it won't work.
These marches are going to piss him off no end.
Just wait for the "Twitter" rants to start.


T. W. said…
Yes, the marches were discussed at length on both local and national news.

One of the local reporters asked a protester where she was during the election and why women did not March at that time. He was basically saying what they were doing is too little, too late.

Trump's actions tell us what he really thinks about women. I hope those lily-white "Christian" women who voted for him are happy.

Trump signed an executive order to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). There is NO replacement. Millions of people are now without healthcare. I hope those hillbilly crackers that voted for him are happy. Now they can't afford healthcare either. Dumbasses.

Watch the very people who voted for him complain because his policies hurt them. It's not like Trump hid what he was going to do. Those people did this to themselves.
June said…
I can't wait to read the Big Kid Trump's tweets! "Women are overrated" sort of? Today is a glorious day, I can't feel any prouder of being a woman!

Am I the only one who has the feeling it's all an entertaining show for Trump? A few hours ago, when I saw him signing papers at the White House it looked exactly like an SNL skit, I even felt embarrassed...
Letty said…
I almost feel like this is the beginning of the end for Trump!

He is on his way down the hill he climb.
Talkgirl12 said…
Mmm it is going to be an interesting year
Anonymous said…
Hahahaha. The Woman's March is an amazing movement and the numbers who turned out speak for themselves. Meranwhile back at the WH - The first press conference with Sean Spicer was spent yelling at reporters about misinforming the public about Trumps inauguration attendance (they didn't). His first subject is his attendance - WTF? He is totally unstable. Bat shit crazy. And obvious for the world to see, completely incompetent. And the GOP continue to prop him up. Such a sad corrupt mess.
C said…
There's no denying it. Even the Goddess Kali made an appearance.
Anonymous said…
He had a temper tantrum that the National Park Service (who used to officially give crowd estimates as part of their duties) retweeted a pic that was used by both a NYTimes and an AP report showing the difference in the crowds between Obama and Rump inauguration crowds. He made the NPS take down the tweet, and canceled their ability to tweet. Now the NPS can't send out road conditions and weather hazard warnings in remote areas via Twitter.

I had tuned into the march a few weeks ago and felt a wonderful energy. I really wanted to be there, but was taking care of a sick relative and missed the window to make travel arrangements. I turned off my tv and news outlets on line yesterday. No way was I going to give the day's activities any traffic or ratings. I tuned in this morning to see the march, and no one had it. They all were covering the prayer service. I turned it off, and waited. I knew what was coming, and I sat and smiled, bouncing from one network to another loving the coverage. The mall camera gave two shots at a little after 12 for both yesterday, and today. No comparison. He's seen the shots of his draw and Obama's. The figures from 09, '13 and today from the DC transit authority show him in last. He knows, and he can't handle it.

I loved that a few dozen women got together in Antarctica to make sure that protests were on all 7 continents. This was not just a US thing, it started last night.

Every reading I do on his presidency doesn't bode well for him. They've indicated disaster and short term.

Yesterday's Executive Order can't overturn Obamacare. It can only encourage US agencies to deregulate as much as they can by law. For example not fining individuals who do not obtain insurance.

If everyone who was moved (even in the Rustbelt) to participate in today's rallies were to call their congressmen and senators to voice their opinions, and do it often, we won't see much going on in DC.

I know the CIA employees were there voluntarily, but I wonder how many who know saw up close and personally how unbalanced he is will be working to uncover more of his unsavory and illicit ties, in spite of whomever the new director is.

The NYTimes also admitted today they had much of the dossier info, and the knowledge that a FISA warrant was sought before the election and they chose to sit on the story because of pressure from the FBI. So glad Comey is now under investigation for his role in all this.
T. W. said…
Trump is being entertained by the protests because he knows it is too little to late.
Sana said…
Who's got the sweetest disposition?
One guess -- guess who!
Who always always starts an argument? (Woman: Hmmmm?)
Who always shows a bit of temperament?
Who's always wrong but never right? (Donald: Yeah?)
Who'd always dream of starting a fight? (Donald: That so?!)
Who gets stuck with all the bad luck?
No one... (Donald quacks angrily) but Donald Trump! (Donald: Yeah!)

Unknown said…
A lot of lily white women showed up today marching..
you didn't vote for Hillary if I recall? Am I wrong please let me know. So you also did this to yourself.
Melic21 said…
so good to see such a large turn out and a united front! the trump show rolls on ...
June said…
Trump saying "I luv you" to the CIA agents made me laugh my as off!
Unknown said…
Thinks he is still on the campaign trail.
Says to self hey it worked before
Let me keep doing it
And the cheering to the boy king at every speech
Lol insane
Kay said…
I am a lily white woman and I voted for Clinton, and have been a supporter of hers for 8 years.

Jessica said…
To Sandy,

I was at the NYC protest yesterday and there were many people, woman and men, of all races in attendance. I can't speak for how the other protests in other cities went, but all "lily-white" women would be terribly inaccurate.

I'm sad, angry, and frustrated that we got to point of Trump in office, but this sort of cynicism of presuming only white women were at the protest is the same sort of cynicism that permeated the election last year, and as consequence gave us Trump.
T. W. said…
White women were more likely to vote for Trump.
T. W. said…
Thank you for sharing.
T. W. said…
All kinds of women protested.

I was talking about the white Evangelical women who vote Republican because their pastor or their denomination tells them to. I apologize for not making myself clear and by implying I was talking about all white women.
T. W. said…
Word on the street is the Social Security program will be dismantled. Us little people will have to work until we die.
T. W. said…
Why didn't they march before the election? My best guess is no believed Trump would win the presidency.
T. W. said…
I fell into the hate trap and did not make my thoughts clear. I apologize for this. Many thanks to those of you who pointed that out. Know better, do better.

Let us continue to express love towards ourselves and each other. Let us recognize our wrongs and make positive changes.
C said…
I believe it TW. The energy was amazing at the rallies. I'd say more but I don't want to give away too much (a part of me feels that someone is watching our comments)....
Unknown said…

I was also in NYC and saw all colors shapes sizes of women. It was glorious. It's ridic to even say that word Lilly White that was my point.
It's time to stop it.
That was my point.
Unknown said…
TW Awesome post

We all need to come together to stop HATE
Regardless of color race or creed
I'm from Jamaica 🇯🇲 our motto
Out of many
One people!!!
This punk low life con artist POS!!
Call your senators tomorrow jam up the phone lines
Let our voices be heard
Don't like a Nominee complAin
Problem in your neighborhood complain
They work for us
Vote in every election
If I have to stand on a line for hours I will
Enough -- of this lying ass
Sana said…
Saw this today on the news its swedish so you gonna need google translations.

It reports about the beginning of his fall. And something mentioned about Putin - that Trump is exactly like him.

Perhaps he won't be in office for long....
Tony said…
T.W Here in the UK our normal retirement age was 60 for women and 65 for men. Now its 67 for both and the younger you are..The higher it goes..69!! Work to you drop does spring to mind!!
T. W. said…
I am sure our comments are being monitored.
T. W. said…
Thank you Sandy B. I did not believe you were trying to be mean. I feel you were trying to get me to think about the error of my initial post. I am not mad.
NicQuerica said…
I can't understand how the white poor working class could have possibly thought someone like Trump was really going to do anything for them. This man was born rich, to a millionaire father. What the fuck does he know about struggling to make ends meet? He also signed an executive order to boost the mortgage rates, making it even harder to buy or pay for a home.
NicQuerica said…
Indeed it is too little too late. What the hell is marching and protesting going to do? Does anyone really think that's going to change the trajectory of what's coming? Is Trump suddenly going to get an attack of conscience and say "Hey these women are right, let's make sure their rights are protected"? He's the President now, he feels he can do whatever the fuck he wants. And he's almost right.
NicQuerica said…
This whole thing with Trump as President is one big unbelievable shit show. The man is incompetent. What did the people who voted for him expect?
T. W. said…
Hi Tony! I am sorry to hear this.

I think people cannot draw social security until they are 72 years old. Social Security ran out of money a long time ago. Our government prints money and borrows from Peter to pay Paul.
T. W. said…
Some of them belong to white supremacy groups. Some of them vote Republican because their church told them to. I cannot speak for the rest, I am just as baffled as you are.

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