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Just for Easter. .It's still PR, people.

A journalist asks RP if he's going to marry, "Twigs".
You can "See" his reply.
But if you missed it.
I'll translate.


petra07 said…
She is not the one for him then.
Me said…
Do you see the end date for this "relationship"?
Me said…
Do you see the end date for this "relationship"?
Anonymous said…
XD I can't wait until they finally are splitsville and he finally finds the right one. Christian, I'm not gonna lie, I'm beyond sick of the PR crap, and you know why.
T. W. said…
Thank you for my laugh today!
Unknown said…
Sori being a clairvoyant myself i dont "see" and yet in near future. We are not always right there are many possible futures.
kiminicki said…
no idea what he sees in her if its not PR
Jessica said…
In order for R Pattz to find the "right one" wouldn't that mean that he would also have to give up on engaging in PR relationships himself? So maybe he's not interested or invested in finding true love at the moment...
Unknown said…
Apparently rob was at Kate Hudsons birthday party in LA a few days ago and the word on the street is that rob left with the another woman. So what is up with that one CD hopefully this PR is over so rob can move on with his life without Twigs. But I have a feeling that Twigs isn't going to let go of rob just yet.
Lol Hopefully this is over now because if they are trying to convince other people that it's real then they are crazy.. because both was in Cannes last month and they definitely didn't show the RT fans love lol but now since being back in London together theirs been no sightings of them together...

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