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TOLD YA. Trump fires COMEY........

Formerly with Trump, now with the FBI

Oh "Babyfart",
 is in for an interesting week.
It's going to seem very long for him.
As he awaits to see, what beans Mike Flynn, 
is spilling to the FBI.
Here's clue.
"It's NOT GOOD".............


chris said…
OK CD: WTF is going to come of the investigation? Is Trump going to Trump the intelligence community? I am out of my mind right now with anger and fear. This guy is a monster!
Unknown said…
Holy Hells Bells! I think I am in a little shock. Granted, that Comey has made some serious blunders but it is CLEAR that he fired the man because he is worried about the Russian investigation. I mean he is firing anybody and everybody that might squeal on him. This should disturb EVERY SINGLE American. And, anybody that does this has something MAJOR to hide. Like something that would be classified as HIGH TREASON! I shudder to think of who Comey's replacement might be. I agree with Chris. WTH is going to come of this investigation? We seriously have a psychopath running our country.
Letty said…
hi CD what happens now that Trump fired Comey??
Jessica said…
I definitely believe Comey should be scrutinized and demoted for the way he handled the Clinton email scandal in the election...given that he chose to highlight Clinton's emails but not the information concerning Russia and Trump.

However, his firing is also terrifying because it exhibits the reckless, totalitarian, power given to Trump, especially when the FBI were investigating him.

I hope that many of the Americans that voted for him, and even the many that didn't vote at all, realize how big of a mistake this was handing the election to Trump.

Unknown said…
Letty,Chris:what happens?They all need to be fired.If Donald Trump does not fire them,USA has war and jihad everywhere.
I know them.False, stupid Casanovas:without good work and dignity.They would like to have career are too stupid for to have an career.
Very week personalities.

Unknown said…
Diana:It is not firing everybody,anybody.That new one should be fired too.
I can explain you the situation.I will.I will love my work.
T. W. said…
Trump was right to fire Comey. Obama should have done so but why would he do that? He still lives in Washington and has members of the intelligence agencies doing his bidding. If Comey has dirt on Trump he should tell it.
Jessica said…
Trump was "right" to fire Comey? Is it not highly suspicious to fire someone while they are currently conducting an investigation/probe on you?

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