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Drum Roll

She's back....
TW will return Wednesday...


C said…
TW is beautiful. Welcome back!
quiet said…
Oh My Gosh.. She is Soooo Pretty. Naturally Beautiful.
I dont know where she went or why but glad to hear she is back. I guess I am still kinda new around here and keep to myself.
Tony said…
Fantastic news!! And she is absolutely lovely!! Welcome back TW!!
Kristy said…
Yay TW! Welcome back! Beautiful picture
Hannibal Haze said…
What a lovely thing to include a photo and how radiant she is.
God bless as T. W. herself says ;-)
petra07 said…
Lovely to see a pic of T.W and it is great to have her back.
CyndiTx123 said…
Welcome back pretty lady!! Your getting a fan base that cares for you - just like we do for CD!! Much love and happiness to all!!


CD- Thank you for all that you do!!! Your a blessing to us.
Hannibal Haze said…
Great to see a photo, she looks radiant.
As T.W. herself would say, God bless ;-)))
kiminicki said…
Tw looking good.
Welcome back ive been missing your comments
Apple Monkey said…
Wow TW! You are so pretty! Good bless you and you have been missed! Can't wait to hear your comments. x
BellaMonroe said…
Beautiful Lady!! Missed you T.W.!!! Glad you're back!!!
T. W. said…
Hi everyone! I missed all of you and I thank you for your kind thoughts, prayers, and well wishes. Thank you for the compliments, too! I think you all are beautiful! We are all unique expressions of God’s love and creativity and it is my prayer that all the blessings He has for you manifest in your lives!

I thank you all for patiently waiting to hear about the Adam Lambert + Queen concert take took place July 31 in Washington DC at the Verizon Center. This will be in 2 parts do to limits in the comment section. Let’s get to it!

The center was very cold and security was extremely tight. We got mid-priced seats and they turned out to be the best seats in the house! Strobe lights are used during the concert and lights flash, etc. so if you are bothered by this beware.

Adam took time to honor Freddie Mercury and everyone appreciated video of Freddie being part of the experience. I have never heard Freddie sing live but in my opinion Adam Lambert made me forget about him. Queen needs to keep Adam on payroll.

The show started late and we could tell this was not intentional. Adam appeared to be tired but he gave it his all anyway. He sounds lovely in person and his banter with the audience was great! Adam, Brian, and Roger all sang beautifully. If you ever get a chance to see and hear them live please do so. Do all you can to go, this was not a concert, this was an experience. I also recommend purchasing a DVD of the tour if it becomes available. There were some videos and animations playing in the background and some were interactive. Brian May spent a good amount of time talking to the audience and he even took a panoramic selfie with everyone while on stage! Oh! John Deacon was not there BUT the News of the World Robot was featured prominently and made an appearance (40th anniversary of the album)!
T. W. said…
26 songs were sung. Adam came out looking like George Michael, right down to the shades and hairstyle (Faith album). FABULOUS! Adam, Brian, and Roger did change clothes during the concert. “We Will Rock You” was first, then came “Hammer to Fall.” He could keep up when he sang “Stone Cold Crazy,” I don’t know how the band is able to perform that live, it is very fast paced! “Another One Bites the Dust” came next and Adam dedicated “Fat Bottomed Girls” to all the fat a$$ bitches, ha ha! I think he sat on the robot’s head during “Killer Queen” and commented the robot gave great head. Okay, well next he sang his single “Two Fux” which everyone loved. “Don’t Stop Me Now” (I personally don’t like the song) and “Bicycle Race” came next, complete with a pink bicycle. Roger sang “I’m in Love With My Car” and I found a new appreciation for his talents.

The funny part comes next. Adam did a great job with “Get Down, Make Love”, including the moaning part. The film playing in the background was borderline risqué as well as the moaning. Children were in the audience and the band was aware of this. Having said that, the parents should have known what they were getting in to so I do not blame Queen. Next was “I Want It All.” Brian spoke with the audience and sang “Love of My Life.” At one point a video of Freddie singing part of the song played and everyone was moved and deeply touched. I felt the song had deep meaning to Brian even though he was not the one that wrote it. “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” followed and then the Drum Battle! Roger and Tyler Warren alternated playing drums. Some humor was involved of course and I bet Phil Collins is jealous of Roger ha ha!

Roger and Adam sang “Under Pressure.” Roger did most of the singing (gave Adam a chance to rest his vocals) and he did very well singing David Bowie’s and Freddie Mercury’s parts. I remember thinking during the concert “I wished they had put Roger Taylor on lead vocals more often.” He sings that well. “Who Wants to Live Forever” along with the intro to “You Take My Breath Away” came next. I think Adam sang that by himself, I don’t recall Brian May singing his part. Brian’s guitar solo “Last Horizon” and the guitar solo that followed were so BEAUTIFUL! Part of the stage rose and it looked like the robot’s hand was lifting him up. We were also able to travel through the cosmos. “Last Horizon” is a sad song and is played at every concert.

Let’s see. The robot joined us for “Radio Ga Ga.” I believe that is its favorite song! “Bohemian Rhapsody” came next and you know the crowd was ready for it! As you all know or may have guessed part of the video played for the “I see a little silhouette of a man ...” part. Even so, I do not remember them performing the song in its entirety at the concert.

To conclude the concert, Adam sang “We Will Rock You” and “We are the Champions.” As you may have also guessed, the concert concluded with a recording of “God Save the Queen” and the band taking their bows.

In conclusion, Christian was right to tell us to purchase concert tickets right away. I am glad I listened and my sister and I had a wonderful time during it! We sat behind two Germans and talked with them. It was wonderful to see people of all ages, colors, and nationalities enjoying the concert! There were no fights that I know of and yes, beer was served. I hope I have not forgotten anything. Everyone stay blessed!
Apple Monkey said…
Hi TW! Welcome back! You look beautiful in that photo. Glad you had a great time at the Queen/ Adam Lambert concert. It sounded great. Sending you lots of love xx

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