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TOLD YA Hooking pays......

Aide, code for TART..... Promotion ahead ?

Hope Hicks, Trumps director of strategic communications at the Whitehouse.
Is one of his longest serving "Aides"
She's a former model/PR person.
My bet she's his "Bit on the side", as they say.
Perhaps we should congratulate, Babyfart...
At 70+ plus.........
He has at last found a Non Immigrant to do what.
Till now, only immigrants would do..
SCREW HIM............


quiet said…
This just turns my stomach. What is wrong with this Hicks woman?
jele6 said…
Give us more! Does Melania know? She's probably relieved that she doesn't have to sleep with him. Will there be a scandal over this?
kiminicki said…
DD is that for me?
I'm trying to help somebody who I think is in an obsessive , manipulative relationship. I'm having so many feelings put on me from spirit and I'm under psychic attack from the ex girlfriend who is still around. Is it worth helping him can he walk away or will he play me? can he be trusted is it worth helping or will he still go back.
I'm having to leave the gym whilst I can ive never felt so bad I feel drugged and bewitched and insanely jealous I thought it was the dead wife because she doesn't like the girlfriend but I think its the ex girlfriends feelings to me.
Is he worth saving and putting myself out for or will he still go back to her.
I feel sorry for him he has aspergers like my son and ex I don't want to be with him long term I came for somebody else . His ego is the aspergers as is the routines. Is it just that for some reason I want to be special to him. Ive never felt so mezmerised by somebody.
Spirit say its ok to ask for help. I don't believe in trying to break people up but I think its control, obsession, manipulation, desperation etcwith her to him.
Apple Monkey said…
Hi Kiminicki . Sending you a big hug and please look after yourself. x
kiminicki said…
Ill take that as continue to walk away and leave the gym. Good thing he has only shown me how to work a few bits of gym equipment.
ill let them battle it out
kiminicki said…
That was my first ever male friend it went really well. So much for my councillor saying try to make friends with a man.
CyndiTx123 said…
Melania wanted to divorce him prior to him running for President... He said to her it looks better if they stay married... yada-yada-yada....He we are today.... Don't know if the marriage will last during his term in this presidency... Just a disgrace of a president... He is sooo nutty. My mum is 75 and she is very forgetful, etc...He is 70 sounds irrational - all the time... wonder about his's not functioning right... dementia... something....

Kiminicki...what will be will be. You need to be clear headed when dealing with your friend. You need to let him be and make his own decisions. Keep it very platonic and friendly. Meditateb -clear yourself of the negativity... Even if it means to work out at different times, but you need to protect your sense of being...Besides- you have answered your own questions... Let them battle it out. Because you don't want to start a relationship when there is one hanging in the background... Good luck and prayers... Your strong and will pull thru this. I feel there is someone better for you- so keep an open mind and pray about it. Hugs!
kiminicki said…
There will be somebody better I have known for 10 years and moved countries and given up everything. Yes I'm going soon gave my notice in yesterday
Apple Monkey said…
Kimincki, how are you? Cyndi I can see has given you great advice. I would suggest the same. Keep your boundaries. If your gut is telling you to stay away then do it. If you feel that you need to leave the gym, then I do think that the Higher Power has spoken and trying to protect you. You sound very kind so I imagine the guy concerned has also seen that in you. It may be that you had to meet him and teach him something but need to follow your own path. x
Apple Monkey said…
Cyndi - I read that in a blind. There must be truth to it. He's so orange!
Apple Monkey said…
TW - big hugs to you.
CyndiTx123 said…
Love & HUgs Apple Monkey and your advice to Kiminicki was right on!!

So CD, I think you have assistants.... me and apple monkey -giving caring and thoughtful advice.... Now need to TW back into action...

Love and Hugs CD! Love me some Buttons too!
Apple Monkey said…
Lol Cyndi! Love and hugs right back at you xxx
Lol love the idea of being an assistant to CD! Thinking of ya TW xx
Love our CD community. Keep safe everyone xxx
kiminicki said…
Thanks for the advice I'm just concluding a couple of months work now.
Should be out by the middle of next week.
Hope I get it right.
Apple Monkey said…
Wish you all the best Kiminicki x
kiminicki said…
Thanks Apple Monkey. Tomorrow is the big day
kiminicki said…
Did my first ever consultation its taken me 14 years of proof to believe 100% in spirit.
Completely emotionally drained.
Hope the person listens ive done my best and its taken months of trauma and emotion to do it.
Don't know if I got everything right sometimes people do n0t say what they are thinking so maybe that bit of proof was right but he decided not to say it maybe he thought it.
To much of a ladies man for me I'm far to good and innocent
T. W. said…
God bless you Apple Monkey and Cyndi! Hugs received!

kiminicki, I agree with all of the advice. I want to add you cannot fix everyone nor is it your job (I am talking to myself too). You will wear out real fast, I know. People have to cooperate with God. Yes, God works through people however I see you are emotionally involved in a situation that existed before you knew the people. The best thing to do is to ask God to do a work within the people and to ask Him to send help in a form they can and will receive. I pray things have gotten better for you already.
kiminicki said…
CD I got my proof last night.
Some of these strange thoughts are him towards me the jealousy when I talk to other men the bewitchment the being mezmorised , hitting on me didn't work like it works with most women and depriving me of attention isn't getting the result he expected. Am I right he will want to meet again when I don't return to the gym where he is as he expects me to.
Am I safe?
Now I'm really worried as he knows where I live
kiminicki said…
CD OMG is it her that's in the abusive relationship and is scared of him and daren't leave. If it is I have to do something I cant just leave her in it. I did a whole big thing on stalking. I was in an abusive relationship with my son with aspergers who was 6ft 4 and 20 stone I had years and was terrified I had to remove him in the end although it almost killed me as I loved him so much. what can I do should I talk to him
kiminicki said…
CD I don't understand all this paypall crap but seriously if its him physically abusing her put yes on so I can try to get her out I know what its like
kiminicki said…
Ive got to stop him using me as an excuse to leave her because she is mentally ill and all the stalking stuff is how she will stalk me and she is dangerous will probably stalk both of us hence the GPS TRACKERS SHE COMES OVER VERY WELL TO OTHERS.

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