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A Gale will blow....

What do Trump aka Korea & May aka Brexit,
 have in common???.
It's a smoke screen to cover way worse crap.
But like all smoke screens.
One day the wind blows.


Jzgie said…
Theresa May hiding what? his incompetence ?
T. W. said…
Something worse. THEY want our attention on things like Brexit and North Korea. Things are going according to THE PROGRAM.

Ask yourself why the news media did not tell us Homeland Security was conducting a drill in Las Vegas 5he day of the shooting. A British media outlet reported it then next thing we know the Harvey Weinstein scandal comes out. We are still talking about that but not the shooting. Ask yourself why the people who stated there was more than one shooter mysteriously disappeared.
jele6 said…
I wish that the wind would blow soon.
Jules said…
When is all this nonsense going to stop?
Jzgie said…
TW, I saw a video of Joseph Magi on Youtube about the Las Vegas massacre. It's really interesting, he's talking about several people, he was not alone.
T. W. said…
Thanks Jeannine!

I looked him up on YouTube. I decided not to watch because he uses cards to divine information. This is dangerous. Yes, the images on the cards tell a story. However spirit beings are attached to them. These are the spirits you never want any kind of contact with. They will do more than tell you the future.

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