I ask for light and protection.
To surround San Francisco and it’s people.
So that the planned troubles.
That those that wish to hurt.
This amazing City and residents.
In the coming days.
Be stopped and/or fail.
Please add your name and thoughts and prayer.
In the comments below.
We can do this.
We of light are stronger that those of the dark.
I ask that the protection you have commanded over the city of San Francisco, its inhabitants, and its visitors manifest in the here and now in the physical realm. I ask for supernatural protection over the city, the inhabitants, and its visitors. I ask that you help law enforcement do their jobs. I ask that people with the power to stop the planned attacks use that power to do so. I ask that you soften hearts and minds and gently nudge people to draw closer to you through Christ Jesus. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Thank you for offering this group effort CD. Love and blessings to all!
We ask you to surround the city of San Francisco with protection and your goodness and light. We ask that its people remain safe to go about their daily lives without fear of attack from evil people with different agendas. That peace will remain throughout and love and good will overcomes the forces of darkness where ever they are.
Protect San fantastic Frisco.
~ Johanna ~
I call upon our Source of Creation/God
I ask for your light and protection for the residents and visitors of San Fransisco. Guard our First Responders and firm their intuition. And lastly, let those who wish to do harm be exposed in the light and brought to justice.
Thank you and Amen.
I Niecy C. pray for the safety of San Francisco residents and those that are visiting around the holidays and the next few days. I pray those that cause harm and to choose to do harm be stopped in their mist in such terrible things. I pray no one gets hurt and that if people are heading to where it may happen that something stop them from attending that area of San Francisco or slow them down or wake up late. I ask their angels protect them. Distract them somehow - in Jesus's name - Amen. God bless them all, God bless you CD. AMEN