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TOLD YA Still at it....

Once cheater, always a cheater. x 2

seems to be ignoring the fact,
 that hubby Kevin Hunter 46...
Has been in a long-term affair with 32-year-old massage therapist, Sharina Hudson.   
For more than ten years,with this tart!
I wonder what Wendy will say, 
when she finds out about the other one........


kiminicki said…
Thanks CD I was just wondering with my friend but then you know that.
quiet said…
Today I watched her show for the very first time. She is very on top of her game at work discussing other peoples issues.

Should be interesting to hear her speak about her own personal issue in the future.
CyndiTx123 said…
Wendy just fainted on her show and I guess the husband stress is getting to her. She calls out other famous cheaters, etc. She needs to take a step back and see whats important in her life... her son of course but with this habitual cheater? I am sure she can find a better guy for herself.....
T. W. said…
Stop sniffing coke and you won't faint...

Wendy got her start in radio. She was mean and nasty. Some of the gossip she helped to spread should not have been told. She made some enemies because of this. Look at the guests she has on her show. People don't want to be on it.
kiminicki said…
CD I'm a desperate mother are they going to find somewhere decent for my son to live in the last place they showed us I wouldn't put our dog
Psychic Gossip said…
THey will quicker than u think CD
T. W. said…
God bless you and your son kiminicki. We are pulling for you.
Unknown said…
They were saying the side chick looks pregnant too. Poor they say, look in the mirror first. I know she must be so embarrassed especially after talking about everyone else's relationship drama.
CyndiTx123 said…
Prayers and love Kiminicki and your son. Just stay positive and I pray that all good and peaceful will come your way in the U.K. I just got goose bumps sending prayers your way. Hugs!!
kiminicki said…
Thanks CD just seen the message and Cyndi

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