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2018 PREDICTIONS.......

     Christian Dions’
       2018 PREDICTIONS.
                Composed between November 14th 2017  8.41am 
             (Partly on a plane not my favorite place ha ha)
               Finished December 14th 11.59pm. Los Angeles Ca

 Let me say this as I begin this task. By the time, I have to write the Predictions for 2019.......
 President Trump will be gone. But don’t let them fool you. If you think he’s been a monster so far. He’s going to be worse in late 2017 & 2018. The Blue touch paper has been lit????

So I was pondering the 2018 predictions. 
This came into view re Trump. Not pretty but I felt needs to be posted now.
 Rather than wait till the rest are done.
Trumps plan is to really start a full on conflict with North Korea.
 You could say nothing new there CD. I agree...But there’s more.
He plans to either get them to attack “Us”.....
If that fails he starts attacking them:
He then plans to place “Us” under. 
“A State of Emergency”
Thereby stopping freedom of the press and media. 
He then can introduce all kinds of restrictions. 
So that he and his cronies can take complete control.
 All this so as not to get to the bottom of the “Russia Thing”.
In essence creating a “Dictatorship” that can’t be stopped...
Clearly a page out of Hitlers playbook in the 1930s.
Now some will say “Oh CD, don’t be such a Drama Queen....
Well, I’ll be in good company.
 As people in the 1939s said the same to Winston Churchill.

 So here’s the good news......
The World is not going to end.
The bad news.....
It’s going to be a very bumpy year, very bumpy.
There is going to be a lot of heart ache.
At times it will feel like that we are not going to. Make it.
We will.
Once over those bumps, the changes that follow.
Will begin to get us to start to be nice to one and all.
As well as starting to take proper care of the Spaceship we call Earth.
There are many very nasty events ahead in 2018. Mostly down to terrorist events. 
Which will reach places that have in the past, never have had such horrors.
Along with a couple of terrible weather events. Then there’s the shaking.
California is right in the bulls eye this time I’m afraid to say.
I also get the sense that across the globe. 
The weather is going to be barmy...
Cold where it should be hot, as well as hotter.
Hot where it should be cold, as well as colder.
Yet, still those in power won’t or don’t want to accept we have a problem.

In a sentence, things are going to go from bad to worse. 
With the crowd of no caring self centered crooks that are in charge.

Cabinet ministers. 

3 The Rt Hon Theresa May MP. Prime Minister, 
Can’t see her surviving to be honest.

4 The Rt Hon Damian Green MP. 
Looks like he’s for the chopping block. I sense a scandal brewing. 
(Other than the ones know)
He’s going to be very angry.
He’ll claim innocence ha ha...

5 The Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP. 
The MP who can’t get the script right. 
Oh yes, then there’s the racist stuff about to be exposed....

6 The Rt Hon Amber Rudd MP. 
She seems to think that she’ll be the next PM..
Not unless she joins the Labour Party.

7 The Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP. 
Odd for sure, more troubles even worse than 217.
Then again great promotion.

8 The Rt Hon David Davis MP. 
Just like the Brexit mess, he’s a mess personally. 
About to loose it.

9 The Rt Hon Gavin Williamson MP. 
Looks like he’s got a promotion ahead.
Plus “real” leadership in the future.

10 The Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP.
Another one who shows rising to the top in the Troy swamp.

Leader of the Labour party: Jeremy Corbyn. ...
Tough to start with but good in the end, if he listens.

12 Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer: John McDonnell. ...
Nasty piece of work. About to show his true colors.
Mind you I don’t see him going away, well not far enough.

13 Deputy leader of the Labour party: Tom Watson. ...
I see something stopping his career in its tracks. 
Although in time he’ll return, stronger.

14 Shadow home secretary: Diane Abbott. ...
I don’t see a good year for her, after as bad 2017 was.
 I feel she was hoping to get back on track. Not going to happen.

15 Shadow foreign secretary: Emily Thornberry. ...
Deputy PM in the years ahead.

16 Shadow Brexit secretary: Keir Starmer. ...
One of the good ones. Let’s  hope he survives the next two years.
If he does a winner.

17 Shadow health secretary: Jon Ashworth.
If he stays true to his roots, good, very good.
But there are temptations in 2018/19 ahead for him.

Paul Ryan.
He will need to watch his back in 2018. here are some very big knives about. That even he doesn’t know about. As the year begins.

If they “ALL” don’t grow some “BALLS” they will be implicate in the downfall of the USA.
Mind you they will still “ALL” blame Hilary/Obama.

Until they get their act together they don’t stand a chance of anything.

21 Mark Zuckerberg . 
Baby on its way. Major upset business. 
With near fail.

22 Graham Norton.
Rough year, but I feel “HE’LL” survive it, if not a little bloody & Bruised.

23 Ryan Reynolds.
Although his career is pretty much on solid ground. His private life is another thing. Hopefully he’ll listen to loved ones, if not...

24 Justin Bieber.
 If he doesn’t get rid of his “Spiritual” advisor, 
he’ll be broke and in the gutter. 
He believes "JC" is in his bedroom.
Sadly he’s not....

25 Sarah Huckabee-Sanders.
 “IF” she gets past the New Year celebrations. 
She won’t make it to Easter.

26 Leonardo DiCaprio. 
It feels like he’s sitting on the very edge of a major breakdown.
If he let’s this happen, there’s no return.

27 Elon Musk. 
He needs to pay attention to his business. 
Not just the PR side of it this year. 
Or he’ll see the whole thing flop.

28 Adele. 
Even more hits for this superstar this year.  
Along with signs of a new baby.

29 Nicole Scherzinger.
As the feud between her and Simon Cowell gains speed.
He’s in real danger of loosing her as a judge. 
Or it’ll cost him a couple of million to say “Sorry”

30 George Clooney
Odd this but I sense more babies, not sure though whether he bottled or draft..
Also bad news to how good people think he is…

31 Tom Hardy. 
A movie he films in 2018 brings an Oscar later.

32 Taylor Swift .
Another Pop mistress that need to change her ways. ex’s Diva, more nice young woman.

33 Harry Styles. 
Career wise seems good to start with.
A bump, a fall then reboot. But privately major decision to be made.

34 Simon Cowell. 
New Show idea flop. Karma, well need to make amends for pinching best friends wife. 
But I feel he’ll survive. Signs of another baby.

35 Katy Perry.
A bit of a learning curve across the board for Ms Perry. I just hope she’s in learning mode.

36 Lady Gaga.
Comeback year in a major way. As well as a movie role, that will when released wow the sternest critics.

37 Shawn Mendes. 
Should make sure private texts/pics are deleted. Or, most of his friends, will be SHOCKED.

38 The Kardashians.
2018 is the year that even this bunch of trailer park trash.
Push the boat out too far. YES.....

39 Drake.
Not a good year by years end. Too much ego. No “NO” influence.

40 Selena Gomez.
Simply put NOT GOOD.....

41 Beyoncé.
FINALLY... she’ wakes up and gets rid of all that “EXTRA” naughty weight she’s been dragging around for years...

42 Tom Cruise.
Well, believe it or not his team will find him a “girlfriend”.
Mind you this one, will be the best paid....

43 Tom Daly.
Well, this is the year Mr Daley wakes u. To the fact that the “MAN” he married is a CHEATER, always has been....

44 Blac Chyna.
As she heads lower and lower into the gutter. She will attempt blackmail.
For a while it will work, then...BINGO...the courtroom...

45 Rob Kardashian.
Time for his family to really help him. He’s back on the drink & drugs. Doesn’t look good at all

46 Scott Disick.
I don’t see him, beyond, 2018/19…

47 Miley Cyrus.
Over 2017, she has gone from strength to strength. I hope she keeps it up. But........

48 Sir Ian McKellen.
VERY MAJOR HEALTH troubles. Will need to be quick...

49 Lord Sugar.
Another one about to be whisked up in the “Naughty Boy” behaviour revelations.

50 Kate Moss.
An expose, will bring her career to. Halt.

51 Ant & Dec.
In general better year ahead, than behind. But the marriage can’t be saved......

52 David Beckham.
Divorce, or at the very least the reason....

53 J.K.Rowling. 
Another “sideline” hit of amazing writing.

54 Naomi Campbell.
The Karma Gods have got “Madam” in their sights. It’s going to be such fun.

55 David Tennant.
A wonderful year year in career. Even the chance of an Oscar, 
if he does the film he has been told not to do....

56 Paul O’Grady aka Lilly Savage.
Both of them need to watch their health, not good.

57 Jude Law.
Back on top career wise... romantically, errrrr...
to so much.

58 Eddie Izzard. 
Big , big changes, good ones too.

59 Ryan Clark-Neal.
Has a big hit on his hands... this year with his new TV show, with OAPs’.

60 Don Lemon.
Very nice changes ahead, if he accepts. He should he will.

61 Mel Gibson.
After his recent appearance on BBC Graham Norton. He’s also about to get scooped up in the Hollywood sex abuse expose.
No surprise you say.
Ah, but wait till you see the accuser....

62 Anderson Cooper.
If he doesn’t get Kathy Griffin on his New Years Eve show. He’ll suffer in the career dept, badly.

63 Dame Shirley Bassey.
Need to take extra care of her health. Shes a stubborn Old Girl. But this time she needs to listen.

64 Rebel Wilson.
Her ego always BIG. Will take over and almost destroy her..

65 Russell Grant.
New TV show, will if left to him be. Massive hit....

66 Victoria Beckham aka Posh Spice.
Exposed for the “FAKE” she’s always been.
Freeing Hubby....

67 Johnny Depp.
More money woes ahead, He’ll win against the managers. 
But romantically still a mess.

68 Sean Penn.
Back on track career wise. But not privately..

69 Dame Judi Dench. 
Big award, but health troubles.

70 Sam Smith.
After going through a few rough months personally. He’ back on track.
Just watch how he blossoms in 2018 and beyond.
Much great music to come from him.

71 Dame Julie Walters. 
Major hit, movie. Surprise play.

72 Idris Elba. 
Award keep on rolling on. Plus writing & directing.

73 The Weeknd.
If he doesn’t quit the drugs. He won’t see 2019.

74 Ricky Martin.
As Ricky & his Hubby to approach their Wedding.
There’s a ”New” baby on the horizon too.
To add to their brood... think pink..

75 Andy Cohen.
Mr Bravo is in for a bit of a rough year. He is going to find just how clear minded with memory Ms Karma is...

76 1 Direction.
A reunion, then not a reunion. Then an excuse...Then a big disappointment for some...

77 Jennifer Lawrence.
Miss actress, seems to be on a bit of a road to a major fall.
I sense that she’s beginning to believe her own PR.
More than ever.
Maybe the “Dark People’ Have grabbed her “Soul”.

78 Piers Morgan.
At last, this idiot. moron is about to be revealed for the “PIG” he truly is..
The media will have a field day with him.

79 Tamara Ecclestone. 
She shouldn’t let the recent “Success” of her reality show, go to her already swelled head.
She’s got a very rough year ahead. 

80 USA
Although things are very rough, considering who’s in charge a bit of an understatement.
But, even though there. Is going to be a lot of trouble, many mass shootings, terror attacks. Including the biggest ever on American soil. Plus many more revelations about how bad the leaders have been and still are. There will be a revolution of sorts. 
Riots in the streets.
Not exactly bloodless, but it will bring about the changes that are needed. It’ll take most of the year, but things will change..
However people do need to get off their arses or it won’t.

Well along side the Brexit cock up. It’s looking like 2018 is going to be one of the most disastrous one on record. We all know that Spain is already in big trouble with lots more to come. 
Then there’s France, Italy & Germany all of which are going to have to deal with many, many troubles. 
As one of the previous goes down the tubes.

Changes for the better government right are in line for good old Aussie. Thank God.
it a couple of terror attack are also on the way. One will be stopped at the last minute. The other sadly not,
making history as the worst in Australian history.
By the way even though the Equal Marriage,
vote was a great result. Now written into Law.
But, be aware........
Plans are a foot to derail it...

It looks like the people of Asia are in for great suffering in 2018.
Some of it due to nature that can’t be avoided.
But most down to despots in charge.
Resulting to massive demonstrations in the streets, 
that lead to many, many deaths.

The good news is that there is no danger of the Aliens, 
turning up in 2018.
Well at t he moment they sit out in the vastness of space.
Watching what we do to each other.
They see that we are in no danger of troubling them.
We are way too buy killing each other and treating each other like shit.
All they have to do is stay calm.
We will destroy ourselves.
Saving them a lot of time and trouble.

Those who believe the latest change leadership in Africa. Will make a difference. It will for a while. But in the end it will be even worse. Sadly.....
One Tyrant replaced with the apprentice he trained. 
How can that be good.

A couple of big deaths in store for the Royals in 2018. 
One not a surprise, the other a big one.
Mind you there is the birth of a new Royal as we know. 
Help keep the numbers up.
So now we know there will be a “Wedding” in May in Windsor.
If it goes ahead, still not convinced.
About Harry and his foreign actress friend. 
But if it should... 
The result will make the Princess Diana,
saga look like a kiddies tea party.
Oh, by the way....
If you think the recent revelations about Princess Margaret.
Are the end of it....
Think again.....
Way worse to come ....

The powers that be are going. To give the media a bad time in 2018/19. But it’s a bit of a flash in the pan.
What it will do. Is get rid of the right crap that is pumped down the public throat....

Wall St & The City...
Just think 1929.....
Then the rich ego driven arseholes that support Trump. 
Will turn against him...
As I sit in Blackpool continuing to write the predictions.
The DOW hits 24.000 (Nov 30th 2017)
Trump and his believers seem to think that this is a good thing.
Well, to repeat the above THINK 1929.
Now by the time you read this, the following may have happened.
If not, it’s close.
“What goes up, must come down”
But this crash will make the 1929 one.
Seem extremely shallow....

This con once again is talking hold. This time it seems to be sticking. 
Well. The glue is very strong, not so much superglue, more like flour & water...

It will almost be be a miracle if Babyfart start the Year in power. But then again miracles do happen. I mean he did cheat and steal the seat in the White House as we all know. But Mr Mueller has all the evidence he needs to take POTUS down at the time of writing this. But come Easter he’ll have much more. But the real fun part is, we’ll begin to see what Mr Mueller has in his arsenal. The very safe that Babyfart and his bunch of morons can’t get into ha ha. If the “State” visit to the United Kingdom (which I can’t see LIllibet signing off on) were to go ahead. The riots in the streets across the country. Will make the riots in Maggie Teachers time. Look like a funfair.

Is up to mischief, yeah I know he always is. But this he thinks is a master play. Kinda staying in office, then not. 
Bit like he did a few years ago. Remember being leader, the 2nd in command, then leader again? 
But this time it backfires....
He’ll get it to begin with, then...
The one who take over will be a big surprise....

This arsehole will press that naughty button, but it won’t work well. Starting his downfall.
(He may have done this by the time these predictions are published)

The events of 2018 will be the beginning of the masses turning away from the structure of the “Churches”.
Moving toward a more true and Spiritual path.
PS Those “Evangelicals”,
you know the ones that claim to be “Good Christians”
But are just money grabbing devil worshipers.
Well. They are in for a MAJOR REVELATION.
That they didn’t see coming this year.
Karma at it’s very best....

If you thought 2017 was a mess in regards to Brexit. You are going to love 2018.  No matter what date Madame May sets to exit. I won’t happen. In fact it appears that she start the New Year as PM. But won’t be by the end of it...

By December 2018 there’s a new government.. LABOUR. Well, that is going to piss off a few.  But once they get settled in, it will be an improvement. But, let’s hope they don’t let their ego go to their heads. Or, by Spring of 2019, they would be in danger of loosing.
After spending sometime at my parents home in the north of England. 
I was shocked and saddened by the lack of hope, 
that has fallen on the people. It’s truly shocking.           
Granted most of, It is due to the current TORY government.                                        
 But, to be honest the other lot aren’t doing enough to sort it out. It’s as though the general public have been thrown to the gutter.
 With no vision of hope to rise up again. Other than what can only be described as the “RIOTS” to come. Oh yes I said riots. It’s not going to be pretty. If these do take place, then it will spread to the whole of Europe. With France, Italy & Spain taking the brunt of it all.

If he hasn’t “YAKKED” by the time this is published. 
He is one the edge to do so. What fun it will be.

Ivanka has a choice coming in 2017. Whether he stays with the “FIRM” or goes with the “Hubby” Why? 
You ask....
Well “Daddy” is going to throw “son in Law” under the bus.
But, I feel Kushner will beat him to the push....

Well, if you think we have seen the worst that we could in this area.
Times the last 70 decades by 10.
Which will equal what will take place in 2018 and beyond.
Granted Trumps’ ‘Moving VAN” didn’t help.
But he’ll do even more in the coming year.
Just to stir the pot, even more....

If he opens up..
Stands a very good chance of living in the White House.
(Mind you did predicted this Dec 24th 2013)

If he thinks 2017 was a rough year. He better get ready for the very rough times ahead in 2018/9

It may seems the producers they have a good one this year.
Well, ratings will be good.
The the show a complete and utter mess.

After having had a bit of a rest. He’s back big time this year. Mainly due to the fact, he can no longer keep quiet.
Over Trump and other stuff. It’s going to be great fun. Watch the fight amongst the talk show hosts to get him first.
My moneys’ on Bill Maher.



T. W. said…
That was fast! I hope you can rest easy now.
T. W. said…
God bless you Christian!

#19 - HillBama are not in office, how and why would they blame them? Probably because the sheeple believe the lies.

#21 Screw FaceBook.

#24 Blind items claim Justin is sleeping with his spiritual advisor and they also share women.

#25 Sarah Huckabee Sanders and the rest of the Republicans can screw themselves in the butt with a dirty ding-a-ling.

#26 Never liked diCatchaho.

#30 Never liked Clooney. Don't like his she-male wife either. Just come out.

#34 Word on the street says Simon Cowell fathered one of Cheryl Cole's whatever her name is children.

#41 Don't like Beyonce. Jay-Z is on a losing streak.

#42 Dear Church of $Scientology and Tom Cruise: I need money. I will keep your secrets provided you pay me and do not attempt to program me. CONTACT ME NOW.

#44 I would rather be around all the Kardashians than Blac Chyna.

#50 I wonder what will bring down Coke-Kate.

#54 Word has it that Naomi and others smuggle diamonds.

#61 Dear God, please bring swift justice. People who suffered because of Mel Gibson and others have waited too long. Some are dead.

#62 Gloria Vanderbilt's baby doesn't need more money.

#66 Please, let Posh Spice be an android...

#72 & 73 Good for Idris Elba. Prayers for the Weeknd.

#75 GOOD. I despise Andy Cohen.

#77 Word has it she willingly sent the nude pics to Harvey Weinstein.

#80 I thought we were bankrupt. Oh! You mean financially, not morally. A lot of us want to do something but don't know what and/or how.

#80 - 83 I am tired of the killing and the suffering. Some people need to disappear but the innocent, the do-gooders, etc. always go quick.

#85 Does anyone know how we can help Africa? I am serious.

#86 I bet horse face, pardon me, Camilla has plenty of juicy stories. Lilibet's days are numbered, could be why she is allowing the sham marriage.

#90 Someone is wearing a wire. I am in susPence.

#93 I am a Christian and I am all for exposing the "bad apples." People have been hurt by religion since the beginning. I guess the "Christians" forgot the part in the Bible where Jesus threw the money changers out of the Temple.

#99 This is good news.

#102 People are missing King Obama. As long as he is honest and provides solutions he can reveal whatever he likes as far as I am concerned.

I am for real about meeting Tom Cruise. Church of $cientology, contact me NOW.
Anonymous said…
Thank you CD, I truly believe Trump’s nuclear war plan will be thwarted by far more enlightened beings including us. I feel very sorry lots of people will feel in turmoil & threat. We could remember to hold torch of courage & compassion for each other in those darker moments. I will. Thank you for warnings. Much love & respect, LH, London
kiminicki said…
Thanks C didn't realise Blackpool was that inspiring
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much, Christian, I so appreciate you sharing your gifts and predictions with us. Blessings to you and yours this Christmas and in 2018.
Anonymous said…
Any more Henry Cavill readings? Will he finally meet the one (future love lady)?
Anonymous said…
I fear for our country, but also know that we must keep positive. I want 45 and his cohorts out of office soon.

Apple Monkey said…
Wow CD. Thank you so much for the predictions!
Yannie said…
thank you for Sharing your gifts to the world..
Anonymous said…
Oh no. I hope Dicaprio will be alright!!!
Arshes said…
Corbyn as PM? Oy. No doubt his ego is gonna to get the best of him and they'll lose their win. From what I've seen leftists always let their ego get the best of them.

And your prediction about the dems mean we won't see the dems take back Congress?

I'm not surprised. The rose brigade seems to be pushing for Dems to lose so they can say I told u so. Will they ever Learn? They did the same thing in 2000 with Gore and now Hillary. It's awful to see them drag people like Doug Jones.

What of Bernie Sanders and the Clintons?

And what's in store for Canada?

And thank you again for this Christian.
ziggy d said…
thanks for the predictions CD!
sounds like major shifts in consciousness are going to happen on a global scale!
hopefully it will all be for the best and people will realise that we are all in this together and we need to look out for more than just ourselves xxx
Anonymous said…
Could you do one on Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan please?
Jzgie said…
Thank you for your CD forecasts, rest easy.
Good luck to the Americans and the English.
Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively, I always found myself playing.
Justin and Selena bah good luck for them, it's sad.
Dicaprio I'm sad for him.
I wish a lot of success to Adele, Ricky Martin, Idris, Sam Smith JK Rowling.
Africa unfortunately corruption will kill this continent
Royals bring popcorn in both cases.
Bitcoin was created for the trafficants.

Have a nice week everyone.
CyndiTx123 said…
Love, Love, Love U CD and all the hard work you put into this. Please get rest and take care of your health since it takes a lot of your spiritual being. Happy you got to spend time with your family at your parents home in the UK. I bet Buttons and Lady Gaga missed you. Thanks again Cd! Hugs & Love to all that love CD as well!
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much CD. You mean her husband in this: "gets rid of all that “EXTRA” naughty weight"
Cordelia said…
Thanks Christian for shining a light on some dark places. You don't realise how much you are loved.
Anonymous said…
Thank you T.W for your kindness. I am feeling so much better. CD - thank you for the predictions. It was kind of you to do them. From Alex S.
Anonymous said…
could you do one on Brad Pitt (& his Kids) and his Ex Jolie (Oscar?) please?
THANK YOU VERY MUCH, best regards!
Anonymous said…
Thanks CD. Do predict about Canada as well. Will it be safe ? And will conservatives win next time or Trudeau's party?
T. W. said…
You are always welcome Alex S. I do feel the change in you.

Dear Christian, we all hope you are feeling better. We appreciate all you do to help bring light to the world. I pray we all use the power we have to prevent the evil. If the evil cannot be prevented I pray we soften the blow.
Unknown said…
T.W. ...haha, you have me rolling here. Too funny!
Thanks a lot CD for doing this. I truly hope we don’t have a terror attack as bad as you say. It’s disheartening. Why do we do these things to each other? Some people don’t even treat animals as bad as they do human beings. We need prayers for healing.
LM said…
Thanks CD for doing all of this for us knowing how much this takes a toll on you and we really do appreciate it. T.W. love reading your comments. Sorry I haven't been able to get on here as much as I would have liked this year as I have been really busy selling my house and buying another. I have Moved from Australia and now living in New Zealand. CD is there any way you could do a prediction on New Zealand.
Apple Monkey said…
CD hope you had a lovely time with your family.
Tony said…
Christian..Thankyou so much for these predictions. I read these before I went to work this morning. Here in the UK the government is an absolute waste of time. And I hope that in the USA things will get better. I love your country and absolutely loved my stay over there three months ago. Let's all get together and pray and hope for a better future. Bless you Christian
Honey badger said…
Thank you, Christian!
Anonymous said…
Your prediction of aliens and UFO's coming from the White House is a bout to come true. Better late than never....but there is a catch. Merry Christmas Christian....
T. W. said…
Congratulations on your move LM!

I am glad to be of service to all the Friends. The book of Proverbs tells us laughter does good like a medicine.

I hope to read more comments from all the Friends. Everyone stay blessed!
Anonymous said…
WOW, thanks for the 2018 update
Letty said…
Well done CD!! You are awesome 😎
Jules said…
I was not expecting to see your 2018 prediction today! I know you were reluctant to do them and I just wanted you to know that I cannot thank you enough for changing your mind and I really am truly appreciative of the effort and time it must have taken to put together this list. It really is a privilege to be able to have an insight of forthcoming global events and I just needed you to know how grateful I am. Thank you so much.
Talkgirl12 said…
Hi CD Thank you for these predictions. May I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and have a safe New Year. Please keep doing what you do as it helps to know that their is light at the end of this dark tunnel that we seem to be in at the moment.
quiet said…
Wow Wee CD
Thank you sincerely for your energy gift and time to write all of this out.

That Naomi Campbell one should be narly.. She was sooo bad many many times
Susan Miller said…
Thank you! Happy Holidays to you and yours
kiminicki said…
love you C you are so wonderful
Anonymous said…
Here's hoping that Leo Dicaprio takes care of himself. He is the only actor that I happily pay to watch repeatedly on the big screen (ever since the days of This Boy's Life).
Rummel said…
Thanks CD this is your most comprehensive prediction set yet xx it is much appreciated xx
Anonymous said…
What about these sexual harrassers? Will they go to jail? Weinstein and allen for instance?
Pragya said…
Can you elaborate what you mean by "anderson's career will suffer if kathy doesn't do NYE"? How/why will his career suffer? Also, when will Kathy get a dose of karma. She threw CNN and Anderson under the bus, then played the victim, and is now getting major publicity, while sitting in her 11 million dollar double gated home. When will her karma catch up with her?
Unknown said…
Yes Yes Yes Christian.

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2025.... PREDICTIONS !!!


Alexandra Grant. More lies? Did she forget she married another person 10 years ago... & is still married... UPDATE...

  I had a dream about Alexandra Grant. (Which in it's self is disturbing)   This is what I saw in the dream.   I SAW...   Alexandra Grant   is married. Not to Keanu Reeves.  T he marriage took place around 9/10 years ago on the  East coast of America.  (Not New York City)   I Saw She was in a  very close relationship with this  "Person" I See she was paid to do this... The person she is married to is of dubious character...   This person has been  "Away"  for quite a while...    (If you know what I mean)   This person is threatening to return..   She will...   To expose the marriage & other criminal behaviors  they both had a part in.    As I write this.   Keanu Reeves & his team.  Do not know of this.    Alexandra,  knows is still legally married. Has her head in the sand. Hoping it will go away...   STAY TUNED...    MORE TO ...