I had a dream about Alexandra Grant. (Which in it's self is disturbing) This is what I saw in the dream. I SAW... Alexandra Grant is married. Not to Keanu Reeves. T he marriage took place around 9/10 years ago on the East coast of America. (Not New York City) I Saw She was in a very close relationship with this "Person" I See she was paid to do this... The person she is married to is of dubious character... This person has been "Away" for quite a while... (If you know what I mean) This person is threatening to return.. She will... To expose the marriage & other criminal behaviors they both had a part in. As I write this. Keanu Reeves & his team. Do not know of this. Alexandra, knows is still legally married. Has her head in the sand. Hoping it will go away... STAY TUNED... MORE TO ...
No disrespect to katy at all here but Lionel has decades of skill in being the most of the this group of three to be appointed a judge for singing talent. This dude goes back to the Commodors. I would be mad as hell if I was Lionel too.
Did you know Katie tried to purchase a convent? The nuns did not want to sell to her and did everything they legally could to block the sale. The law sided with Katie. Who does all they can to make nuns miserable?
I never knew Katy Perry was locked in a legal battle with Nuns over purchasing their convent, this is beyond distasteful .. thank you for telling me about that. Given all the negative publicity that was generated from this, I would have thought she would have simply just walked away as any other rational person would, how very bizarre that she dug her heels in and clung on tenaciously to this property. Regardless of any satanic connections (and there are countless theorist articles/videos floating around regarding Katy Perry and other musicians being Satanists, and selling their souls.) it speaks volumes about her as a human being that she would consider taking Nuns to court, never mind spending literally millions prosecuting them so that she can purchase their convent.
What an absolute debacle for the Nuns, I sincerely hope they appeal and do not have to pay her a single penny in compensation.
Something really strange is going on here .. Why would any court award that ludicrous amount of money for this … people sustain life-changing injuries and get a fraction of this money yet she, merely because she was stalled from purchasing a property two years ago gets awarded millions in damages, seriously what for? If she was to be awarded anything it should have only been her court costs but no more.
Do you know the reals REASONS God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah? The answer is found in Ezekiel Chapter 16 verses 48-50. I will list them in the order given (New Revised Standard Version). Notice the last reason God gave:
1. Pride
2. Had excess of food and prosperous ease (good economy) but did not help the poor and needy
3. The inhabitants were haughty and committed abominations in the sight of God