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All things "GOLDEN"......

 So "Babyfart" cancelled his trip to the UK.
He claims it was due to him not agreeing with Obama!!!
NOT TRUE............

It's because he wasn't going to get a ride in "Lillibets" .........
Golden Coach. 
Remember he likes "GOLDEN" things...
 He should remember that the First Elizabeth...
Got rid of the last Scottish "Mary"....
Maybe QEII has the same plans for him........


Anonymous said…
Trump also canceled going to Harry’s wedding, according to the Daily Mail.
Anonymous said…
Panic in the streets of Hawaii! The population gets an emergency alert on their cell phones from the State saying a ballistic missile is inbound and they should seek a bomb shelter. People said they thought they were going to die. Pandemonium! 40 minutes LATER the State sends out a message that it was an error.

Thanks, Trump
Anonymous said…
Hehehe made me chuckle Oops! đŸ™ˆ So tired of him always trying to discredit Obama. The Monarch has spoken - I'm questioning why I even live in the US, I should go back to Europe... Let's see, hope your Trump 2018 predictions come true!
Jzgie said…
I believe that Trump is capable of making a crisis of madness live
Anonymous said…
Not yet in London news . Assuming it happened.....Despicable!! Disgusting! How inhuman ‘they’ must be to purposely send terror to Hawaiian people. If media report it was a technology hiccup - who built the technology without the Safety. I pray those affected get together & throw out those behind the scene dealers., If it’s false reporting , then get the State to sue the media company.if it happened in ‘my backyard’ i’ll be using my power to be an Ellen Brokavich (hope spelt name right) to expose. It is year of Exposure for era of Renewal (towards MLK’s/ Yeshua Ben Joseph’s teachings) & pulse of Rejuvenation of Hope❤️ & Love .This nuclear thing, this mass terror thing, are steps I draw the line on. Immoral Leaders with their immoral cronies who are loyal to the higher bidder. Disgusting.
Action, protest, hold to account, that ‘they’ can’t get to avoid karma.LH, London.
Anonymous said…
BBC reported it. Alert system needs fixing - yeh & MORE.
We shouldn’t take it laying down.
LH, London.
Anonymous said…
Hawaii incident was Horrible! Videos of parents lowering helping their little children into SEWERS to try to save them. Cars going 100 miles an hour down neighborhood streets to get home to loved ones. Screaming panic in the hallways of hotels. Parents and kids in the bathtub because they had no shelter to go to, praying together as they though death was coming. Hawaii is Obama’s home state....insane get my drift?
Anonymous said…
Thank you Anonymous for sharing a picture of the pandemonium, Please share any info on follow/ups, local media may do more honourable role than the corps. GOD bless Hawaii to bloom serenely. Lh, London
Anonymous said…
The site has a thread about the Hawaii panic that has many eyewitness accounts. Of course, as people will do when the incident is over and they feel relief, some of the remarks were very funny and made me laugh.
T. W. said…
Reddit is cray cray! You can spend all day there if you are not careful.

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