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Can't wait.... arrest coming..

The pig that is Harvey Weintstein..
Is putting on a PR campaign.
To try to discredit Rose McGowan......
Good Luck with that Harvey ha ha.
You just have to wait to see what other eveidence.
Ms McGowan has...


T. W. said…
I am thrilled she has evidence. Time to bring down the rest.
Letty said…
I love Rose! She is very brave and strong to continue her
Fight against this sick monster!

Thus pig should be in jail by now!!
quiet said…

I am not psychic but look at those eyes. Yuk.. His eyes read he has behaved like a school yard bully his entire life. Douche bag eyes.
Jules said…
I would not be surprised to discover that this incredibly sick, arrogant vile human being has been busy blackmailing and paying off fellow actors and anyone else in the industry to ‘support’ him. But, he just doesn’t get it does he. He can plough millions and he more than likely is into a thousand cleverly tailored hate campaigns and weave many different tales to try and discredit Rose, but she is just one voice amongst many, his days are numbered. He needs to face the inevitable which is he is going to jail for a very long time and hopefully, his victims will sue him for everything he has.
Anonymous said…
As long as men,rich men won't go to JAIL for sexual crimes nothing will change. Nothing. These kind of cases are the best examples why men want to be powerful, they want it not only because they want to have money to buy luxury stuff, they want to have power to use,rape, sexually harrass women and don't go to jail afterwards. And if weinstein goes go jail and he loses the money, it will be a sing that something is changing,and maybe if other men see it they will think twice before they decide to sexually harrass women. It's all about money. sorry for my English.

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