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TOLD YA, GG, next Oscar...

Novemember 2017 The Darkest Hour

This is going to be a smash.....
Gary Oldman as Winston Chruchill.
Just in time for Thanksgiving...


Jzgie said…
I think Gary oldman is an excellent actor, he can easily transform himself
T. W. said…
Gary Oldman is a fine actor.

Having said that,

I detest these award shows. We should give awards to great teachers, doctors, nurses, humanitarians, etc. The sheeple would rather give out awards to people who play pretend for a living. And we wonder why Trump got elected.
Jules said…
Well deserved, he is an absolutely brilliant character actor.
CyndiTx123 said…
My hubby and I go to the movies once a year and movies in the past were Cold Mountain, American Hustle, Lincoln to name a few.... We watched this incredible and on the edge movie that I love love love!! I do hope that Gary gets his oscar which is over due for his acting talent. I recommend everyone to watch this movie. It's an incredible movie that now makes me want to watch Dunkirk. He was an incredible person during his time which UK needed and actually the world. Just watching and getting an idea of how Churchill was going thru was very tense. I can't say enough how great this movie is!! Also now one of my all time fav's!! Also, a new neighbor wh9o bought my old neighbor's beautiful home i finally got to meet...who is very british and lived in my town for a lot of years.... Family is part of the royal jewel maker.... I asked if his family was making any jewelry for the new bride, he thinks that they are part of some of that... which is sooo incredible and now I have a new friend!! Yes, I told him I am a royal nerd... and anything british! Love ya CD!
Tony said…
I haven't seen the film yet. It's advertised here and it looks pretty good!
Anonymous said…
what do you predict for that complicit Trump supporter, Roseanne Barr who has a new show coming up? Its sickening that she flipped from Bernie to hardcore support Trump.
Apple Monkey said…
Aw Cyndi u r adorable. That’s so neat u are a royal nerd and love you too!
Can’t wait to see this and well done CD!
Apple Monkey said…
Agree TW and don’t even get me started on the honours system here in the U.K....
T. W. said…
Hi Apple Monkey! We don't get the British awards shows here. It's all about Hollywood you know.

Anyone else notice that Rose McGowan, Mira Sorvino, Roseanna Arquette, and other women directly harmed by Weinstein were not invited to the Golden Globes?

Anyone else notice some women claiming to support women's empowerment showed a lot of cleavage and what not? I thought we are to be accepted for our minds and talents instead of our bodies.
Apple Monkey said…
Hello TW. Sorry I meant the honours / titles sir and all that. I agreed with your lovely comment about doctors and nurses etc. People who knighted here should be genuine people who make a contribution in life. Instead some of the people that get knighted are useless politicians. Last year, one of the titles went to the old pm’s wife’s dresser.
CyndiTx123 said…
Love u T.W. and Apple Monkey! I now noticed since u told us T.W. about the ladies that Harvey had molested and tried to destroy their careers...not on the Globes.... I wonder why...... Rose is having to sell her home because she fighting Wein-franken-stein dude... Sad that Hollywood let these big heads take advantage of the innocent... young male stars as well... Karma is gonna get these evil doers!
Jules said…
I have just read up on the British honours system, which is a means of rewarding individuals' personal bravery, achievement, or service to the UK and the British Overseas Territories. The are three types of award: “honours” which are given to recognise merit in terms of achievement and service, “decorations” which are given to recognise specific deeds and lastly “medals” which are given to recognise service on a particular operation or in a specific theatre, long and/or valuable service and/or good conduct. Nominations for awards can be made by anyone, these nominations are then reviewed by the honours committees which are made up of government officials and private citizens from different fields, who meet twice a year to discuss the candidates and make recommendations for appropriate honours to be awarded by the Queen. 2,700 people are awarded each year, (with 1,350 people awarded at New Year, and 1,350 on the occasion of the Monarch official birthday).

Apple Monkey .. I wholeheartedly agree .. some of the choices … namely, the choices of the Prime Minister are farcical and highly questionable. The reason why Cameron’s wife stylist was given that honour was that a departing prime minister is allowed to nominate Prime Ministers Resignation Honours to reward political and personal service. I have just looked over this New Years honours list and I am pleased to say that the clear majority of honours have been given to ordinary people doing extraordinary things, and that awards have been given to teachers, doctors, nurses,
Jules said…
TW .. I am waiting for all these A-listers to actually put their money where the mouth is and really show their support for Rose by helping her out financially as she is now having to sell her home to pay for her legal fees in her fight against Weinstein.
T. W. said…
Thank you for the clarification Apple Monkey! As an American I am completely confused about Queen giving people titles/honors like sir, Dame and whatever else. I still do not understand why Europe has Lords, Ladies, knights, Dukes, etc.

I got a glimpse into both heaven and hell. To make a long story short everyone will be surprised to find out who ended up where. Hell is hot, Jesus saves.
T. W. said…
Didn't Jimmy Saville get honors?

As for Rose, THEY are not going to help her. Nothing will change. Kirk Douglas was honored at the Golden Globe Awards. "Rumor" has it he raped Natalie Wood. There is a reason some rumors won't go away.
Jules said…
The likelihood of anyone stepping forward and helping Rose out financially as she prepares to take on Weinstein is more than likely non-existent, but can only hope that someone does. If I had money I most certainly would.

Yes, the odious vile excuse for a human being Jimmy Saville was honoured, he was given an OBE in 1972 and a Knighthood in 1990 for his “charitable services” in fact many honours were bestowed upon him during his lifetime including a Papal Knighthood by John Paul 2nd. It goes out without saying that many members of the public demanded he be stripped of all his honours, however, many of the honours given to him (including the Queens honours) cease on the death of the holder; so they did not need to be rescinded, the remaining honours that did not cease to be upon his death were all taken from him and his name removed from lists. If anyone is interested I highly recommend reading what has been accurately described as a compelling and disquieting interview by the celebrated journalist Lynn Barber, first published in 1990 in The Independent on Sunday, she had the nerve to tackle him on the rumours and asked him if he liked “little girls” There is also another interesting article on what motivates a sex offender like Jimmy Saville to do charitable work

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