Screaming SHITHOLE....
So as "Babyfart".
Continues his "PLAYPEN" behaviour..
Throwing tantrums, throwing shit at the "wall".
He's about to get worse...
Oh, yes............................
There's worse to come.....
Of course he'll blame everyone he can.
Even those, who don't even work in government...
But, he'll really go "MENTAL".
When more of the "Hookergate" tapes come to light..
The Republican Party controls Congress and House of Representatives. How on earth did the Democratic Party cause the shutdown?
I thought this guy knew how to run a business...
I am going to do something shocking. I am going to defend Trump. Just a little. Just for kicks.
If Trump is having an affair with a private American citizen then who cares. Well, there is a reason to care. More on that shortly.
Clinton slept with a White House intern.
Going back to Trump, infidelity can lead to blackmail and compromise of national security. A person can lose their security clearance if they are in debt. Imagine what could happen if you sleep with the wrong person. Russian spies and such.
I bet he is sleeping with Ivanka. If so I hope it comes out with all kinds of evidence.
Senator Lindsay Graham stated people need to grow up.
The Democrats were willing to fund the wall Trump wants to build if they could get their way. Obviously this did not happen.
This is what happen when we do not vote intelligently.