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Oh what fucking GENIUS !!!!!

Believes the way to stop gun violence in schools.
Is to arm teachers..........
This stupid idea.............
From the "MAN" who is planning to cut teachers pay??
By the way there are about 3 million teachers,
 in US public schools.
So lets say you arm 20% that would mean 600.000.
More guns in schools.
I can see that this is going to end well, for sure.....


Letty said…
Trump is colluding with the NRA. I read that Russia
us also involved with the NRA.
Anonymous said…
Kevin Federline is trying to ask for more child support money from Britney Spears? He already receives 20,000 a month? Do you see Britney's lawyers being able to fight back?
T. W. said…
Hmmm. Consider this:

Teachers have guns, just like prison guards.
This tells me schools are not safe places to be.
If I send my child to a place I know is not safe, child services will take my child and I might be prosecuted.

On the other hand, maybe I am overthinking this.
T. W. said…
My sister says some teachers molest, rape, and beat students. They might pull the gun out on the students.

Some students are bigger than the teachers and they would not be afraid to grab the gun. In some places children and teens use handle firearms better than some soldiers.

The money spent to purchase firearms, purchase ammunition, and to pay for firearm use and safety could have been used for pay raises and/or bonuses.
Chick'sOpinion said…
We are in no way perfect. Not by a long shot. But the American government ought to look at how there are NO school mass shootings in Australia. Cause civilians do not have access to firearms. No one has a full out argument or a serious mental disorder here and gets to go home and get a gun. Or one or of your parents guns. It doesn’t happen. Cause they ain’t there. Kids tend to burn down the school on weekends. That’s it. We got rid of the majority civilian gun ownership in Australia in the 90’s. there was a period of ‘hand them in’ amnesty. Or else there were consequences. Even my dad who jus shot rabbits had to surrender them. If u wanna have guns here, you HAVE to demonstrate a good bloody reason. Only criminals get guns illegally. But they are removed from them when discovered.
T. W. said…
Guns are not the problem.

Every school shooter in America has been a white male on psychotrophic medication, usually ADD/ADHD meds.

The FBI received more than 1 credible tip before the Florida shooting yet chose to do nothing.

The government wants things like this to happen. They are on record saying they want a race war.

Instead of protesting gun laws we need to protest against intellectually void people being placed in office.
CyndiTx123 said…
Guns are part of the problem.... Too many mentally ill people can get them very easily... Tougher gun laws please... Who needs an AR-15 on the streets with that was made for war and not to use on our fellow Americans.... What hunter uses an AR 15? That's not a true hunter if they have to result in having an AR-15 to strike an animal many times per second....
T. W. said…
AR-15 is not a gun, it is a rifle.

Guns are not the problem.

Statistics show people are more likely to be harmed with their own weapon, whether accidentally or because someone used it against them.

A firearm needs a HUMAN BEING to insert buckshot, pellet, or bullets into it and then the weapon must either be accidentally discharged or discharged on purpose by a HUMAN BEING.

What statistics prove mentally ill people are easily able to get guns?

Define mentally ill.

I guess women won't be able to own firearms because PMS and PMDD are considered mental disorders.

I guess people afraid of heights, black cats, and the number 13 won't be able to own firearms because phobias are considered mental disorders.

If mentally ill people with guns are the problem, wouldn't there be more shootings and mass murders?

At one point in time, homosexuality was considered a mental illness.

ADHD is considered a mental illness in America but Russia, Japan, and other countries disagree. According to them, the school shooters were perfectly sane.

Anyone arguing for gun control is fighting the wrong battle. Let me see you defend yourself with your crossbow when someone breaks into your house.
Anonymous said…
To T.W.
guns are the problem dont get me wrong i agree with your statement. People been fighting the government and those in office to change things. I mean other countries can do it than so can we.Yes we know ppl will still find ways to kill, sadly. But getting rid of the guns is a start it is possible. You have to realize God created each of us with a purpose and mission. And for some people that mission is to ban guns among other things and for others maybe the oppposite and everything else. If people feel it in there heart to get rid of guns let them fight for it. I dont know if u own a gun or not. But saying ppl "should do this instead of that" is like saying.. I should enroll in nursing school when i love fashion and have no desire for nursing but at the same time i dont knock nursing a.k.a. ppl who want to keep their guns it's just eventually somethings gotta give or create a balance of sorts. This is not a great example just perspective.
Anonymous said…
There was an armed guard at the school that just got shot up. He ran away when the shooting started. 4 deputies were outside while the kids were being killed and did not go in to stop it. Guns without bravery don’t do a darn thing to stop massacres.
T. W. said…
Anonymous -

You want us to ban knives too? You can buy a knife at any age.

I served in the military, I know how to handle a firearm. Why should people who responsibly own and use them be punished?

Think of the number of schools in America. Now think of the number of school shootings in America. Less than 1 percent of our schools have been shot up, but people want to throw out the baby with the bath water.

I am not following your logic.

Just because other countries ban firearms does not mean America should. Many countries have a national religion, should America do the same because of that?

Students are more likely to be stabbed at school than shot. Let's make owning knoves, forks, sharpened pencils, and other things people use to stab school students illegal for everyone.

Cocaine, heroin, and othet drugs are illegal yet drug abuse is rampant in America.

We used to have Prohibition in America last century, meaning alcohol was illegal. That became a disaster. Read any history book.

Please tell me how banning firearms will solve the school shooting problem. Let's say no one in America is allowed to own or have access to them. If I really want to shoot up a school I can easily obtain an assault rifle on the black market.

Let's say I can't get one. I can make a bomb or a biological weapon instead. Instructions on how to make these things is easily available.

At the end of the day, firearms need a human being to make it discharge a bullet. If you really want to hurt someone you will find a way with the resources you have.
Anonymous said…
i said what i said lol. It won't solve everything but its a start and my logic is what it is. Wasn't a great example. yup thats about it lol. nothing else to say ciao

T. W. said…
Hi Anon!

I guess this is one of those times we have to agree to disagree and pray the right solution comes to pass. Take care!
Anonymous said…
to t.w.
you too love oxo

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