There will be a riot ....
I hope the GOP don't think that
Crook Benjamin Netanyahu.
Coming to give his talk in DC.
Is a good idea.
NO ......
It's going to backfire big time.
It's going to make,
Turn pale.
Quite an achievement considering,
all the Max Factor he uses.
With light in this world.
In Colorado, the newspeople are complaining about this, saying that the boxes won't take into account people who have allergies. Just one point, I'm sure there are many others.
I believe he wants to send out low quality food like you said, powered milk, government cheese, etc.
This will cost more money to implement. Also, whites make up 42 percent of the people receiving these benefits so you know they will complain to prevent the food boxes.
In the end I think Trump is trolling us and saying the needy don't deserve to live because we/they are a drain on resources.