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TOLD YA, So it begins.....
     Christian Dions’
       2018 PREDICTIONS.
                Composed between 
November 14th 2017  8.41am 
             (Partly on a plane not my favorite place ha ha)
               Finished December 14th 11.59pm. 
Los Angeles Ca

Wall St & The City...
Just think 1929.....
Then the rich ego driven arseholes that support Trump. 
Will turn against him...
As I sit in Blackpool continuing to write the predictions.
The DOW hits 24.000 (Nov 30th 2017)
Trump and his believers seem to think that this is a good thing.
Well, to repeat the above THINK 1929.
Now by the time you read this, the following may have happened.
If not, it’s close.
“What goes up, must come down”
But this crash will make the 1929 one.
Seem extremely shallow....


Tony said…
I remember this prediction very well. Trump was saying how well the economy is doing and more people in work. Are they full time contracts?? The saying what goes up must come down springs to mind. On the news here it says the lowest it's been since 2008. And we all remember what happened then!!
Letty said…
Great prediction CD!
this is also an attempt to get Trump out of office by the higher
Powers. I hope it works!
Anonymous said…
Cor blimey, I knew about CD’s prediction, still went ahead investing very very hard earned money into flipping ISA investment which Fundmanagers invest some in US markets. It’s a strange thing we do, but savings for rainy days are important. Time heals everything.... time will never cease or run out. Xxx 🙏🏽😜😊🤔🙄👀👁💖 people & experiences matter more but rainy days are worth saving for. Sensible planning! XxLH. Xx
CyndiTx123 said…
Drumpf isn't talking about how the stocks went down.... I lost about a grand.... But CD you warned us and I told my hubby.... It might be a good idea to pull out of it for now...

Chocmint33 said…
I was thinking of your prediction when I heard the Wall St news this morning. Well done. Psychic Christian strikes again!
Chocmint33 said…
I was thinking of your prediction this morning when I heard the news. Well done.
T. W. said…
Hi Tony. Statistics lie. The government does not consider the unemployed who have given up looking for work when they figure the unemployment rate. They also do not consider the underemployed. Most Americans work part time, meaning no healthcare and other benefits. Walmart announced pay raises, but they failed to mention two things:

1. Walmart is closing stores in order to cut costs.

2. $9 to $11 an hour is not a living wage in most places. I live in rural eastern North Carolina. The living wage for my area is $14 per hour. Minimum wage in America is about $7.45 per hour. We are literally screwed.
Jules said…
and so it begins .. they are claiming that 4 trillion has been wiped off global shares.
Tony said…
Hi T.W It's the same problem here! A lot of part time work..No full time positions..minimum wage is I think £7-60. Zero hour contracts where you could turn up for work only to be told "No work here today" Amazon have those contracts and it's a very hard job. We got exactly the same problems where you are. And our government are just like your government. Clueless and tell lies!!
T. W. said…
Hi Tony! I did not know England had it so bad. The royals are one of the wealthiest families on the planet. Surely they can afford to put people to work?

LH - The Federal Reserve plans to raise interest rates in March. If they do this, that is a good time to purchase bonds. Ones and interest rates have an inverse relationship. The Reserve also plans to raise interest rates again later this year. Amazon, Google, Netflix, and Apple lost $90 Billion on Monday. Apple is considered the most valuable stock to own. If you have money to buy these stocks but do not mind losing the money you put into them in the event of another crash, buy these stocks. Always get stock that pays dividends. Preferred stocks give you a right to vote at shareholders' meetings.
T. W. said…
Bonds, not ones. Sorry.

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