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Ermmmm, Just a thought....

Should VP Joe Biden.
Decide to run for President in 2020..
He would be within his rights......
To ask President Obama to be his VP., talk radio
What a "Karmic" payback that would be...


T. W. said…
Will he survive long enough? If he dies in office there is nothing to stop Obama from becoming president for the third time.

I say Biden/Obama for 2020.

Christian, American Idol premiered tonight & Fox News online claims ratings are poor.

Can anyone please explain why Lionel Richie, a man whose career has stood the test of time, a man nominated for 3 Academy Awards & actually won one is being paid $7 million?

Can anyone explain why Seacrest is being paid $15 million while Katy "Nun Killer" Perry is being paid $25 million?

Am I the only one confused?
Johanna said…
What a fabulous thought!

~ Johanna ~
Anonymous said…
Yes, but as much as we all love Obama, he wasn't the greatest president and didn't really do that much to change things or for HIS PEOPLE. I'm talking Chicago or Detroit.

He and the Mrs. spent a great deal of time on talk shows and celebrity get-togethers -- more than any other president and first lady in the history of politics.

He'll go down as the Prez who brought down Osama Bin Laden.

We need new blood in the White House. Time for the old cronies to lay down their swords and let someone new take over, if at all.
CyndiTx123 said…
That gave me goose bumps CD!!! Oh Please if powers that be let this be... our country needs this ..... not the dysfunctional prez drumpf we have now....
Anonymous said…
HA! That would be funny.

It seems like a the Democratic Party will have 15 - 25 candidates running for President.
Its exactly what should happen. Not like last election. Choices.
Letty said…
They have my vote!
CyndiTx123 said…
I must disagree with Anonymous comments... President Obama was and is one of the best presidents America has ever had along with Lincoln, Washington, the Roosevelts, etc., President Obama and his wife can do whatever they want since they are no longer in the White House.... oh well, time to go feed my fur babies CoCo Chanel and Coop :)
Wishing everyone a super happy Monday!
T. W. said…
Thank you CyndiTx123!
CyndiTx123 said…
Your SO Welcome T.W. :)
Have a great evening my friend
Kay said…
President Obama saved many lives with the Affordable Care Act. Literally hundreds, and perhaps millions.

And he is a class act. Kind, caring, and inspires others to be better.

I, and many others, will vote for a Biden/Obama ticket, a Biden/Kennedy ticket, or a Harris/Obama/Kennedy/Gillibrand/Obama ticket (in any combination)!

Unknown said…
Interesting, but not likely.
CyndiTx123 said…
I am right with ya Kay !! I will vote for any of those tickets...If the powers that be will let that be... because they know the suffering this presidency is causing everyone.... It's a wake up call for people to get up and get out to vote at your local elections and any elections- because your vote does count and it's counting on change & gives us hope for a better future. Tillerson is out the door... Pompeo is in????? gee what is the drama gonna end... just because of Nato..... and the Russians poisoning the 2 spys in the UK....
T. W. said…
: )

When in doubt vote Democrat.
Jules said…
I don't trust ANY politician ..

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