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KARMA, she's a coming..

Well, it didn't take that long for OJ.....
after his release from prison.
Before he's blaming others yet again.
Now, he's saying, that Nicole & Ron "KILLED" him.
What a prick....
Well, dickhead.
Karma, she's a real bitch.
She'll get ya sooner or later.
She has a very long reach.
Beware the "BRAKES"....


Anonymous said…
You'd think after being in jail for 9, 10 years, he'd be grateful to be OUT and living free. But oh no, he's got an EGO the size of a stadium that constantly needs to be fed.

Fox TV is airing an old interview Sunday night. Should be interesting to hear how he did it.

Thank you, CD for letting us all know that soon his "Times Up."
Chick'sOpinion said…
When these murders happened and the trial was on. If anyone old enough remembers, The public didn’t know half as much as we can know now. ( A lot was hidden) And how much much violence Nicole endured in that marriage. And the shocking fact, that no one heard her scream on the doorstep that night because ...the 1st thing the killer did was slash her throat. I can’t believe authorities approved OJSimpson’s release. He is completely insane. It was her faithful dog howling beside her body and Ron’s that alerted Nicole’s neighbours something was wrong.
Jules said…
This vile man is beyond delusional.
quiet said…
"The Brakes" the brakes will fail when he is driving near a cliff maybe?
CyndiTx123 said…
This guy is a monster that got away with killing 2 innocent people.... His insanity has a lot to do with getting hit in the head a lot during his football career and a very dysfunctional family life style when he was younger.... I bet when he passes and they check his brain... they will find out that his brain was messed up.
T. W. said…
I agree with CyndiTx123. OJ and Tom Brady need their brains checked. Tom made his son kiss him on the lips and it wasn't a quick peck either. CPS needs to be called.

The general public knew plenty about the murders. Tabloid magazines & shows knew more than the legal teams. They swear Robert Kardashian Sr. disposed of the murder evidence. Some claim Kris disposed of the knife.

National Enquirer published photos of OJ wearing Bruno Magli shoes. OJ claimed he never wore a pair of those "ugly ass shoes."

Christopher Darden was on Oprah years ago & said he was set up to fail. Darden also did a Reddit AMA last year.

Judge Lance Ito made poor decisions & kept evidence from being admitted. The prosecution went to trial too soon & Darden was made the fall guy. He also said Johnny Cochrane personally told him not to have OJ try the gloves on. Turns out The Dream Team advised OJ not to take his arthritis meds so his joints would swell. He can also be seen bending his fingers so the glove would not fit properly.

Based on what happened during the trial, OJ was rightfully acquitted. The prosecution, law enforcement, and the judge botched the case. The jury stated had the rest of the evidence been allowed & they knew what the public did they would have found him guilty.
Chick'sOpinion said…
TW, I knew the trial was rigged. But not to that extent. It was screened on UK at times. That where I watched it. But back then, there was a limit to how much ‘American’ stuff got covered. Or shows. Justice in the U.S is odd. Seems Based on how much money and influence you have. It’s a good thing OJ is gonna pass. Or be locked up again forever. His children need protection from this monster. + so does his future grandkids need protection.
T. W. said…
Hi Chick'sOpinion - Every station covered that trial. The OJ Simpson trial ruined the soap opera genre. Now there are only 4 or 5 daytime dramas on air. The trial also led to a multitude of court shows on air. I can't stand Judge Judy. She once told a plaintiff she didn't care what the evidence said because she was going to rule how she wanted. God bless Amerikkka.

I was in school at the time of the OJ trial and the school allowed teachers to turn the television on so everyone could see the live verdict. None of the white people were happy. They called us racists because OJ got away with murder. They did not understand we were happy because a black man actually got a fair trial, not because he "got away with it."
T. W. said…
Man that show was terrible! I couldn't pay attention even if you gave me the money to do it.
Anonymous said…
Oh my T.W., I bed to differ. We need more Judge Judy's in court. The world would be a better place. She is not a racist, she is logical and fair. She has a sixth sense about people, she's been doing what she's been doing for something like over 40 years. If she was racist, why would Byrd be her Bailiff all these years?

Most of the people who come on her show need a swift kick in the you-know-what, and Judge Judy gives to them.
Anonymous said…
Sorry, forgot to add... Black people would vote not guilty EVEN IF they felt a black person on trial (such as O.J. Simpson) was guilty, which is EXACTLY what happened in O.J.'s case.

Fair trial? Ha Ha!!! There was so much evidence against O.J. and it was completely ignored by the jury.

Even his lawyers, especially Johnnie Cochran, knew he was guilty. But winning the case means big money for lawyers especially in a case like this which was broadcast all over the world.

When you see reruns of the court case where the jury finds O.J. not guilty, the one thing that resonates with me is the look on Robert Kardashian's face. He was SHOCKED that O.J. was found not guilty because he also knew damn well he was guilty as sin.

T. W. said…
Anonymous 7:54 am - Please re-read what I wrote. How is telling people submitting evidence that you don't care what the evidence says being a fair judge?

Anonymous 8:01 am - I am gonna go there.

You showed your true colors. You appear to be the same person who thinks judges are fair when they refuse to look at evidence but then you get mad because Judge Lance Ito prevented evidence that would have hurt OJ from being admitted.

You don't know all the black people in the world. If I said all white people go out in the rain and smell like wet dogs you would be jumping down my throat calling me ignorant and racist. See how that works?

At best you are uneducated. At worst you choose to be dumb. I feel sorry for you.

I want you to look into the eyes of Trayvon Martin's parents and tell them George Zimmerman was right to kill their son who was running AWAY from his racist ass. Blacks and Latinos are a minority population in the US yet make up the majority of the jail and prison population. Government statistics prove whites who commit the exact same crimes get lesser sentences or no punishment at all.

You are racist and lack reading comprehension. OJ did get a fair trial. He could afford the best attorneys money can buy & they were able to show reasonable doubt.

1. The jury was sequestered and not privy to the information the general public had. They stated they would have found him guilty had they had this information.

2. The defense proved Detective Mark Furhman was a racist and not above planting evidence.

3. The defense hired DNA experts but it only served to confuse the jury and most of the general public.

4. You did see that the glove didn't fit, right?

5. Johnny Cochrane, a black man, warned Christopher Darden, a black man, not to have OJ try those gloves on. Darden should have listened. They might have ended up with a hung jury.

6. Going back to the glove, when I first saw it years ago it looked like OJ was struggling to put on a pair that was too small. We now know his joints were swollen because his attorneys advised him to stop taking his arthritis medication. The public knew OJ had arthritic knees but not about the finger joints.
CyndiTx123 said…
T.W. That anonymous person with the comments being written....seems to me that this anonymous is posting on all of CD's comments .....sounds like someone from Fox news...... Why won't anonymous post their side name... why hide behind anonymous..... hahahaha!
Psychic Gossip said…
I have blocked anonymous comments again CD
T. W. said…
Christian, CyndiTx123, & all Friends -

Seems like trolls attack in waves.

I know my response to them was mean and I apologize for offending Friends here. I could not think of a better way to make my point. I do take correction. I ask for your forgiveness. Thank you for your understanding.
CyndiTx123 said…
T.W. It's all good and you don't have to apologize for expressing how you feel... That anonymous troll was getting on my nerves....I typed a lot of "smarty-pants" things to reply to the nit-wit A.T.(anonymous troll) but I deleted it - didn't want to waste my typing skills & brain cells on any A.T. types creeping on us.... :) We need to have each others backs- you know I have yours and especially CD's.... Love and hugs to all!!
Anonymous said…
T.W. you're fine and it's all good. You were just expressing your opinion, and I'm glad he disabled anon comments because that troll was just being stupid. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion but they took it too far. Christian thank you for answering my question last night. And T.W. thank you for praying for me, I was the one who played with the spirit board and I learned my lesson. Jesus is amazing, I'm forever his.
T. W. said…
Thank you CyndiTx123 & Katelyn!

CyndiTx123 - I understand why you chose not to respond. Seems like A.T. is not an amateur so you made the right call.

Katelyn - I am glad you have accepted Jesus. I pray everyone gets a chance to hear about him and decide for themselves to accept him. If anyone out there is not sure about Jesus please ask him to reveal himself to you in a way you can understand.
CyndiTx123 said…
Hi Katelyn & T.W. I just prayed over you both! I always get goose bumps when I go into meditation prayer.... What does that mean CD?
T. W. said…
Thank you CyndiTx123! I always welcome your prayers. : )

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