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TOLD YA.. A New HRH....

 Sooner rather than later...

I get the feeling,

that there's going to be another baby+.

In the Royal Family.

Despite the rumors to the contrary ............


Tony said…
Spot on again Christian!! Will there be another one for them..or is that it?!!
CyndiTx123 said…
They need another girl added to the mix of the adorable royal babies which is Princess Diana's grand babies . Love love love them
T. W. said…
I wonder what the name will be.
Apple Monkey said…
Well done again CD you are awesome.

TW the favourite is Arthur according to the bookies. I reckon Philip might feature somewhere.
She looked gorgeous just 7 hours after giving birth! Is it normal for people in england to go home that soon? Do you have any updates on the prince harry wedding? the whole wedding energy psychically and astrologically is way weird on the wedding!

pippa Middleton is pregnant too...any insight?
Jules said…
Sammy - depending on the time you gave birth and if it's not your first baby yes, if all is well with you, you can go home on the same day.
T. W. said…
Jules, that seems weird to me. Americans with insurance can stay 2 days or more. Those on public assistance or those who have no money get sent home the next day.
T. W. said…
I hope they name the child "Spencer."
T. W. said…
I see Prince Charles is still making racist comments.

I also see people are outraged because the royals receive 100 million British Pounds from taxpayers. Regular folk can't get extra help from the government if they have more than 2 kids but people fawn over the royals who live high on the hot at taxpayer expense. Why the British monarchy still exists is beyond me.
Jules said…
TW - The length of stay for each woman and her baby is decided on an individual basis, the factors taken into consideration when deciding whether to discharge a new mother early are things such as the mother's knowledge, ability, and confidence to provide adequate care for her infant. The ultimate decision to leave on the same day, however, is always down to the mother herself. On average, most women who have an uncomplicated labour and choose to stay in hospital will be there for about a day and a half after the birth. I had c sections so I had no choice but to stay, however, a lot of my friends chose to leave as soon as they could because they found the post-natal ward to be very disruptive, chaotic and they lacked any kind of privacy. We are not left on our own, we have 24-hour access to midwives and from my own and that of my friends experiences the community midwives were wonderful and spent more time with us, unlike the midwives on the post natal ward who were literally rushed of their feet. If complications arise we are readmitted to the hospital. Don’t forget some women choose to give birth at home and never set foot in a hospital, one of my friends had three of her four children at home.
Jules said…
TW - last year the Royal Family were given £42.8m of Briitish tax payers money. Alan Reid, Keeper of the Privy Purse, said that the royal family costs each taxpayer about 65 pence per year, representing the cost of a first-class stamp, however another source said maintaining the monarchy costs around £292 million per year - which equates to £4.50 per person i dont know where they got that figure from. The revenue the Royal family generate for the UK though is undenibaly vast. The British tourism agency for example has reported that the royal family generates close to 500 million pounds, every year in tourism revenue, drawing visitors to historic royal sites like the Tower of London, Windsor Castle, and Buckingham Palace. I read that a leading consultancy firm (dont know who they are they wre not named) found that the Royals contributed £1.766 billion to the economy in 2017.

Prince Charles .. making racist comments, .. he i more like his father then he admits.
T. W. said…

Thanks for the info. Sounds like the British Health Service treats you all well. Those of us on Medicaid & Medicare are treated worse than animals. Things have gotten worse since Trump took office. We are a drain on society you know.

I assume everyone in the commonwealth are taxed, not just England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. The Queen is one of the wealthiest people in the world so I still don't understand why the riyals need public assistance. Let me go to England and get public assistance.

Can someone please explain the purpose if the British Monarchy? I am serious. I just don't get it.
Jules said…

TW – Regarding the NHS we are very, very lucky to have the NHS, and I thank God we have it.

The commonwealth counties pay nothing towards the annual costs of the royal family. They do pay however towards the cost of State visits when the Queen or her representatives ie family make an official visit to their country, as they would when other heads of state visit. In fact the Australian government paid more for Oprah Winfrey's visit in 2010 than it did for the Queen's visit in 2011.

What is the purpose of the British Monarchy? Its really quite a complex question to answer I hope this helps you to understand a little .. In a monarchy, a king or queen is Head of State. The British Monarchy is known as a constitutional monarchy. This means that, while The Sovereign is Head of State, the ability to make and pass legislation resides with an elected Parliament. Monarchy play an important part in the life of our nation. As Head of State, The Monarch undertakes constitutional and representational duties which have developed over one thousand years of history. In addition to these State duties, The Monarch has a less formal role as 'Head of Nation'. The Sovereign acts as a focus for national identity, unity and pride; gives a sense of stability and continuity; officially recognises success and excellence; and supports the ideal of voluntary service. Within the Royal family the monarch has a political function, although she sometimes delegates some of her social or ceremonial duties to the Prince of Wales, the heir to the throne. In a nutshell generally, every royal supports different charities (bringing in much needed exposure and revenue to those charities, they appear at events again giving the event much needed exposure, and occasionally they travel the globe to strengthen diplomatic relationships and have brought much needed trade to our country. Prince Charles by the way has a fabulous charity called the Princes trust which has been going for over 40 years which helps vulnerable young people get their lives on track. It supports 11 to 30 year-olds who are unemployed and those struggling at school and at risk of exclusion. Many of the young people they help are in, or leaving care, facing issues such as homelessness or mental health issues, or have been in trouble with the law. The trust has returned £1.4 billion in value to society through the help of disadvantaged young people over the last 10 years alone. They offer free programmes and give young people the practical and financial support they need to stabilise their lives. The trust helps them start a business and offers up star up loans they help them develop key skills while boosting their confidence and motivation so they can continue to dream big. There is also the duke of Edinburgh award which is a youth awards programme.

The British monarchy is an antique institution, peopled by eccentrics and governed by arcane rules and customs. But it works for us — they generate for our country literally hundreds of millions ever year and many believe we would struggle to find a better alternative.
T. W. said…
Jules, thank you for this. It seems like the Parliament prevents the monarchy from having unlimited power.

According to American tabloids all the royals do is drink, party, have sex, make racist comments, and walk on water.

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