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Chick'sOpinion said…
I don’t doubt she’s crazy. But she’s l brave. And The books she’s written would appeal to certain voters, let’s put it that way.

One of her famous quotes is: “if we are so cruel to minorities, why do they keep comin here’.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Yes, and what she fails to recognise, is that a lot of migrants bring their skills to a country. And have a urgent hardworking motivation to make a successful life in the country they have migrated to. And as long as they’re law abiding , migrants are an asset to any country. The Chinese have moved to Australia in a big way. And they are wonderful.

They are heavily focussed on high education, business and appear to never claim welfare benefits. We already have a rich blend of neighbouring countries here. Indonesians, Filipinos, Thai, Malaysian and Islanders. They deserve to be here it’s their region too. We don’t OWN Australia. Likewise with Mexico.

I don’t even understand why there IS a border between the US and Mexico. Is it that the US need a more collaborative approach to the situation of eliminating the big Mexican drug cartels. Is it me or am I the only one who believes Mexico will be taken over by the US in future. A psychic suggested Cuba would be. Eventually. And it would be a positive thing for Cubans.
Jules said…
TW - I don't know who this person is .. but just looking at some of the photos that popped up on google search I agree this person could be a M to F.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion - You are right. Mexicans and other foreigners tend to work hard and are an asset. As you all know I live in NC & my finances are so-so. Migrant workers and their families qualify for more "welfare" benefits than the citizens. Having said that, I have seen migrants flash HUGE rolls of cash when they shop and they ain't 1 or 5 dollar bills.

Jules, thank you for sharing. I know I have been ranting & venting lately. I tell you what. If you get magazines, study celebrity photos. You will see these people "appear" to be transgendered. You will be shocked. I hope men who look at Playboy know they are lusting after men.

If you pay attention to Jennifer Lopez her butt is big in some photos and in others her butt is deflated and she ain't got no hips. If you want a good laugh then google Wendell, I mean Wendy Williams in a bikini.

You can't fight DNA. Their features begin to show their true genders after these people turn 30. Now you know why so many celebs seem addicted to plastic surgery. Now you know why so many celebs flaunt their (fake) pregnancies.

Chick'sOpinion said…

Yer. We are seeing here migrants changing. But for some reason only in certain cultures. There are constant organised crime problems with a specific culture who settled here in the 1980s. 1990’s. They are responsible for a huge spike in crime. And nothing our police forces seems to do stops them. They build huge houses fancy cars, live like kings.

Cultures who live this way, raise their kids to do organised crime. Not work. So it’s so ingrained. I feel in those families you are not even allowed to NOT participate.

They reject education for their kids. Which is disgusting. And give hard working migrants a bad reputation they don’t deserve. And that’s wrong.
Jules said…
TW - When I first discovered what you are talking about you could have literally knocked me down with a feather as they are all so obviously M to F I cannot understand why I failed to see this before.

T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion - I understand what you are saying. I want to thank you for not identifying the immigrant group. Here in America, many are told to live off the system. They do this legally. For example, they can get six figures and tax breaks to help open a business. Then after a certain amount of time, they "sell" the business to a relative who immigrated, who gets the same amount of money and tax breaks. You can find certain kinds of businesses in the black neighborhoods. None of the business owners are white. When black people open the same kind of business black people will not go. I don't understand it. We need to stop blaming the white man for our problems and realize we are contributing to our own problems.

Jules - Don't feel bad. There are many legitimate reasons why we did not notice female celebrities are handsome and male celebrities are beautiful.

1. We expect people to be honest.

2. We didn't know these types of medical procedures have been around longer than the medical community says they have.

3. The media shows and magazines repeatedly tell us how Ms. Superstar is a beautiful woman and Mr. Superstar is a handsome man. They put out these "Sexiest Bodies" and these "Most Beautiful" magazine issues. When I became a teenager I saw shows like Entertainment Tonight for what they were: propaganda tools.

4. The television and film industry has admitted they hypnotize viewers. This is not a joke. I wish I were making this up.

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