The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Like a Skeletor
Since Amber he got heavy into his music and whatever else that is making him shrivle up like this.
from reading all the above i pray someone does intervene. this man is dying.. something is sucking the life out of sad just looking into his eyes. a close friend who has not seen him in the last 8 or so months better step up soon.
Rumor has it Johnny Depp had a hand in River Phoenix's death. If this is true he can't drop dead fast enough for me. A lot of people need to drop dead.
TW is not advocating murder. Please let God take care of these things.
Last year I warned everyone that celestial event from September meant everyone is going to reap what they have sown. A lot of people died in 2016 and 2017. A lot of people got away with doing bad things during that same time frame. A lot of people did not get the goodness, mercy, and justice during that same time frame either.
I am saying again, karma is working overtime in 2018. There is a season and time for everything. I pray that everyone here and all our loved ones are reaping everlasting blessings this year.
Yeah I don’t think Johnny Depp had anything to do with River Phoenix’s death, apart from the fact that he was there when it happened. I remember that River Phoenix had the good fortune to get into Hollywood and success real early. And despite a difficult childhood. Blew it all away with drugs. That’s why I see Johnny Depp as the lucky one. As he was knee deep in Drugs just like River. It’s amazing he’s survived this long don’t you think.
River & family were part of some sex cult. I think Wynona Ryder's & Rose McGowan's families were in the same cult but I could be wrong. Think it was the Children of God cult. Many blind items claim Joaquin has an "intimate" relationship with his sister. I will leave that alone because they were raised that way.
I heard Will Wheaten threw some hints about River & allegedly said River honestly believed there was nothing wrong with kids & adults sleeping together. Will gave River his wake up call.
Johnny Depp was one of the original owners of the Viper Room. I don't know how a hard core drug user can die of overdose unless they lost count of how many hits they took. Mighty funny River was the only one that died. Mighty funny Johnny's career took off after that.
The strength of the street drug they buy varies enormously. Unlike the controlled amount a pharmacist prepares for your meds. That’s what kills habitual drug users. Lethal amounts. And that’s what’s killing 1000’s buyin street Fentanyl. A pharmacist would NEVER allow you an amount that could kill you.
What is it with the U.S and weird cults the whole family joined in the 70’s and 80’s. I forgot that Depp part owned the Viper Room. It’s true what you say, Depp wriggled our of that Viper room River Phoenix death scandal quite easily. He was a big star even then. The studios hushed up the details. River Phoenix I believe died on the pavement outside the club. He was fairly new to taking drugs I believe too.
Roatan is inexpensive and a lot of people from USa are moving there. But with my condition, etc. that would not be good for me, but an awesome place to visit. Thank you for your warm welcome back.;)
Yep, the Vipor Room - one of the owners was murdered because he didn't like how it was ran or something like that. They say his body is buried in the Vipor Room-since his body was never recovered. I read about that years ago and Ghost Adventures did an episode on the Vipor Room that is still open to this day. Suppose to have spoken with River. River and his family did grow up in a strange cult... But wished someone was there to help him before he passed, His soul signed on for this life and wish him peace. Johnny got out unscathed by the deaths from being an part owner- he sold out after River's death, but hear he still goes there to play music sith his band. I visited Vipor Room after River's death... didn't go inside- it felt creepy. That's my schpell for this rainy monday morning. wishing everyone a great happy and loved day and the rest of the week.
I can think of 2 reasons.
1. Religious churches, temples, etc. are exempt from taxes. A charismatic person telling people what they want to hear make tons of money.
2. No comment due to government surveillance. I trust you to read between the lines.
People are concerned because Johnny Depp looks worse than Alice Cooper.
Some are even saying "trust me- he's fine"
I don't know who they are and why we are supposed to trust them in particular.
He isn't fine, that much is obvious.
Don't be a stranger here!