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In 1938 UK PM got a letter from HItler, the other..

In 1938 British Prime Minister ....
Neville Chamberlain...
Stood on the steps of 10 Downing St...
To tell the World he had received.
A letter from Herr Hitler.
That promised...
That the German people.... Weren't planning to go to war... (DUH)
That didn't end well.

In 2018  Pres Trump went to Singapore....
He got despot leader of North Korea.... 
Kim Jon Uns autograph..
Sound familiar?
You'll see...

Time to read the History books everyone.....


Jzgie said…
I do not believe for a single second on this story we become friends lol CD no American or European president have succeeded with North Korea now we have Donald trum who has succeeded I do not believe for a single second it will happen some thing.
Sunshine said…
I have to respond public ally to this insight. I trust history to inform us of where wisdom should be thought over and placed towards a harmonious, respectful & compassionate future for The World and all her Creatures dwelling from her love. This idea of a betrayal by the antics of these people in power worries me. No no no - the generations now & to come deserve better leadership. These posturing nonsensical people need to lose their power of authority. Who / what can replace them is not obvious to me. I do not read or hear or see or know of any bodies out there to help govern wisely. No one, no bodies. Do any Readers / Friends of this website know or recommend any living Leaders to put votes or faith in? Are we that lost in the ‘Developed ‘ Countries?
These leaders spend their careers being duplicitous, posed in hidden agendas & hiding & lose sight of transparency & accountability to improve for all groups , even if one step at a time. I don’t mind if there is unsettlement as we reach harmonious federation but these leaders in the main are too ruthlessly entrenched to make compromises to go towards living together peacefully without greed of wanting more land or money or making more servants & servitude of the people towards nihilation.
I feel unsure & concerned for the future of the people of these Leaders, including for their neighbours. That includes my fellow country kith & kin & my global family.
I want a rainbow nation federated by agreed human rights, secular government, religious beliefs but not religious wars, and Federation for global good health & wellbeing, There , I said it, that is what I want. And i’m going to chose to vote for whatever is nearest to that or not vote if all there is given is extremism’s either directions. I don’t want skyscrapers in the countryside , I want localism, size that is human not corporate gigantasism. I want history to teach us to learn, to be forgiving & forgiven, not to tear down in violence but in thoughtfulness .
I ask for a lot, but not the impossible.
Be the possible.
Sincere Respect & Love to CD, to All.
This website is exceptional for insights, yes, often strange or disturbing, but for reasons of seeing the deadwood from the budding oaks.
LH, London. ������
T. W. said…

Thank you for posting this.

I feel your pain, the American elections are a farce. I did not want to vote last year, the Clintons are dirty but I knew Hillary was the best person for the job.

I have 2 pieces of advice:

1. More people like us should run for office

2. We should pray for all people in positions of authority. God promises to use these people to do a work but we are required to pray for this. In other words this is a conditional promise.
Tony said…
Like I have said before when I mentioned Chamberlain and Hitler..'Peace In Our Time'...within twelve months war was declared on Germany because they invaded Poland. it's 80 years later...2018. Have you ever heard of the saying?...'It's not worth the paper it is written on' ...I don't buy this agreement one bit.

C said…
Robert Mueller looks a lot like Neville Chamberlain.
T. W. said…
Supermoon will be in Gemini on June 13. Gemini promotes communication.

The powers that be are into the occult. If this summit was on the level it would have been held during the supermoon.
Sunshine said…
TW, Tony, thank you. TW, thank you again, for reminder of asking in prayer & by our action of being more sovereign & in charge enough or capable enough to step up to be the power / authority. Your words are wise & quite catalytic. Thank you for empathising of the pain I did & do feel about abuse of power of authority. Thank you for being open & honest , even if different, we can & do share respectfully here. You’re a lovely soul & I like it when you post your family version wit / humour ;) xxxx
Tony, good to read your posts, stay as well as you can. God bless to you and All.
CD, midyear soon , get as much VitD in your summer season , as I intend to. Sensitives need the sunlight for wellbeing xx. I’m still Mother Hen ;) xx. ILY.
Lh, London x
T. W. said…
Thank you Tony & Cecilia!
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for that. In fact everything everyone is saying here is relevant.

Yes, we use the expression ‘it’s not worth the paper it’s written on’. too. And unfortunately that expression is probably gonna apply to this Singapore agreement. It’s so disappointing. Thanks for reminding me Tony that Hitler invaded Poland rather swiftly after his faked agreement with Neville Chamberlain in 1938.

It’s a shame that the defence budget of 716 billion Trump asked for has only happened this year, and it needed to pass U.S lawmakers. Cause there’s a 2011 law that sets limits on spending. Have they passed it? It’s more than a little late. It’s urgently needed. Well don’t worry America. Australia, Britain, France and Canada have got ya back. There is a comprehensive set of allies. Ready.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And as I mentioned the other day. Australia begun The Exercise Indo-Pacific Endeavour 2018 was begun the other day . A whole military set of exercises including Navy ships.. in partnerships with many Asia pacific countries, including the tiny Pacific islands. And the U.S military. Why? Cause they are getting ready for war. The Chinese were banned from these Military exercises ( which I believe was a mistake cause we need them on board)

The military exercises begun in Figi and end in Hawaii. A key position. Together we’re stronger.
Tony said…
Dear T.W and are very welcome and thankyou. God bless you X
Jules said…
TW - Some psychics believe New York will be completely destroyed by nuclear bombs and others believe that the eastern parts of America will be invaded. I am sure I read that it was China who does the invading.
Jules said…
Sunshine - I too feel your frustration .. and I can more than understand how you feel as I feel exact same. The most powerful thing you can do is to do what TW has suggested doing and that is to pray. Never ever underestimate the power of prayer.
Jules said…
ChicksOpinion - I think its very telling that China was not invited .. they dont want them to know what they are doing. It seems the world is planning for war .. I thought this article from the New York post might interest you.

Chick'sOpinion said…

I’ve read that too. And another psychic channeling site said. That if this agreement fails. Then the aim for the U.S, is to murder or capture KimJung Un , free the North Korean people. And put Kim Jung Un on trial for war crimes.

There’s no doubt that the U.S govt. have a plan B. If this agreement fails. This psychic channeling site also said a nuclear strike by Nth Korea on U.S soil is highly possible, and that South And North Korea will end up a united country through it all. Which would be wonderful.
T. W. said…
Thank you LH Sunshine!

Jules - There is a Biblical prophecy describing a city that will be destroyed in the "final days." Many cities fit but New York City fits best.

You are right,I have heard about psychics predicting invasion on the East Coast. A female psychic who shall remain nameless said North Korea has had submarines travelling along our coasts for years. She also agreed we are not to trust China & Russia.

My sister dreamt of the invasion years ago. She dreamt she warned everyone but no one believed her until it happened. We both have seen "famine" and things got so bad white people willingly worked the fields.

Christian had a dream about the Ukraine years ago and he was kind enough to post my sister's interpretation. Ukraine was the bread basket of the world at one point in time. Famine is coming.

Sister really needs to post on this site more.
T. W. said…
God bless the allied nations.

A lot of seers said Korea will be united.

A female seer claimed China wants to be the one to rid the world of Kim Jong Un and this should be allowed because China knows how to get this done.
C said…
TW: You’re welcome! I hope your father is doing better.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for the article from the Ny Post.

Love that Hacktivist group Anonymous. They are really something else hey.

Yes. I think China was banned from participating in the Exercise Indo-Pacific Endeavour 2018. Cause as I recall, they were discovered spying on an Australian navy vessel, recently, in Australian waters.
We are really aware in Australia of our strategic position in the Indian Ocean. And as I work in the community, I can tell you, a lot of ‘aware’ Australians were really happy when we heard what the article talks about ...that more than a 1000 troops of U.S soldiers with Navy vessels. Arrived and started a base in Darwin. A strategic location in Western Australia . It happened ages ago.

And they are they are more than welcome. Cause the worry of an invasion by China and war with Nth Korea is high here I can tell you. And there’s a huge Chinese population here already. We get along. But do we trust China as a nation. Not really.

Interesting from that article Jules. That the U.S have been taking to the Philippines to prepare for war. Ages ago. Mmmm Shouldn’t surprise me. The whole Pacific region is preparing for war. I can tell you. And the U.S can park a military base in my driveway if they want. If it means protection for the Asia Pacific region. And my family.

T. W. said…
Cecilia Bryant - Thank you! I think he is doing better but I sense he wants to go "home." He is waiting for someone or
something. God told me he expects people to harm him because no one has shown him kindness in his long life.

I ask people to pray for and visit this who have no one to care for them. Things like this make me cry. Love one another while you can. You never know what someone has gone through.
Apple Monkey said…
Hi TW. Sending you and your Dad so much love.
T. W. said…
Thank you Apple Monkey! I receive the love!

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