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TOLD YA All bets are off......

NOw till 2029........

As this monster Turkish Pres. Erdogan.

Continues his reign of terror.

(By the way he's going to get way worse).

He looks at the way Babyfart.

 Is acting as the 4 yr old Pres of the USA.

Erdogan, sees a competitor.

So once Babyfart catches on, 

both their behaviours'.

Will get out of hand.


Chick'sOpinion said…
Electoral Fraud

I’m surprised broadcasters could report anything about this dangerous man’s victory. He had TV in Turkey shut down when his opposition, rival CHP Party had a huge popular rally yesterday. So no one could see how popular, his political rival was.

This man is a very dangerous dictator. Not satisfied with murdering 100’s of people. After a failed coup. To keep in power. He held these elections under his imposed ‘state of emergency ‘ in Turkey. Who the holds an election during a state of emergency? Answer, A dangerous authoritarian dictator that’s who. But why? Cause when you have ‘a state of emergency’ the govt can bypass normal parliamentary procedures to pass laws immed. And suspend rights. And freedoms. Which is exactly what this maggot Erdogan did.

This man is straight out of Hitlers End Game. He has jailed all journalists who have opposed him. Shut down newspapers, media outlets . Mass arrests, At least 160, 000 civilians, and 160,000 civil servants. Passed laws to move ballot boxes/districts.

Well the U.N is starting to have a good look into this very frightening situation in Turkey. Sad to see CD reveal he’ll retain power. But it’s sad. But true
Psychic Gossip said…
Hi Gang
The last few comments got deleted so can you please resend sorry guys cdx
chris said…
Was getting my car serviced and the gentleman helping me was from Turkey...I mentioned the elections coming up on Sunday and he was shocked an American was paying attention...he said he left the country to escape Erdogan...Am I the only one who thinks evil is prevailing in the world right now? How does Love win? Evil makes people fearful and retract from engaging for self-preservation...The US has joined the axis of evil. Trump has empowered evil. Trump is the poster child of evil. He is winning. America is losing so much with his ruthless dick-tator-tot-ship and propaganda of lies...HOW DO WE WIN? The GOP is letting him go unchecked...elections are being rigged again...HOW DO WE WIN?
Chick'sOpinion said…

It seems like evil is dominating. But humanity only stands for so much. And it fights back. And redresses the balance. Totalitarian Dictators eventually fall. It’s just a waiting game. Watch the You tube videos of the People’s Revolution in Romania in 1989. Highly inspiring.

The Romanian people did it themselves. After decades of shocking oppression. They took to the streets in 1000’s. Even the Taxi drivers got involved. In a key way. The positively evil leader and the secret police could no longer crush the whole of the Romanian’s revolting. Even the army switched sides to support the Romanian people. Once the military switches sides. Evil leadership haven’t got a hope of maintaining power.

Evil leader, Erdogan, in Turkey managed to crush a people’s revolution or coup as they call it. A little while ago. Well, it will only last so long, and the Turkish people will rise up again. With a new generation who won’t stand for it. And i think it teaches humanity they can bring light and change themselves.
T. W. said…
Love you Chris!

These people have the devil in them but guess what. We have power to cast them out.

Love has already triumphed over evil. These Luciferians want us to believe otherwise. Don't fall for it. Ask God what you can specifically do.

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