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A "REAL" Royal scandal is brewing.....

Prince Andrew is going to be very upset.
Quiet soon....
Trouble is brewing for him.
He's not going to like it. Why?
Well it's the truth...
Plus this time it's nothing to do with Fergie...


Chick'sOpinion said…
I wonder if this has everything to do with Prince Andrew, the Duke Of York’s big social friendship with 61 year sex offender, Financier and hedge finder, jefferey Epstein. They partied together for years. In the period after prince Andrew’s marriage to that twit Sarah Ferguson ended. Jeffrey Epstein was jailed for keeping minors as sex slaves. 40 of them that they know about. It was alleged that Jeffery Epstein forced one of these young girls into a sex act with Prince Andrew. No the shit dosent go away Princey Andrew.
On another note. People cast stepmothers as the worst type of parent. (Often true) but...Well, it was the stepmother of one of these girl, victims, who went to the cops and in the end whistle blew about Jefferey Epstein. She learned her stepdaughter had ended up with $ 300 in her purse for havin sex with a Middle Aged man at Palm Beach. Epstein’s place.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Under investigation by the FBI , jefferey Epstein’s contacts extended to the global elite. Every effort possible to hamper the trial of Jeffery Epstein was enacted. For protection from media coverage and his ultimate sentencing. And , The plea deal was in violation of the victims rights apparently. How did this maggot get away with it. Answer: friends in high places. And Royalty is pretty high.
T. W. said…
Never liked Prince Andrew or Hitlery Clinton. Yes, I said it.

I couldn't figure out why Epstein is free and was able to keep his private island.

Either he is being protected by other pervs (doubtful) or he is a protected informant.
Chocmint33 said…
Yeah probably some big sex scandal.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Under investigation by the FBI , jefferey Epstein’s contacts extended to the global elite. Every effort possible to hamper the trial of Jeffery Epstein was enacted. For protection from media coverage and his ultimate sentencing. And , The plea deal was in violation of the victims rights apparently. How did this maggot get away with it. Answer: friends in high places. And Royalty is pretty high.
Chick'sOpinion said…
The lesson from the universe for Prince Andrew. If ya lay down with dogs. Ya get up with fleas. If ya lay down with underage minors. Ya get up as a pedophile.
Apple Monkey said…
I hope this dreadful man gets his just desserts. Chicks exactly right, he did party with Epstein. He’s an awful man and full of his own self importance. He’s the father of two girls so how could he be involved in such activities.
Jules said…
Oh dear, what has Fergie done this time!
Chick'sOpinion said…
Jefferey Epstein, prolific American sex offender, developed an image like the The Great Gatsby. Yeah , I know , the great Gatsby character was a good guy. But, in Epstein’s case he held huge parties for the rich and famous for different party pursuits. He was highly involved in sex trafficking. Of even 12 year old girls. Lured away from their countries by the promise of modelling, by one of Epstein’s best friends, fellow sex trafficker, Modelling Agent, Jean Luc Brunel. Who owned /owns MC2 Model Management.
He escaped being jailed as a sex trafficker.. which beggars belief. Epstein only got 13 months. So so wrong. Prince Andrew was proven enough, I think, to have slept with Virginia Roberts, a young victim, a minor, plucked by Epstein and his disgusting GF, an Australian billionaires daughter called Ghislaine Maxwell. To work/have sex with the couple. And anyone he told her to.
Victim Virginia Roberts, interestingly, was workin at Trumps Mar-y-Lago at the time. As a room attendant. She doesn’t have any connection to Trump. And At the time of the trial of Epstein, Prince Andrew lost his job as UK Trade Envoy. Perhaps the worry was he was using his position to help Epstein trade in sex trafficking. Of minors. Or they worried he’d be tempted. From my research, He definitely participated in Epstein’s sex trafficking and molestation of young girls. For years.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Warning. Fake Modelling Companies are getting more and more sophisticated. In conning parents out of big money and into believing they are payin into an opportunity to get their daughter’s photography portfolio they take, onto key websites. They used to just advertise. And wait for parents to come to them. Now they are approaching in the street. Pretending to scout teenage beautiful girls, making them think they have been specially chosen. It a con. These companies are scamming hopefuls.

London Fashion Models (fake modelling company)
The Studio Works. (Fake modelling company)

Wouldn’t be surprised if they are a front for sex trafficking too. They also have a fake call centre.
Jules said…
Chicks Opinion - art galleries are also nortiours fronts for sex trafficking.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Ahhh. Did not know that. How scary. It’s jus shocking what is goin on.
T. W. said…
I didn't know about the art galleries.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I’m never gonna look at Art Galleries in the same way again. LoL
Jules said…
It's incredible what you can learn on You tube ... A call for an uprising is a brilliant channel .. highly recommended.Its because they can easily 'cook the books' and launder their money that way.
Jules said…
I just want to add that obviously not ALL art Galleries are fronts for sex trafficking. I also just read about Nail salons being a haven for sex trafficking and slavery.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Through art galleries? Omg. It’s like how the bikies in Australia, buy/ run Gyms, as a front for a drug dealing operation. They are no longer allowed to own Gyms in Australia, because of this.
T. W. said…
A revealed blind item claims Prime Andrew is being investigated for the rape of 5 girls in Malaysia.

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