Piers Morgan, as even a blind man can see.

Is a complete and utter moron...
So his latest "ARSE" kissing article..
On his "Buddy" Trump aka Babyfart.
Is just a love letter in a tabloid newspaper...
But, no one is buying it...............
This will backfire, on Piers..........
Just like Trumps past behaviour...
Is about to backfire on him too....
Piers Morgan always has to back track. He was scathing about Ariana and then apologised etc etc. He claims he doesn’t follow Trumps ideals but then ass crawls him.
Otherwise yes it was great but the party starts again tonight.
Too bad I can not share the photos it was crazy. People were happy young people even babies ...
I noticed the uniforms have a chicken on them. I wondered what Trump would say about that.
As for me, I am pleased the French uniforms had their national bird on it. Chickens keep people from starving.
Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be America's national bird. The American Bald Eagle was chosen instead. They are beautiful but in my opinion America should have chosen the turkey.
Wild turkeys March together in formation. It's wild to see. I have always seen eagles fly alone. Something to think about.
Guess what. The Roman Empire and Germany chose eagles too. Interesting.
The rooster is the symbol of pride.
Yes it was funny people had put some beer and brought a baguette and wine.
Other people came with cheese.
We sang the Marseillaise full lung.
That’s really cool you went for CL and cup final matches. Wish you all the best for the new season.