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Partners for life........

 Laverne Cox & her boyfriend, Kyle Draper.
Are celebration thier one year anniversary,
of being a couple.
More good news.....
About to put a ring on it.......


CyndiTx123 said…
Very happy for her and her bf!!
Tony said…
It's really nice to have some good news. They look very happy together too.
T. W. said…
I am going to say it. I know many of you will disagree.

If this Laverne Cox person has a Y-chromosome like Laverne says it does, cuz Laverne claims to be transgender, then Laverne is a man. I don't care what the surgeons and endocrinologists do to him.

My period started last night. I am craving sugar. I bought cookies today and I don't even like cookies. I can taste the chemicals in sweets and drinks.

I have been bloated and emotionally irritated beyond belief. I got diarrhea. I have been peeing constantly. My head hurts. I wear 2 overnight Maxi pads and change them every other hour. I get cramps so bad I want to have my uterus surgically removed. My boob's went up almost 2 cup sizes and hurt really bad.

This happens every month.

If this Laverne person and others like him can naturally experience this, naturally produce and release egg cells, naturally get pregnant, and naturally give birth then I will be more than happy to call this person a she.
Jessica said…
Very happy for her!
Unknown said…
Yay! I hope they have every happiness together!
Apple Monkey said…
TW if you haven’t already do check your iron levels. I am speaking from experience as I am exactly the same and do get anaemia.
T. W. said…
Thank you Apple Monkey!

That might explain why I have been craving steaks and pumpkin seeds. Low iron and zinc.
Apple Monkey said…
Yep it’s funny you crave the foods that boost your levels. I crave chocolate every time.
T. W. said…
Dark chocolate is good for you too!
Apple Monkey said…
Lol I love milk chocolate!
Poop Schloop said…
So him being a male, and him being a male, they're just a gay couple.

No, there's no punchline, just that's the truth.

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