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TOLD YA,, She's still at the Devils Dandruff...

Breakdown ahead.......
April 02 2017

For those of you who don't know who this is.
Her name is Katie Price, 
shes a reality Star in the UK.
Think Brit Kim Kardashian, I know not pretty.
Well, I just saw these pics of her..
Looks to me as thought she's about to hit the deck.
It won't be pretty either..............
Once down, she'll see the result of her Karma.
Due to all the crap that she has done to others.


T. W. said…
Why do I always confuse her with Cheryl Cole-Ten-Thousand-Million-Last-Names?
Apple Monkey said…
I don’t understand her. Kieran cheated on her, she forgave him but made sure he was publicly humiliated. He cheated again, she did the same thing. His track record wasn’t good. She is now taken a new boyfriend and can’t cope? What about your kids Katie? Your mum needs you as well. I do wish she would read this.
T. W. said…
You'd be surprised who comes to this site.

Christian has celebrity & "elite" clients. If I were them I would come here to stay a step ahead of everyone else.

I periodically promote this site on CDAN (the blind item site). I know for a fact the rich and famous read that site.
Apple Monkey said…
TW as always you are very wise. I hope she does read it.
Apple Monkey said…
PS I have seen you on CDAN and didn’t realise it was you! ie TW.
Anonymous said…
I've seen you both on CDAN too, I love that site. T.W. I agree, Christian's the only psychic I go too. He's the best ^_^ Blind gossip is sooo interesting to read. Hey you know who if you're reading this: I'm coming ;)
T. W. said…
Yes, that is me! I came back to that site recently.

I try not to post too much there because that is a strange crowd. They are very cliquish.

That crowd has run a lot of good people off and is slowly turning into the Lunatic Fringe. A certain person (T******13) holds court & could do not wrong. I called her out on her mess and the sycophants did not like that and tried to run me off. Go through January, February and March archives.

I used to post under other names. A few months back I was called a troll who did not understand how things worked on the site. I told them I had been lurking and posting under other names longer they have. If they had been coming to the site since the beginning they would have known that.
Apple Monkey said…
Hi TW. Wow small world eh. I do notice that discussions get heated v v quickly. And that’s so mean you were called a troll and run off.
Hope u r taking good care of yrself xxx
T. W. said…
Hi Apple Monkey!

I am doing my best!

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