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Wakey, Wakey......


Chick'sOpinion said…
Personally I Do hope they lock Trump Junior up for 5 years. Because he’s an entitled profoundly corrupt maggot. Let alone the lying under oath but. Boy, the wife who’s currently divorcing him will be over the moon with happiness if he gets jailed. That gets rid of him for 5 years. Therefore limiting his ability to corrupt their kids. And make a continuous fool out of her and her kids, by publicly screwing low lifes, like sleazy Fox News slut Kimberly Guilfoyle
quiet said…
That last sentence is heavy.

Now that would be something if donald jr got imprisoned shortly after his divorce and new life with new girlfriend. ha ha ha ha ha

Ivankas fashion line discontinued in many retail outlets and perhaps jail for his son.

Big Baby Fart should be proud
T. W. said…
Make Donald Jr. or his daddy pay for his prison upkeep. They can afford it.
Chick'sOpinion said…
In regards to Trump Junior, It just goes to show what kind of degenerate perverse kind of people can emerge from the ruling class focussed solely on sex money and power. Despite the advantages of good education, social standing. Access to a standard of living beyond people’s wildest dreams. Trump Junior trashes his marriage, political intrigues on an almost espionage level. And will possibly go to jail before age 50. I think, Live simply. And you will be happy.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Donald Trump, and what Michael Moore calls’ friendly fascism’. Can Facisim seem friendly?. Well, it depends on how you present it. Take for instance how militarised the police have become over the years. It’s all presented to us, as for our own protection. But in reality we need protection from militarised Police. Oh and let’s look at the killing of unarmed civilians. I guess that’s supposed to be for our’ protection ‘ too. Apparently, applications for gun ownership has increased a lot lately in the U.S. You have to ask why.
Chocmint33 said…
Over the blood moon eclipse weekend I unexpectedly found this on a psychic's blog site. What she said reflects what CD has been saying about all the crimes Babyfart will be charged with.
She spells it all out. Pretty unbelievable - maf involvement with that Russian guy, money laundering, a murder in Babyfart tower. Impeachment is nothing compared to his other crimes. I now see why CD says he will be jailed.
Maybe I'm naïve, but I was shocked when I read it. The fact that I saw it on blood moon weekend could be a sign. I get chills writing about it now.
Here is the link.
Kristy said…

I read that link and I'm shocked too. I know CD said it was crimes beyond our imagination but still. Now I think the whole separating kids from parents at the boarder was a plan to facilitate the human trafficking. This man really is sick.
Kay said…
That was an interesting read.

I believe Trump will leave this country when he sees no way out except for jail time. I was "told" that he will go to Sicily. Will Russia actually want him after this is all over?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Yeah I will be very surprised if he escapes being jailed. There’s just way too much , having gone on. And further. He has so many enemies. I think more than he even realises.


As for him escaping to Sicily. That’s if Sicily will have him. It’s an island. I’m pretty sure ,given its geographical position in Italy I’m pretty sure it’s run by the Mafia. He couldn’t live there without their permission.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And Trump Junior’s wife can start singin Aretha Franklin’s song, Respect.
‘All I’m askin for, is for ittle respect when you come home, ya runnin outa fools’.
But I doubt she’ll get respect, Trump junior has never had to respect any woman. And TW, I agree. Why should US taxpayers, pay for his incarceration. Put him in a stone hut on St Helena’s Island like Napoleon.

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