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Another Fan of Devils Dandruff.....

Pete Davidson alleged comic/actor.
Presently "Engaged" to Pop Star Ariana Grande.
Seem to be heading to becoming.
a member of the "27" club..
He needs to go to rehab ASAP...
Oh Well.....


quiet said…
Thats too bad.

These young adults with money and fame really disturb me. From selena gomez getting preg which she should not do to bieber wrapping his lambo around a tree to demi lovto and now this guy.

Maybe petes father is calling him home but I doubt it.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Call me ignorant, but apart from being Ariana Grande’s bf, What is this guy famous for?
T. W. said…
He is a cast member of Saturday Night Live and says stupid stuff all the time. If you thought I had Foot in Mouth Disease...
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD Looks like Liam Gallagher of Oasis isn’t gonna change. He’s been seen pushing his current gf of 4 years, Debbie Gwyther, pushing her neck. Calling her a ‘witch’. In a blazing row in front of people at a nightclub. He did similar to her 2 years ago. What kind of future does our dear little Mancunian Liam have?
CyndiTx123 said…
Hi Chick'sOpinion, Pete's dad died in the 9/11 tragedy - he stars on SNL and he is an advocate for Crohn's disease.... But now it seems he is an advocate for the Devils Dandruff... Poor guy- His family is super worried over him because he has major bipolar issues and stopped taking his meds. I hope he gets help before he is added to the list of age of the 27 death of the famous.....
Chick'sOpinion said…


Thanks guys. And He seems like a mismatch for Miss Grande. So maybe the devils dandruff is interfering in her decision making too.
Chick'sOpinion said…

And wouldn’t you think if he’s dad died so young. This guy would have learnt some kind of lesson. About death. But nope.
Letty said…
I don’t care for him
I think he makes a excuses why he has to smoke pot
And ge hi.
He plays on people’s sympathy
T. W. said…
Anytime Chick'sOpinion!

I agree with Letty. This man needs to take responsibility for his own actions.
CyndiTx123 said…
Smoking pot in some states is legal for medicinal purposes. I hear it helps people with certain autoimmune diseases- he mentioned that it helped his symptoms, but then you know darn well the devils dandruff doesn't help with any diseases but cause them. This guy needs to listen to his family that cares for him and want him to make better choices and not rash talking about his _ _ ck how great it is with Grande.... now that is sooo whacked up!! That is probably why CD mentioned that Grande's next bf would be worse than the one she broke up with.... now we see why... I hope she doesn't go back licking donuts she hasn't bought.... :)
Chick'sOpinion said…
I take 2 steps forward. I take 2 steps back. We come together, cuz opposites attract.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And no Ariana. Like the gastroenterologist has claimed back to you today in the media. Pete’s sunken eyes appearance, has NOTHING to do with his Crohn’s Disease. As you claim. As that only causes temporary dehydration of the eyes. It’s Pete’s love of cocaine luv.
These people, who take drugs sure are delusional. Problems is, they almost always think everyone else around them can’t see the reality. Yes we can. Cause we ain’t as high as the Empire State.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Love that expression, whacked up. That’s definitely American!!, the way. I forgot about Ariana’s donut licking episode. Lucky for her a lot of people have forgot about it.
T. W. said…
Did Ariana think the donut was powdered with cocaine instead if sugar?
CyndiTx123 said…
hahaha! thanks Chick'sOpinion :)

yep, i am very american-similar to CD who is half American...well since a few years ago.-which by the way I am so proud of you CD and all others who become American citizens. but anyway I am mostly Texan. I love to jive talk too...comes from my Oak Cliff roots...:) My hubby & I are very blue in a somewhat hopefully changing red state to blue. Can't stand Govna' Abbot- and his cronies! Also I have Beto signs on my front lawn..

CD - will Beto beat out the yucky Ted Cruz??? I pray that he does. Everyone needs to watch how Beto answers why he stands for the kneeling of the football players during the national anthem. It's all true and hopefully people get a better understanding of why football players do it.

Love & Peace to all my CD Website friends :)
T. W. said…
Thank you Chick'sOpinion!

Texas has had a lot of crap governors. I pray things get better.
Chick'sOpinion said…

‘Jive talk’ ahhhhhh LoL that’s So American too. I was always fascinated as a young girl, The Beegees said that in their Jive Talkin song. They picked up that expression while recording in the U.S.

Too funny about Ariana lickin the icing sugar off the donuts, thinkin it’s Cocaine. LoL.
My friend who was a Ambulance worker, said to one day, ‘drug addicts would smoke, sniff, inject their own sh.t, if they thought it would get them high’.
But I say not Whitney Houston. Cause remember in 2002 she replied outraged in an interview, when the interviewer suggested she smoked crack, Whitney yelled back ‘crack is whack, I smoke cocaine’. Clearly, there can be a snob hierarchy for the wealthy in drug addiction. Who can afford to choose.
T. W. said…
Crack is cocaine in solid form.

Whitney denied any and all current drug use to Diane Sawyer during the interview.

She said crack is whack and then asked Diane to show her the receiots.

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