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Last few days of freedom Paul...


T. W. said…
Much patience...
Chick'sOpinion said…
So he didn’t talk. And Trump didn’t save him. Well he’s gonna have plenty of time to think about it all.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Life in the slammer. Mmm, Is gonna be way different. Wonder if he will be permitted to write a book, about Trump. We have, in my country, finally stopped criminals being allowed to profit by writing books after their release. About their crime and all the details. Schapelle Corby, Australian drug smuggler , who did 10 years in an Indonesian jail, tried to write a book. Was stopped. So what did the scum TV network do. Offered her a reality show.
T. W. said…
Here in America convicted criminals can write a book about their crimes but they cannot collect any money from that.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Cause I think it’s disgusting how certain criminals have written books. And made money. Pretty sure Jordan Belfort published his memoir though. And the Leo Di Caprio movie The Wolf Of Wall Street is based on it. Interestingly Belfort was very involved in the making of that film, for authenticity. He claimed in an interview that he knew almost immediately that Red Granite and Aziz production company makin Wolf of Wall Street, were criminals. And I believe him. See the irony here. Criminals makin a movie about criminals. And Jordan Belfort refused 500, 000 dollars from the production company. He said the whole thing was shady. He’d know.
T. W. said…

The more I learn about the entertainment industry the less I like it. I can barely watch tv anymore. Thank God for Days of Our Lives. Is it still a year or so behind in Australia?
Chick'sOpinion said…

I don’t know. I don’t own a TV. Every time I’ve bought a TV since 2007. Something happens to it. Or since 2007 I move somewhere, where TV signal is poor. Right now I live in a low gully area. Surrounded by bushland , So signal dropped in and out which drove me crazy, then my new big TV stopped working. Why? I loved TV.
Was the universe tryin to tell me something, sayin Stop watching bloody TV. Cause if you don’t we’ll make sure you do. I go to the movies very regular though. And see TV on occasion at other people’s houses. Life without TV is very different.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion, yes, I think someone was sending you a message. I have gone for months at a time. I agree, it is different but not all bad.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I think you are right. Cause when I finally ‘gave up’ gettin another TV. My life improved. I hit the beach more, all the time, went back to painting, more creative, more social. Endless changes. TV hypnotises you. And stops you connecting with your own creative or thinking self. You only eventually notice this when you no longer have one.

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