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Mission Improbable ....

Dear Tommy Boy.....
Be very careful how high you try to fly.
You may just find the "WIRE" snaps...
Stunts are not for the weak,  or a bragger.....


C said…
Thank you for this CD. I was hoping you would say something. This definitely cleared up alot for me. It made me think that The Academy should really give Oscars to stunt people. A lot of stunt people put in hard work in order for the film to be successful. And a lot of stunts are life threatening. They literally give their lives for the success of a film. Credit needs to be given to stunt people.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Perhaps he thinks that he is so fantastic that he can actually fly. Or, maybe there’s new insane Scientologist belief, that says he will be saved mid air, by the Thetans, Anything is possible with Scientologists. Who believe human beings evolve from clams. So funny.
T. W. said…
Uh-oh. He was already hurt doing stunts for that last movie. The next stunt may be his last.
Letty said…
Tom’s teeth look like white chiclets gum!! Lol
T. W. said…
LOL Chick'sOpinion!

Is Elon Musk going down in flames? If social media and blind items are to be believed :

1. Elon Musk is insane
2. Elon Musk is on drugs
3. Elon Musk flew Azalea Banks to his home for a threesome
4. His Board of directors are on the verge of forcing him out
5. The SEC is about to arrest him for securities fraud
Chick'sOpinion said…
I’m just waiting for Nicole Kidman to write her book. She probably won’t write it till after Tom passes. Because knowing how insanely devoted he is to protecting Scientology, in a general way. His movie career and image. Nicole probably legally can’t write it yet. As she was probably forced to agree, as terms of her divorce, to never reveal the truth. But maybe she refused. And that’s why his solicitors were able to stop her access rights to her kids as part of the divorce deal. And helped by Scientology brainwashing their view of their mother.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Yes. I wanna know if Elon Musk is gonna pull himself together.
Kitt Med said…
I wonder if he will come back for his daughter later, when she gets older?
Jules said…
Chicks Opinion - your risky business comment made me laugh out loud!!! Nicole Kidman has got too many dark secrets of her own and her own family to risk writing a book on Toms secrets. They are just as bad as each other.

KIt Med - I was going to mention how many years now has it been since he made the effort to see his daughter?
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah Tom Cruise hasn’t seen Suri in a long time apparently. Katie Holmes must be so relieved about that. What was Katie Holmes thinkin when she married him? It will interesting to see if Suri becomes an actress too. It’s fairly clear she’s not being raised a Scientologist. Australian Nicole Kidman’s adopted Scientologist children, never visited Australia again after the divorce. I don’t know why, but I find those adopted kids of her and Tom Cruise, creepy. Especially the daughter.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Nicole Kidman’s dad was a psychologist (now deceased) I wonder if he’s workin from the other side. And is gonna break a wire when Tommy boy does one of his own stunts. Wouldn’t surprise me. Cause if Tom Cruise was your son in law, your patience would have been tested over and over. Tom Cruise has a legendary bad temper. And Nicole’s dad would have diagnosed what kind of nut Tom is, after the 1st meeting.
T. W. said…
Katie Holmes has always had a crush (her words) on Tom Cruise. That is why she married him.

Tom & Nicole's adopted children had no contact with Nicole because that is what Scientologists do. When you leave the group they want nothing to do with you.

As for Nicole's father, he was a pedophile and was being investigated. Funny how no one talks about that. I have heard other things about him as well, including potential Nazi ties.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah, I thought Tom Cruise was the hottest guy ever. When I 1st saw him in Risky Business when I was real young. Mmm, I had to sit through that film again at a friends place, a few years back. It shocked me now, cause the plot line of the film is ‘young rich underage guy finds a way to exploit the earnings of young prostitutes, for himself, pimp them out, so he can buy his dad a new Porche’. Disgraceful!!
T. W. said…
I have never seen Risky Business & I am glad I haven't. I was too young anyway but my point is the Sheeple do not pay attention to plot lines. I am routinely shocked when I watch reruns of shows I watched growing up. Something is wrong when Bonanza and The Rifle Man are the most family friendly shows you can find.
Chick'sOpinion said…

No reports of Nicole Kidman’s father being investigated ever hit the media in Australia. Nicole and Tom’s cruise’s management must have definitely shut down that story somehow.
And isn’t it interesting Katie Holmes has a girlhood crush on Tom Cruise . As did Kate Middleton on William. She had a poster of Prince William on her boarding school bedroom wall. Does he know he was a vision board idea. To manifest him into her life.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion - I like conspiracy theories but some seem so outrageous... But then you hear stories like the one you just told me. According to the theories these celebrity marriages are not by accident or chance. Everything is planned, right down to Meghan Markle's marriage to Prince Harry. One theorist says if one does some digging one will find they are related by blood. These Luciferians do all they can to preserve their bloodlines you know.

They also claim people making the A list is no accident, these people in Hollywood are all related by blood somehow. That is why they walk the red carpet, to signify the blood line. Also explains why everyone looks alike.
Jules said…
TW - I think all Tom Cruise's marriages have been 'contract marriages'. I also believe there is more than a grain of truth in those conspiracy theories regarding bloodline. No one gets to walk the red carpet unless they want you to and you don't have to dig too deep to find out they are all related.

Regarding Nicole Kidman's father, I watched a couple of very interesting videos on the film 'eyes wide shut' and the death of Stanley Kubrick, they spoke briefly about Nicole's father in one of them and they were far from complimentary about him, in fact, they were the exact opposite.
T. W. said…
The plot thickens. One day the stats will fall from the sky.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Agree agree, All up, all of Toms marriages have been contracted arrangements. And I hated that movie Eyes Wide Shut. I hated the topic. And the indecent obscene scenes in it. And I believe it was bad for Tom cruise and Nicole Kidman’s career. I remember when it came out. Generally, the public didn’t get what Kubrick was tryin to say. And didn’t care either. Funny how Stanley Kubrick died just after makin it. Jus sayin.
And I won’t even get into the Freemasonry topic of that movie. Cause Freemasonry in my view is just a business club, who have weird ancient rituals. Like Phi Beta Kappa or the Disney Organisation. Same shit. Different membership price. Same outcome . Business. Money.
Jules said…
Chicks Opinion - Eyes wide shut exposed the elite and the Illuminati .. a very clever film with everything hidden in plain sight nthat is why he was killed. To some degree, Freemasonry is just a business a club., but it is more than that.. way more than that ..the higher you climb.
T. W. said…
I came back to add more but Jules said what needed to be said.

I was a teen when Eyes Wide Shut came out. I have no desire to see it. Tom & Nicole had to know what that film was about. Yes, people usually audition for roles but the actors' personal history in regards to the subject matter plays a role.

As for Kubrick, he began revealing things without permission before that film came out.

As for Aretha Franklin, anyone find it odd she died on Madonna's 60th birthday? Anyone find it odd Elvis Presley died on the same day but in a different year?
Jules said…
TW - A lot of people, including his daughter, believe that Stanley Kubrick was murdered because he refused to edit his film, (many people also witnessed the huge argument he had with the studio bosses in regards to not wanting to edit his film ).

When he died the studio cut 20 mins of his film.

No one to this day has dared to reveal what was in this missing footage. Some think the missing footage came from the orgy scenes and contained pedophilia.

Personally, I found the film very disturbing, and I was angry with the main character for putting his wife and child in that horrible position .. a lot of the scenes actually creeped me, like the scene where the man offers up his daughter in the fancy dress shop .. the scenes that really freaked me out where the scenes with the ritual chanting it was just something about it that made me feel very very uneasy. I have not watched it since my eyes are wide open but watching youtube videos where they expose the film as being all about the elite/ Illuminati and go into depth about every scene it is a very very clever film. Kubrick thought of every little detail.

I am surprised Kubrick was ever given permission to make it ... but then again I am not .. as the majority of sheeple would have no idea what the real meaning behind it was.

The more you peep down the rabbit hole the more you see how significant certain dates are. There is a pattern to all of this madness.

Has anyone else also noted that a lot of celebrity deaths seemed to coincide with major events regarding the Royal Family esp the Queen's celebration of her reign.
T. W. said…
Jules, I had no idea.

Mary40 just put out a video on the significance on Aretha Franklin's death. She and Elvis died on Madonnas birthday. Aretha is Queen of Soul. Madonna is Queen of Pop.

The video talked about the date Prince died having something to do with Queen Elizabeth 2, I think it was her birthday. Mary40 said "A Prince for a Queen."
Jules said…
TW - A vast amount of conspiracy theorists believe that some celebrities deaths over the years have been sacrificial deaths in honour of the Queen herself, whether that’s true or not, who knows, the truth is often stranger than fiction.

Some truly believe for example that George Michael was a sacrificial death as was Prince, Whitney Houston and the Swedish DJ Aviccii .. interestingly, one of the comments in a video, the link to the said video is below, mentioned the following about the Dj’s stage name .. which says it all as far as I am concerned,” AVicii has symbolism in his name. Avici is the name of the lowest level of hell. The A & V (especially the A without the line through it) represents “as above so below”. As noted above, avici (correct spelling only has 2 “i”s) was misspelled on purpose to include 3 “i”s. It refers to the pineal gland (the third eye).”

Another person also wrote, “Whitney Houston was a solstice sacrifice for the queen. I'm sure there's plenty more. There is some evidence out there of the queen being over 3000 years old. She's always been queen just in different bodies. She didn't trust princess Diana to keep this secret...that's why they took Diana out. The whole family are reptilian demons. Sad to think her and trump are on the same side of things but they, in fact, are...bloodline related also, like all of our presidents. 13 protected bloodlines. This world is nothing at all what people believe or think it is. It's so hard to open peoples eyes. That's how they keep the power. People just can't see the hidden agenda even though its blaring in their faces. Learn all you can and share your knowledge with as many as you can. Its the only way to change our situation.”

T. W. said…
Jules, this is interesting.

Maybe the spirit being inhabiting Queen Elizabeth's body is over 3,000 years old and looks like a reptile. The Bible describes heavenly beings and some of them are bizarre looking. Imagine what an evil spirit looks like. Scripture says Satan/Lucifer *appears* as an angel of light.

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