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TOLD YA.. Took a while getting closer...
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Somethings a knocking in Hollywierd

The rumour mill in “Tinseltown”
Says that the Natalie Wood,
Death case is about to be reopened.
If they do it’ll be very nasty.
Personally I don’t think they will get anywhere.
But 2013 may be a different story all together.
Due to a different source.


Tony said…
It's taken time but I hope justice will prevail. I remember seeing the news on TV when it happened in 1981. Was it really all those years ago?!!
Chick'sOpinion said…
Yes, she was one of 3 stars who died young. who were all in the old movie Rebel Without A Cause. Was that movie jinxed. Or what. James Dean who was the star of it, lived a high risk lifestyle once he got fame. A lot of them do.
I read that Steve Buscemi (Nukky of Boardwalk Empire fame, Reservoir Dogs and lots of Coen films) and Vince Vaughn got in a stupid bar fight with locals a few years back. And Buscemi was stabbed several times and survived. And survived.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Mmmm legendary French actor, Gerard Depardieu has been accused of a historical rape. This will be interesting. Interesting to see how French law handles it. I’m pretty sure they used to have the ‘ Crime of passion defence’ defence for murder in France. Obviously that doesn’t apply here. But the French do have very, shall we say, liberated attitudes to sex.
T. W. said…
Age of consent in France is 14.

I don't understand how a child can consent to sexual activity.
Chick'sOpinion said…
14. That’s wrong. See TW. The French have a different take on things. I wonder if they will just try and claim that this rape Depardieu is accused of, is just ‘bad sex’. I seem to recall the very intelligent and normally sharp Germaine Greer inferring that some rapes are just bad sex. She nearly lost me as a fan for that comment.
She’s redeemed herself though. She’s been campaigning for shorter sentencing for rapists. Why?
Cause a lot of rapists get away with it at court cause jury’s are unwilling to find them guilty. Cause the sentences are like, 10 years.
So Germaine says, ‘make them shorter, to get rapists in jail. At least for a while.

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