The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The fix was already in. I hope you squealed in exchange for immunity.
With love,
On another note, So in 2017 Trump met with Vietnam Veterans Of America to talk about issues. And he disagreed with them, that they were wrong. When he asserted, it was Agent Orange used in the old movie on Vietnam he saw, called Apocalypse Now. The veterans said to him ‘no it’s napalm used in that movie’. He thinks they are wrong. Ummm, does he not get that Vietnam veterans would know more about it than him. We know Trump didn’t serve in Vietnam. But this is ridiculous.
august had too many eclipe's and retrogrades..even mars is in retro
Monika - While Hitlery, I meant Hillary, was the better candidate America would have been screwed either way. Hillary should have run as Bernie Sanders' VP.
Multiple sources claim Hillary has a progressive neurological disorder. I forget the name of it but it is often misdiagnosed as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's. She definitely suffers from cognitive decline and pseudo Bulgar affect.
Mueller and still he has not done anything to
Yeah, I’ve noticed too Australians like talkin about Trump and what’s happening in U.S politics.
Yes other psychics are talkin about Hilary Clinton having a very serious illness. Why is she hiding it? Cause she’s still hankering after a big political career. As if she hasn’t already had one. And, She was a barrister for years I believe. I guess she believes that admitting serious illness will disempower her. Psychics say Chelsea Clinton her daughter is gonna run for office eventually. Is the U.S ever gonna be free of the Clinton’s?
Yes, Hillary was an attorney. She defended a rapist and laughed and bragged about how she got him off (I bet in more ways than one).
Some of us black people have not forgotten she called us "super predators". Some of us have not forgotten her husband passed legislation that specifically targeted blacks and placed them into prison. Now you know why I couldn't support anyone during the last presidential campaign.
Oh, did you know she is friends with that Marina Abramovic person? Google her name and "spirit cooking."
Did you know Bill Clinton is friends with Epstein, you know, the guy who owns the private island where elites go to have sex with underage boys. Sometimes girls or both. Ask Prince Andrew about it.
Funny how a lot of the Clinton's friends are known pedophiles and known occult practitioners...
It surprises me that the Clinton’s would be that unwise about the company they keep. Especially Epstein. I wonder if they have cut contact with him since he did his 13 months in jail. 13 months !! that’s all he did. For sex trafficking and raping young girls for decades. It’s sooo disgusting. And he clearly got away with it cause he knew the Clintons. And a whole lot of other influential people. Can you put a link or info here, to the legislation Clinton passed to target African Americans. The issue for the U.S is, Chelsea Clinton is gonna run for office in the future. Scary.
To be fair, some black lawmakers pushed for it to pass so it is possible Bill Clinton thought they were looking out for all African Americans.
I also linked info about Clinton's welfare law. He approved legislation that barred legal immigrants from receiving government benefits that they are otherwise legally entitled to receive. Keep in mind they pay taxes too. Trump is doing the same. I dislike Trump but I want to show all politicians are dirty.
1. Link to download PDF file if the law:
2. USA Today article:
3. What Bill Clinton had to say after the fact:
4. "Why Hillary Clinton Doesn't Deserve The Black Vote" (article from The Nation)
5. LA Times article discussing a research study claiming mire blacks are incarcerated under the 3 Strikes Law:
6. Salon article claiming Bill Clinton supports racist the 3 Strikes Law:
7. The Guardian article claiming Clinton's crime law destroyed lives:
8. Clinton's welfare reform law: