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Back to the DARK AGES...


Chick'sOpinion said…
It’s astounding how he thinks, that ‘environmental regulations are an impediment to business’. Yeah well maybe they are. But business can be re-defined. And profit isn’t everything. China has virtually no regulations on pollution. And look of the state of that country.
We’ve known since Victorian times, pollution, fossil fuels, they give you asthma, damages the respiratory system, damages the immune system. And air pollution is carcinargenic and causes Cancer. AND the particles get into water sources.

Oh and Trump doesn’t believe carbon dioxide is a contributor to global warming. Really? Well marine heat waves are killing the largest coral system in the world, The Great Barrier Reef, in Queensland, Australia. So if he doesn’t believe it’s caused by carbon dioxide, has Trump presented another scientific explanation? No. He’s a f..ckwit.
T. W. said…
Trump is the devil incarnate.

China moving from coal is telling.

China has relied on coal forever. I do not know where they get their oil, I assume Russia and the former Soviet states.

China's economy is better than America's. If they can rely on natural energy we can too. I pray we don't resort to tracking...
T. W. said…
Fracking, not tracking. We have been tracked by the shadow government for devades.
Chick'sOpinion said…

China get a huge amount of their coal from Australia. They are digging up vast areas out in the deserts, even the Pilbara. Have been for years. As you may know some of it is sacred land. And it’s a hot issue here anyone wanting to mine sacred land. Or do this stupid fracking.
But my feeling is, all land is sacred, not just the identified indigenous land.
I hope China’s love of our coal is over. Our earth needs to recover from their incessant desire for it. And our govt’s determination to sell it to them.
Interesting, the other day a lady told me that 2 real young environmental activists she knew, both got stomach cancer. And died young. Funny that. 2 perfectly healthy young men die. She said one of them was particularly involved with Green Peace’s Rainbow Warrior. The murder of environmental activists has been goin on for years as we know.
The conversation reminded me of a 2012 movie called The Hunter with Willem Dafoe in it, based on a book by Julia Leigh. It explored issues of animal venom/DNA. But also the story of the disappearance of an environmentalist who was fighting loggers in Tasmania. And how a corporation burned his house down and murdered his wife and child. Great movie. Grounded in fact.
T. W. said…
I didn't know about the Australian coal. Coal mining and natural gas tracking are harsh on the environment.

About sacred indigenous lands. Folks need to listen. You build on that land, you desecrate that land you will bring curses upon yourself and the community.

Ever heard of the occult event called Burning Man? The native Americans say that land is cursed. Of course, occult practitioners love this. It's not called Burning Man cuz they burn an effigy. It's called Burning Man cuz every year a man is to run into the flames as a sacrifice.

Los Angeles, especially Hollywood are cursed land. Many years ago I read an article in Dell Horoscope about it. The astrologers claimed Hollywood is demonic and they have never seen such evil in an astrology chart.

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