The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Did they sit there doing that while being interviewed? Seriously.
Well Mark Suckerberg is probably smoking cause Facebook’s share price has gone through the floor lately. And then again it might be because he’s claimed it will take 3 years to fix the filter content issue. Or cause he refuses to remove holocaust deniers off Facebook.
He’s also got Nigel Farage accusing him of left wing bias.
And in May Zuckerberg had to face questions in Brussels, from members of the European Parliament over Facebook problems. He failed to give proper Yes, No answers to their tricky questions. And then there’s the Cambridge Analytica scandal that won’t go away. And failing to control clickbait. (Which he claims he’s now done)
Yes, Mark, running a monopoly and allowing developers to misuse people’s information sure is becoming a big headache. That you deserve.
Fact is though, his admission of pot smoking will only improve his image for the younger generation. They will finally think he’s cool. He will now go from rich ninja nerd, to Tech Rebel.
I’m on fire about Facebook. As you know, hate it.
For so long FB users have been exploited, scammed, data analysed. Influenced by fake news on it. Communicated to by fake accounts. 1000’s of them. It just goes on and on.
It was reported in the press yesterday, that the Chinese are now spying on Americans through their smart phones. That’s bad enough. But in the case of Mark Zuckerberg, he is an American. And so you would think as a Westerner, who owns a monopoly like FB, he’d have a much more responsible approach to the monopoly he’s created. And how it affects those who use it. And governments.
Yeah well, his arse is in fire the now. I’m glad he was sent on a global sorry tour. To explain to the world, why the hell he failed to protect FB users.
And they have the power to control.
But if we are expecting democracy, then even the Tech Giant elite have to be regulated. For bias. If people have conservative views, they are just as much entitled to them, as far as I’m concerned. But there’s gotta be balance. Everyone gettin their say. Not the world according to Silicon Valley.
I don't care if you are beheaded or if you starve to death. Taking The Mark of the Beast is a guaranteed eternal damnation.
Do not, I repeat, do not take The Mark of the Beast under any circumstances.
About the phones, ZTE is a Chinese company. The US government warned citizens not to purchase or use them because of the spying. I want to know why they are still being sold in America...
Suckerberg has no chill about spying because he has to pay Goat Lucy. He stole The Facebook from the Winklevoss Twins and one other person.
Remember, the Winklevoss Twins are related to the Rothschilds by blood. Rothschilds and the Vatican are the head of the Occult Elite.
Zuckerberg states he is not human, connection to Zuckerberg/Facebook and the Illuminati made during interview, Zuckerberg does not have the intellect to create or manage Facebook:
Mark Suckerberg has a head made from play dough.
But if he covers his lap top camera and microphone with masking tape. Then it jus goes to show you how aware he is of hacking and spying. Pity he didn’t apply the same concern to Facebook and it’s users.
Yes I’ve been tellin people too, about the negative aspect of Facebook for years. Do they listen? no. They just go on with stupid shit about keeping in contact with cousins in other states. It’s total crap. Before Facebook we used to actually ring each other in other states. And have real conversations. Not pics of the cake you just made, Not brief Facebook messages.
The Chinese ZTE phone company is a real worry. It should be banned. Trump probably wants to ban it.
Time the U.S developed one to sell to the Chinese.
But it’s fair to say regarding Facebook, that it started off idealogically, not a bad idea. It was all about friends linking up with friends and interests. A social thing. Nothing wrong with that.
But it soon got hijacked by those with negative intentions. Of every kind. Advertisers, govts, espionage. Especially when it was assumed by Govts, that Facebook was centrally responsible for helping to create the ‘Arab Spring’ of 2010. It did not. And there’s plenty of evidence it didn’t.
Ultimately, Facebook is now ungovernable. And Zuckerberg is left with a problem. A big problem.
The true creators of The Facebook were creating a hook-up/dating/booty call site. That was the original purpose of The Facebook.
As has been proven countless times, Mark Zuckerberg does not have the intellect to create Facebook, it has been proven he stole it from the Winklevoss Twins and another person.
Keep in mind the Winklevoss Twins are Rothschilds by blood.
The Winklevoss Twins tried to handle the matter privately. They did not want to go to court at that time. They warned Zuckerberg that Facebook could be used by the government and other agencies for nefarious purposes. Zuckerberg did not listen.
The Winklevoss Twins pulled the Rothschild Card. Zuckerberg "owns" Facebook but he has to answer to the twins. Now you know why Facebook allowed Cambridge Analytica and others to spy on users. Don't forget Facebook does social programming/engineering.
Read what Rockefeller had to say himself:
“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
-David Rockefeller, “Memoirs of David Rockefeller” p.405
The Wikipedia page on the Rothschilds is very confusing (on purpose), all one can figure is they made their money from the banking industry. They also financed Britain's wars. The Rothschilds have sovereign nations by the balls.
If you still haven't read between the lines, the Rothschilds and the Vatican answer to Baphomet/Lucifer. They are the earthly head of the occult elite. Don't mess with them. No joke.
You MUST watch this documentary:
Weird Ways of the Elite by Jay Myers:
Very brief article with photos of the 1972 Rothschild Illuminati Ball:
Yes, I remember watching The Social Network movie thinkin this isn’t the whole story. It doesn’t surprise me that Mark Zuckerberg may not be the original creator of Facebook. So many good inventions were stolen over the centuries. Most getting away with it.
And if Mark Zuckerberg was warned, what Facebook could become. Then he deserves what he’s having to manage and deal with today. But the real Facebook victims, are the ones who use it, and get exploited by it. And have believed a lot of what they read on it. Influenced.
If it’s true that Mark Suckerberg has no true control over Facebook. And the ones who pull the strings, are billionaires behind the scenes. Then Facebook has no future of becoming free of political manipulation.
In 2017 Mark Suckerberg wrote a grand 5,500 word essay on how he plans to tackle the dangerous monster Facebook has become. He claims he’s gonna control what’s gone on in the past with AI (artificial intelligence) It’s already being used on Facebook (but in a negative way) But He claims in this essay, he’s gonna flag content and scan messages with it. Ummm that could have been done effectively years ago.
The essay admits they need major advancement to tackle the problems.
Really ? well, Facebook are falling behind those who are already using the ‘advancements’ he talks of, namely Yahoo and Google’s Jigsaw. They have anti-abuse technology already embedded. So as far as I’m concerned Mark Suckerberg is talkin shit. Or lying.
Further, in his essay he is still talkin about creating a ‘Global Community’ via Facebook. Sorry, but that is naive college (university) talk. I’m glad I live in the real world. Not on Facebook. And not In Mark Zuckerberg’s.