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A Star & the Agent...

Soon to be Oscar winner Lady Gaga.......
Is engaged to her agent Christian Carino.
A match made in business...
But will it work.......?
So good for them.....


Arshes said…
Oscar winner? I'm gonna assume for a sing she wrote for a star is born. Madonna is going to be sooooo jealous. Gaga may get herself an EGOT!
T. W. said…
The film is getting rave reviews. I will share another view from a commentor on the blind site:

As you know, most of them do not like Lady Gaga. They have their reasons. Well, one person said this version of ASIB is nothing like the previous. The person was fine until Lady's character dominated the film. However, the commentor did say the plot held her interest.

As far as the plot being nothing like the original, I think this is good for those of us who have seen the previous versions. Creativity is stifled in Hollywood. The writer(s) paid homage to the others but made the plot more contemporary and original.

As for Christian's comment on the upcoming marriage. In my opinion, we all have a person who is the perfect help meet (not help mate) but we have free will. So we are compatible with other people. God's Plan B is always better than our Plan A.

Help meet is an interesting Old English word and I think it is better than "soul mate".
T. W. said…
Arshes, people are saying Bradley Cooper and Rami Melek could get an Oscar nomination.

As for Lady Gaga, all that performance art is paying off. Kanye should learn from her.
Unknown said…
So, you were wrong about her getting back with her ex then?
Anonymous said…
Hope your right T.W. My plan A did not end up coming though CD did say he would. Waited nearly 18 months now and I have given up. some of us are not meant to be with a partner.
Anonymous said…
I forgot to say I really enjoyed the film. Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper were fantastic.
T. W. said…
Anonymous, I do not want to pry. People have free will, so unless God himself tells you something will surely happen, we can make choices and ask God for help. Many times
I have asked Christian a question, he will tell me something God has already told me. Then my sister or another trusted person will tell me the same. God works through people. God will always confirm His communication with you. That is how prophecy works under the New Covenant.

Could be the other person chose someone else. Could be that person is in a situation where if you two had gotten together one or both of you would be worse off. Could be the person took a job that keeps him or her from meeting you. Could be Satan went through an open door in your life or the other person's life that allows him to block your blessing.

As for being alone, true, some people are forced into that (health reasons, castration, imprisonment, etc.). Some people want to be alone. My Bible says God gives people grace to be alone.

If you desire a mate, the solution is in the Bible. It says he who finds a wife finds a good thing. The Bible also says we find good things by loving, honoring, and worshipping God.

Also, it says if we delight ourselves in the LORD He will give us the desires of our heart. This scripture is often taken out of context and twisted. God has desires and plans for us. If we delight ourselves in Him, those desires and plans become our own.

So putting this together, loving and chasing after God and being in relationship with Him (through Jesus Christ) is the key.

In other words, don't chase after a mate, chase after God.

I expect a good report!
T. W. said…
Anonymous, I do not want to pry. People have free will, so unless God himself tells you something will surely happen, we can make choices and ask God for help. Many times
I have asked Christian a question, he will tell me something God has already told me. Then my sister or another trusted person will tell me the same. God works through people. God will always confirm His communication with you. That is how prophecy works under the New Covenant.

Could be the other person chose someone else. Could be that person is in a situation where if you two had gotten together one or both of you would be worse off. Could be the person took a job that keeps him or her from meeting you. Could be Satan went through an open door in your life or the other person's life that allows him to block your blessing.

As for being alone, true, some people are forced into that (health reasons, castration, imprisonment, etc.). Some people want to be alone. My Bible says God gives people grace to be alone.

If you desire a mate, the solution is in the Bible. It says he who finds a wife finds a good thing. The Bible also says we find good things by loving, honoring, and worshipping God.

Also, it says if we delight ourselves in the LORD He will give us the desires of our heart. This scripture is often taken out of context and twisted. God has desires and plans for us. If we delight ourselves in Him, those desires and plans become our own.

So putting this together, loving and chasing after God and being in relationship with Him (through Jesus Christ) is the key.

In other words, don't chase after a mate, chase after God.

I expect a good report!
writestuff said…
Wise words, T.W.! Christian, I'm asking for help. I rented a room over two months ago from an acquaintance who I thought I knew. She told me she drank and smoked occasionally. After I'd been here a couple of weeks she told me she used drugs. She keeps going through my things and using them and cut my dog's hair when I was at work. Then on Sunday she asked me for 1/2 of November's rent. Im trying to sneak my stuff out and get out of here by this weekend. Can you please say a prayer of protection for my little doggie & me? Thank you!
Anonymous said…
T.W. - This has been going back over 11 years that I have been told by various psychics and psychic astrologers about this man so interesting how it went after that. Chasing after God. I am a church goer as well. Been doing that since I was a little girl. Even experienced the Holy Spirit while reading the Bible as a teenager. Recently I had an out of body experience where I was conscious the whole time from leaving the body and returning to it. I came back with an oval-shaped palm-sized ring in my hand until I went back into my human body of course. Not sure what the oval shape meant. So if anyone has any suggestions, love to hear them.
Psychic Gossip said…
Weir stuff done you and doggie will be fine cdx
Psychic Gossip said…
TW oval is representing an egg which means new beginnings for you ahead luv cdx
Anonymous said…
Christian, thank you for that info about the oval shape. Really appreciate that. New beginnings could do with those for sure.
T. W. said…
wrutestuff, thank you.

Are you in the states? If so, you have legal recourse. November rent is not due, even if it were, withhold it. She wants the money to buy drugs. What if you pay it now but she doesn't pay the rent/mortgage and you all get kicked out?

Get free consultations from attorneys. Some organizations help people with moving expenses, first and last month rent, security deposit, etc.

I would send her a registered letter stating you are with holding rent until the situation is remedied. Consult an attorney first if you can. You are legally obligated to keep the rent money in escrow, or at least have it somewhere safe because you are in the hook for back rent IF the situation is remedied. I doubt she will do anything so at least you have money when you move.

Your room mate is your landlord. She is doing something called "constructive eviction." You may be eligible for public housing or Section 8 housing because of it. You will be placed higher in the wait list or could be placed immediately. If you end up homeless that puts you higher on the list too.

You need to file police reports, dogs are considered property so she damaged your property as well as stole from you. Can you get anything caught on camera? Do you have witnesses willing to submit a notarized statement or testify on your behalf? This will help you get public housing or Section 8 housing. if you choose not to file a police report.

Constructive Eviction Links:
T. W. said…
Anonymous, I am glad you will experience new beginnings.

Sounds like these people took your money. Don't pay or contact astrologers or mediums, those are the Dark Arts. Psychic and intuitive gifts are real. We don't contact the dead, cast astrological charts, put out and read tarot card spreads, do astral projection, etc. Either we are tuned into God in such a way that we can receive info or we are not.

Have you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Holy Spirit shows us things to come. This baptism is extremely important because this marks us as belonging to God. Why worry about the Mark of the Beast when you can be marked by God?

You can receive this baptism today if you have not already. You can also request a free copy of "The Holy Spirit and the New You."

Contact AWMI if you are outside the US:
Jules said…
TW - My eyes welled up and I had a lump in my throat it felt as if a burst of energy came from my heart/chest when I read your forum post concerning the baptism of the holy spirit and I have an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

I know we are blessed with free will, but free will can also be our downfall I really urge everyone who reads this forum post to click on the links that TW has provided. God is very very real, he has not abandoned us, and don't let anyone tell you any differently.

Anonymous said…
T.W - thanks for the advice and it is all fine. Everyone has to find there own way. What is right for one person may be not right for another. I have not chosen some of the things that have happened in my life on an unworldly level and to this day I have no explanation for some of it but I have to accept it. Otherwise, I would end up in the funny farm. which I don't fancy one bit. :)
T. W. said…
Jules & Anonymous, I apologize for the late reply. I have been receiving ministry for about 17 hours today. I pray I can minister more effectively as a result.

Jules, your post blesses me and I am positive you are blessing others as well.

Anonymous, I understand. We all must make a decision based on the information we have. Also, you are correct about some things just happening for no known reason. That is a result of the fallen world. Take comfort in knowing this is all temporary and the present physical realm is not our true home.
Jules said…
TW - That's wonderful to hear, I have no doubt in my mind that our heavenly father will bless you further, you are literally saving souls.
T. W. said…
Jules, thank you for your kind words.
Anonymous said…
You guys are so amazing and wonderful, it’s so nice to have an amazing group of people here who just are ever so lovely and beautiful. I felt a warm burst of energy too. and Anon, writestuff, TW, Jules, CD and everyone else may God continue to bless you and work in all of our lives. Blessings do come in disguises and I had something amazing happen to me last weekend and I couldn’t be happier, Christian was right again! Everyone says I’m glowing and I’m just happy.
T. W. said…
We love you too Katelyn!

I am thrilled you have something good "cooking"!
Anonymous said…
I love you all too :) Yes I do T.W it’s not a bun in the oven but I met someone and I’mjust majorly on cloud nine XD
Jules said…
Katelyn - I am so pleased to hear that you too felt a warm burst of energy! Isn't it just wonderful!! If I have guessed correctly from TW words then I am absolutely thrilled for your happiness and may you continue to glow! Much love to you.
Unknown said…
katelyn, I am so pleased to hear that something amazing happened to you last weekend and thank you for your kind words.
T. W. said…
Lately, I pray this person is the one for you and that you have some little ones at the appropriate time. God bless you and your relationship!
Anonymous said…
You’re all welcome and Thank you all so much, you’re all so sweet. T.W, Jules, unknown, and everyone else I pray that God blesses you immensely too.
Anonymous said…
Blessed be all of you guys, I pray God will bless all of you immensely.

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