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Kavanaughs favourite saying...


Unknown said…
Well, I mean....this isn't like making comments like most of us have dealt with at the work place, this PIG obviously has some sexual oddities that would amount to him being a violent pervert. Again, we cannot ignore this, but as I pointed out from the start....they (rethugliCONS) shouldn't have allowed him through when the first LIE crossed his lips. They wanted to nail Clinton to a cross for a sexual liaison (not an affair, or even sex). They screamed non-stop for 2 decades....all during the stolen Bush presidency it was always, but Clinton....but Clinton. Then Bush went onto destroy our economy, squander a surplus, squander all our international good will, and rip off all of the regulations. .....I don't know about the rest of you, but we cannot AFFORD to have another rethugliCON in congress or the WH. We LITERALLY cannot afford it. It's too bad that people are so brainwashed that they don't understand the real reason Fox news was created, and the real reason there is so much animosity in congress and's because they (rethugs) created it to distract from those voting against their own best interests. It's so easy to grasp fo me, it makes me sick to watch the ignorant do this time after time.
T. W. said…
Oral sex is sex. Clinton told the truth when he said, "I did not sleep with that woman." She Monica Lewinsky performed oral sex on Clinton and then went about her day.

Judge Kavanaugh may have raped the judicial system but he will reap what he has sown.

I wish someone could identify a birthmark on him.
Jules said…
That drawing is so incredibly powerful.

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