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Th UKs' Trump wannabe...... aka Hitler in a hip suit..

Former EDL leader Tommy Robinson.
Is a moron....
A Nazi..........
A Facist........
A KKK fan...
Oh by the way.....
20 of his best friends....
Have just been jailed for the grooming and rape...
Of young girls.....


Tony said…
What is this world coming to?!! Again before I went on holiday I visited my elderly parents. My Dad is 89 and has dementia. Again he mentioned WW2. Stories I have never heard before. He talks as if it only happened yesterday. Now today we have these arseholes in the world. It's bloody frightening!!
T. W. said…
That person looks evil.

Tony, people have been blinded. Many choose to remain blinded. These things are no surprise to those of us who read and study Bible prophecy.

The end times will be like labor pains. The water breaks when the mass outpouring of the Holy Spirit takes place. Scripture sometimes describes Holy Spirit as "Living Water."

Joel Chapter 2 verses 28-29

"It will come about after this

That I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind;

And your sons and daughters will prophesy,

Your old men will dream dreams,

Your young men will see visions.

Even on the male and female servants

I will pour out My Spirit in those days."

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