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TOLD YA.. Took a while, but closer than ever.... NOW.....

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Not good....

I have a funny feeling that 
Lindsay Lohan 
is about to fall an almighty fall.
This time she won't get away with it either.


quiet said…
This is a good picture of her but i dont think she looks like this anymore.

She knows the jail drill in USA but if she is trying to take kids away from adults in another country and has no idea if they are the parents or not or if they are homeless and she ends up in jail will be hard for sean holly her american lawyer to fly to moscow and save her.

CyndiTx123 said…
She is sooo messed up....What happened to her along the way - how she succumb to being a has been that no one really cares for anymore...what in the world is she doing in Russia? So crazy... her ex bf will have her killed or use her and then have her knocked off... Pray she makes it out ok and she doesn't have a asthma attack.
T. W. said…
CyndiTx123, we all know what happens to child actors. It is an open secret.

The Kabbalah Center happened to Lindsey Lohan. Here are some articles :

1. Madonna’s Rabbi Yehuda Berg Sued For Sexual Assault And Threatening To Beat And Kill Student At The Kabbalah Center For Not Having Sex With Him

KABBALAH LEADER THREATENED TO 'F**KING KILL' ME!2014/01/17/kabbalah-centre-rabbi-yehuda-berg-lawsuit-battery-vicodin-alcohol-assault/

3. Top Rabbi at celebrity Kabbalah center 'molested student then threatened to kill her'

4. Men, Women And Children Are Being Raped By Members Of Hollywood's Kabbalah Cult (The Self-Styled Illuminati)

5. Hollywood's Kabbalah Cult Who Call Themselves The Illuminati Have Criminally Violated The U.S. Civil Rights Act

6. Lindsay Lohan Tried To Kidnap Two Children As She Descends Further Into Schizophrenia And Drug Use

7. Kabbalah Rabbi That Extracted $100,000 From Lebron James Thrown In Jail For Bribery

8. Crazy Madonna's Kabbalah Center Is Being Led By Violent Rapist Yehuda Berg

9. Madonna And Her Kabbalah Cult Have Been Issuing Death Threats Against People’s Children And Commissioning Acts Of Murder

10. Harvey Weinstein's Fellow Kabbalah Cult Member Luc Besson Under Criminal Investigation For Drugging And Raping A Young Woman

11. Madonna's Kabbalah Cult Targeting And Killing Jamaicans With The Support Of The FBI

12. Madonna's Kabbalah Cult Targeting And Killing Jamaicans With The Support Of The FBI - Part 2 (XXXTentacion)

13. Madonna And Her Kabbalah Cult Commit Commissioned Malicious Identity Theft (Florida ID Card, Social Security And Birth Certificate Stolen)

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