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And its only Monday


T. W. said…
Something about this is not quite right on both ends.

I won't talk about the Trump end, President Rump and his actions have already been discussed elsewhere.

I am not against migrants coming here for work. I detest the way they are treated once they come here. At least it is better than the treatment the Africans got when they were kidnapped and forced to work here. Human trafficking indeed.

At first, I thought the migrants were marching here to call attention to their plight. No problem from me on that.

You telling me poor migrants of various ages from some or every country in South and Central America got together and travelled by foot and vehicle to look for work in America at a time when America is divided?

Who is funding this? Even if they pooled their resources, they claim to be impoverished people looking for work.

How are they using the bathroom? Some people are bringing their children. Some women are of childbearing age. I don't want to be gross so I am sure you can figure out what I am saying. If not, ask a female relative.

Many people are on foot. The caravan started in South America. That is a long and dangerous trip to make in foot.

The migrants that were already here were rounded up and treated worse than dogs. Some of these migrants are here legally, some of the children are US citizens.

Even the mainstream press is reporting they are being trafficked and the children are being forced to take medications used to treat mental illness.

What does the caravan think will happen to them once they get to the border?
Kay said…
I'm totally sick over this. How can so many condone hate? How can so many not care about those who were unfortunate enough to be born in a 3rd world country? When is this going to stop???
T. W. said…
The mainstream press is not reporting the full truth about the caravan.

I do not know what their true intentions are but either way I fear this will not end well. They will be used as scapegoats for the coming US economic failure or for something else. They may be used as guinea pigs. I don't know but something bad is coming.

The bad thing can still be prevented.

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