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In just 6 months....

Since their wedding in May.
Harry & Meghan...
Have "LOST" three aides.
On who received a big cheque..
So as not to yak to the media...
Well, I did tell you this union.
Was/is a disaster ....
With even worse to come.
ps watch the baby bump move....


Letty said…
In no time Harry will be sick and tired of
Nagging Meghan
He will be sorry he married her! She seems so
Controlling and Harry is a free spirit

I wonder if he is already cheating on her
T. W. said…
Christian, you are sneaky!

Waiting for the excitement.

Don't forget the juiciest blind items will be revealed soon, I will keep everyone posted.
quiet said…
The baby bump move?

Is she faking her pregnancy and got a surrogate?
T. W. said…
quiet, ask Beyonce and see what answer you get.

The baby bump has already gone up and down in size several times. I am sick of these transgendered people pulling the wool over our eyes.

By transgenders I am not talking about people like Caitlin Jenner who are open and honest about it. He should have changed his name to "Chris" that would have been fun!
T. W. said…
Letty, you so sneaky, you know the answers already, ha ha ha!

People have been gossiping about how thin Prince Harry has become. Some people say he already looks miserable.

I'm gonna say it. Based on some old gossip I would not be surprised if Prince Harry has a special male friend. Remember that wedding he took Meghan to?

These elites and A-list celebrities are in the occult. Bisexuality is a way they honor their beloved Lucifer (Goat Lucy, Baphomet, The Old One, Old Slew Foot, The Dark Lord, etc. )
karen said…
The case of the incredible moving day she looks 6 months next day flat as a pancake lol ....

Surrogate for sure....
Yes having 3 staff leaving in a few months speaks volumes....Thank you CD
yep said…
Will be interesting to see how long this marriage lasts. I have to say she often looks bored at royal events and doesn't look too happy when she has to share the spotlight with other royals. She probably thought it would be all Hollywood (red carpets, glam,...). I think she will file for divorce after two kids/meal tickets and will go back to America.
JMO said…
I don't know what it is but I don't like Meghan Markle. She always has this weird smirk on her face, like she "won". I think she will be trouble after their divorce, writing tell all books, giving interviews and so on. She will play the victim and Harry and the rest of his family will be the evil ones.
Apple Monkey said…
I think Harry looks so miserable. During Eugenie’s wedding, Meghan did an eye roll in the church. During the tour, I think it was the Tonga President who held his hand out for a handshake and Meghan immediately shook his hand. Harry dropped his frustrated. I also thought it was very telling that she was at a separate balcony from the Queen, Camilla and Kate. She’s full of her self importance.
Apple Monkey x
Dianne Kalk said…
Bruce Jenner is not a transexual. He is a cross-dresser.
T. W. said…
Apple Monkey, thank you for sharing the tea. I did not know any if this.
T. W. said…
Love you Apple Monkey!

Stay safe California Friends!
Jules said…
I agree with Dianne Kalk!!!!!
Jules said…
With regards to the pregnancy, it's as fake as their relationship.

Anonymous said…
Doubt the eggs are hers. Don't see them taking the risk of a brown baby or having her in the bloodline.
Dianne Kalk said…
Hi T.W., btw, thank you for your service to your country. I have been reading your numerous comments about women who look masculine, etc, etc. While you are certainly entitled to your opinion, I am speaking from first-hand knowledge about any person who changes his or her birth gender. A member of my extended family, who I grew up with (not myself, although I do have square shoulders a la Princess Diana, proportional to my height...currently about 5 foot 2...I'm pretty old (76)).
What this family member said, unannounced, from the age of 4 or so, was that he/she wanted to be the opposite sex! This family member's comments about wanting to be the opposite sex never changed, nor did anyone ever challenge this person about his/her wishes. Eventually the switch was enacted, the hormones used, as much as could be done at that time. And, the family member was now called by a gender suitable name. Pretty much the whole story. This family member found love...twice!
My comment about Bruce/Caitlin Jenner is explained by the fact that when he/she claimed to want to change gender, his willy was never chopped, to be perfectly blunt about it. If he had really wished to be female, in his heart of hearts, in his inner core, that would have been his first operation towards change of gender. It's evident to me that he is a publicity hog, aware of his athletic accomplishments, but feeling that fame had now passed him by. I think it is simply a scheme for his wanting adulation from a new public who were not around when he was in the Olympics all those years ago. His appearance on well-known magazine covers, appearances on tv show, and on and on, were adding to his bank account. The old lion was being lionized again! A book would be the next obvious action. Maybe he has already written one. Yes, I know that he/she had some contouring on his adam's apple. So what. Everyone, male or female, wants good skin and hair. And most people want nice duds. So, he/she is a cross-dresser, a transvestite, whatever. If Bruce/Caitlin is happy, we are all happy. Life goes on.

Thus, perhaps you and others can understand that some of your comments greatly offend me, and perhaps others as well.
Anonymous said…
Sending positive energy, love and light to Harry, Meghan and their baby. I have a lot of empathy for them. May they be shielded from hate.
Unknown said…
Ok interesting. All I'm saying is that I never got a good "vibe" from Harry and Meghan. It's not a good match and I knew I knew it wouldn't work. I thought they'd have figured out before getting married. It just goes to show ya....maybe long engagements are preferable. What's the hurry? The other thing that sort of bothered me a tad was his face on TV he's trying o be an American celebrity. I was This is not cool or right. It just "felt" wrong. It's hard to describe...
T. W. said…
Diane Kalk,

It is January, I am just now reading your comments. Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts and feelings. I do see how people are offended.

Yeah, we can't call someone transgedered because of a few physical features. I will say I know of several smoking guns and even with those 1 of them cannot be faked and another can be "explained" by medical conditions. Some of the transvestigation videos on YouTube are amateurish, I can't watch. I feel they are disinformation agents.

DNA tests will show if one is male or female. If a Y chromosome is present, the person is male, I don't care how they FEEL.

As far as your relative, the person was a child when they made their statement, adults should have corrected them. If a four year old says they are mature enough to drive a car I would laugh. If a 4 year old is mature enough to want to "change genders" then the child is mature enough to drink, smoke, serve in the military, and have sex.

What if a child who believes this no longer believes this when they are let's say, 21 years old but their parents have already taken steps for the person to transition during childhood?

There are a multitude of reports if mature adults who transitioned regretting their decision.

As for Caitlyn Jenner, I don't blame him for keeping his penis. Surgically created vagina's do not self clean and the person has to use rids on a daily basis to keep the hole from closing. Some MTF report they cannot feel "sensation" during sex.

By the way, Caitlin has not looked happy in a long time.
Anonymous said…
Harry is nothing to write home about. An immature, overweight, drinking playboy until he met her. He should be grateful.

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