The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
She was very young
She is ex wife of P Diddy!
My question is did P Diddy blood sacrifice
Kim Porter ???
His career has not been going anywhere for
A while
Let’s see how his career takes off now that
He gave the Illuminati their blood sacrifice
Danica looks like a she-male.
Look, I was in the military. A physically fit female will still appear feminine unless she is on performance enhancing drugs.
I tell you. Hollywood is full of handsome women and beautiful men...
YouTube comments sections are blowing up wuth this story. Let's see what RC Robot (Real Conspiracy Channel) has to say. RC's videos are funny and short but he(?) has no chill.
Once you know what to look for you can't help but see that almost all these celebs are "switched." And not just celebs either.
Why do the actors look like they had surgery to have breast tissue removed?
Why do some actors have a feminine arch at the small of their backs?
Why do the actresses have hands and feet bigger than the actors?
Why are their fingers longer than the actors?
Why do the actresses have wide necks, a visible trachea, and an Adam's Apple?
Why do the actresses have Adonis Belts? Only biological males have that.
Oops I exposed their secret!!!
Why is almost everyone in Hollywood gay? If someone presenting as male claims he is gay but he is a biological female genetically is he a gay man or a straight woman?
Oops, I exposed another secret!!!
These people worship Baphomet (Satan,Lucifer). Baphomet is a hermaphrodite half human half goat.
By the way, have you noticed all these stories about women breast feeding their older children? They say it comforts the child.
See, I've been stressed lately and need comfort. I'm an adult but let me suck on your tittie.
I don't understand, I heard the tittie hurts when you nurse a baby. Why you gonna let your elementary school aged child suck on it?
That sounds like some fetish $hit.
THEY want to desensitize society to pedophilia so they can get it decriminalized.
THEY need it decriminalized because pedophilia activities are part of occult/Satanic rituals.
Don't believe me? Read Alistair Crowley's works. Just make sure you got some real Christians on standby to cast out any and all demons that may show up.
Making Pedophilia acceptable is one of their main goals.