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Kay said…
The increase in hate crimes is terrible. I've seen videos of people yelling at others because they speak Spanish. What in the hell is going on? All of us are different on the outside, but we are all just people on the inside, not any different from anyone else. Trump has revealed the ugly underbelly of our country and this needs to stop.

I live in Colorado, and I've read that Colorado is a Microcosm of the United States. We just elected a wonderful man to be our Governor, Jerald Polis, an openly Gay man that so many of us love. With effort, we can change our country and influence others to be more accepting. We're doing it here and it can be done, with effort, in other states. I know that many states are backward, but we have to try.


Letty said…
I see the beginning of the end for trump
With the withdrawal of troops in Syria
T. W. said…
Unknown/Kay, maybe everyone in Colorado is calm from all that marijuana. Just kidding a little bit! Yes, love wins.

Letty, I agree with you. We need to pray for the Syrians. I am personally convinced Trump is doing things that will lead to dreaded End Times events. These things may not happen during his term or within the near future but they are coming. When you see Damascus destroyed you know it's crunch time.
T. W. said…
Fox News' Tucker Carlson Gets Called Out On Racist Rhetoric By Own Guest
CyndiTx123 said…
KAY aka unknown.... I loved your comment. I wished Texas had your governor to govern us. This hate - prejudices need to stop. It's so crazy how people are thinking... Trump is ruining the US and it's people. I just saw Pelosi and Schummer give a talk regarding Mattis just resigned... Why can't someone go in and tell trump is not of the healthy mind to run the USA and remove him from office.... It's getting out of hand.... I pray for peace and health for all of USA.
Syria and the troops ... Russia in cahoots with Syria.... they are loving this....
T. W. said…
All the Friends have told the truth.

CyndiTx123, in my opinion which may or may not be based upon personal experience, people who experience mental health issues know the problem is manifesting.

The trouble with Amerikkka is that some people enjoy being mentally ill. I am serious. Aliestair Crowley and "rabbi" Yehudah Berg of the infamous Kabbakah Center teach that being mentally ill is desirable.

So now Amerikkka has a large number of people enjoying being ill. Keep in mind that drug and alcohol addiction are considered mental illness. People rejoice because they can legally smoke marijuana.

These people are not going to push for Fuhrer Trump to be removed from office because they think mental illness and altered states of consciousness are fun and healthy.

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