The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Star Magazine claims Prince William and Duchess Catherine are expecting a baby girl.
Prince William does not look well in that photo...
This is a THEORY based on some things I have read and seen many years ago. I am not saying I believe this. I am not saying this is true. I am also not saying this is impossible:
As you know, Prince William has a coat of arms. The books of Daniel and Revelation describe the final seven years of man's rule on this earth, the Antichrist, the beast, and the false prophet. Both these books are full of symbolism but you have to read Daniel to interpret the symbols.
Anyhow, someone had a pic of William's coat of arms and did an analysis claiming he will be The Antichrist.
If this is true, my theory is something happened to Prince William when he took that trip to the Middle East. Remember, Christian warned him not to go. Christian said that if William lived to return he would never be the same. He would change in a bad way. What if the real Prince William is dead but the AntiChrist spirit took over his flesh body so the final phase of The Program can take place?
Sounds far fetched, I know. I hope this is just conjecture but in my experience the truth is often stranger than fiction.
Keep in mind spirit beings need to inhabit a flesh body to do what they want. They can roam the earth in their true form for only a short time period.
I do not know what happened to Prince William but he does not look the same, he has not acted the same, he looks absolutely terrible and miserable.
rom the Engagement
Like Harry what have you done
As long as she is there he will have issues
With William
I do remember what CD said about Prince William.I breathed a sign of relief when he returned after that trip.
Something is not quite right with him I just thought it was from the Harry/Markle mess.
Your theory though on this is quite interesting.Your knowledge on things is really amazing.Thank you
Here are some interesting videos from BBC International regarding the anti-christ for anyone who is interested..
REVEALING Clues to Who is the Antichrist - Dr. Gene Kim
The Antichrist Didn't Reveal His Identity...BUT HE'S HERE! - Dr. Gene
Gender & Religious Preferences of the Antichrist - Dr. Gene Kim
See the Antichrist before the Rapture? (2 Thess 2)
Who's the Antichrist's Bloodline? YOU!!! Prince Harry & Markle's Royal Wedding - Dr. Gene Kim
Falling out with your sibling is never nice, I can well imagine falling out with a very close sibling must be a nightmare, as it would turn your whole world upside down. William must be livid with Harry. This is going to get very ugly and very messy.
Maira Kirana - LOL!
Jules - Perhaps it would not have been good for Christian's health to reveal what he saw.
Karen - You are most welcome.
Anonymous - I agree with you. I think someone got dickmatized too.
Letty - I agree with you.
Jules - Thank you for the links! The theory is based on things I have seen and read about 20 years ago. I remember it now because of a book I am reading now. I fall out with my siblings all the time. Unless The AntiChrist has taken over William's body I think the brothers will be fine.
CD, I recommend paying attention to this astrologer's videos for extra insights, if you think it appropriate.
Meghan Markle inspires Prince Harry to opt out of decades-old royal holiday tradition: report
I do not know who The Anti Christ is but I do know it will be a man beloved by all.
I could not give the video my full attention, I will watch again.
I wanted to say two things:
1. I am not sure if the astrologer is saying Edward Snowmen is The Antichrist or is a candidate.
2. Snowden was born in Elizabeth City, NC. It is a tiny college town on the coast. There is nothing there. I have been there twice and that town has low vibrational energy. If you know anyone wanting to attend Elizabeth City State University, tell them to run.
The book that made me think of Prince William is called "Agents of the Apocalypse." No, it does not say he is the Anti Christ. I do not want to spoil the book so I will not tell you why it made me think of Wills. Go here to order a hard copy:
Book Summary:
In Agents of the Apocalypse, you will become acquainted with the ten most prominent players in the book of Revelation—those who are the primary agents of the apocalypse. As we gain understanding about these key individuals in God’s master plan for this world, it will strengthen our resolve to stand firm even in the face of worsening circumstances. This book reveals the overarching truth of Revelation—that the Christian’s victory in Christ is an absolute certainty. Features: Ten Chapters including: The Exile, The Martyrs, The 144,000, The Dragon, The Beast from the Earth, The Beast from the Sea, The Victor, The King, The Judge Fictional introductory account for each chapter followed by “The Scripture Behind the Story” Informative charts throughout the book Hardback book Pages:304
Personally, I think the main player in all of this will be someone that is, as yet, unknown to the world. He will be intellectual, seductive, charismatic, and people of all faiths and cultures will flock to him. The minute he steps foot on the world's stage there will be no doubting who he is.